
Chapter 371 - 371. Scrap

"How is Art not home yet?" Cara had been pacing since they returned back tp their house. Jane had come with them end decided to stay for dinner. The only problem was that Art was still not home and they were all getting worried. 

"I know he isn\'t back yet. But he is probably emotional. He just had a biog talk with his brother." There were other reasons that Jane could think of but she didn\'t want to say them out loud. She was worried that there was the possibility that Art had fallen in to a worse situation. 

"I will go get him. Don\'t wait up for us." Asher had been sitting on the couch with his head in his hands hoping that Art would be able to make it back home without worry. But he had waited long enough and it was time for him to go and retrieve rt. Asher knew exactly where he was now. 

"What do you mean you are going to get him? Where is he?" Cara and Jane both yelled after him as Asher shut the door behind him to keep them from following. He knew that Art wouldn\'t want a million questions at the moment. Asher also had the hope that they would heed his words and go to sleep instead of waiting up for them. But this was a lot more to ask than anything else. 

"I said stay there I will get him." Asher glared at the door which had started to crack open behind him. Neither of the girls had heard Asher use such a harsh tone and followed his order. They weren\'t necessarily afraid of him but they could feel how serious he was. They could tell this was something very important between him and Art. 

After starting to jog, Asher pointed himself down the street toward the industrial district of the city. There were plenty of warehouses, some small factories, and most importantly, a scrap yard. The streets were dark but Asher found himself easily maneuvering through them without any issue. People didn\'t come down this way after a certain hour since people didn\'t like being around the places so many people worked. Most wouldn\'t even like to be there during the day when they were getting paid. 

The metal that loomed over the small street lamp was enough to bring anyone to their fears. There was even the smell of rusting iron from recent rains and the cool night breeze. "I knew you would be over here abusing whatever metal you could. You might want to find a better secret place to take your anger out on." Asher had been able to guess where Art was easily. No one would care if scrap metal was broken even more. 

"I didn\'t come here to abuse my super power. It\'s called training." ASsher would have considered Art\'s lie if there weren\'t broken pieces of scrap metal all around him. There was even a car that looked like it had been used as target practice for chucks of metal forced in to balls. 

"Riiggghhhttt, so you want to come home or just stay here all night?" Asher waited a minute before he walked up to Art and stood next to him. "You know I can see you shivering. It\'s cold." Asher tossed his jacket over Art\'s head. 

"Yeah, it\'s cold bro…" Art just stood there without trying to move the coat that now covered his face. Asher knew all too well that the shaking wasn\'t Art shivering. "I just don\'t get hopw he thinks he did everything right. He wouldn\'t even accept that he had done anything wrong." The words that barely managed to escape Art\'s mouth were heavier than anything else he had wanted to say. 

"When someone thinks they are taking the best option to protect something, they might convince themselves they were in the right. It might take time for him to see another point of view. But be sure, he does know he hurt you." Art fell to his knees after Asher finished speaking. 

"He said that he and my parents were testing things and it was going well. He was just a new hero with no reputation at all. Then things started to work and hero corp invested more money and the research went to other\'s labs. But there were only so many people that could manipulate metal as a super power. Hero corp wanted me to join the research if I gained the super power. But instead, my brother signed away his own life as a researcher and set everything I have been through up. He was selfish!" Art\'s anger echoed against the scrap metal around them. Some small pieces pushed away from him in his unstable emotional wave. 

"That\'s family though. If Cara needed to get somewhere I would make sure it happened. He made sure of what he thought would protect you. It did to a degree. You can follow your dreams instead of working in a lab for your whole entire life. If anything was different, I might not be who I am and you who you are. What if we had never met that day?" Art began t imagine himself forced to continue experiment after experiment to make some better evo shot. 

The tears that flowed from Art\'s face and dropped to the ground were finally slowing and stopping. "He said that I should move away and start somewhere better now that I have access to my account again. But I won\'t do that. I will buy us our headquarters and we will start as soon as possible. I want to be a hero that no one can touch. Even hero corp won\'t be able to send me to their will. Any villain-" Art caught the words in his thought.

"Any villain that even tries to hurt our family will find themselves on the island faster than they can blink." Asher knew that finishing the phrase was enough to snap Art from his emotional moment. The prison known as the island was where the worst prisoners would be held for most of the rest of their lives. It was constantly featured in the news when a villain was captured and put through trial. It was one major reason that people could sleep soundly at night. 

The two were silent again for some time before Art finally stood up and handed the jacket back. "I think I warmed up enough…" Asher pulled At with him as he started to walk home. 

"You know we might need to investigate all of these thing revolving the double does and the attacks, right?" Asher wanted to make sure that Art had actually made it to the same page he was on. 

"Yes, I do. I also know that I will be making sure the security update to whatever I buy is even better than what might show u the net day." Art was dead set on having the safest place possible for everyone even if the villains attacked in mass. This wasn\'t the top of the worried list but it was something that could happen at any time if the villain group realized they needed a metal user and Art qualified. 

"I know you will. But first, let\'s go inside and eat something. You have been gone all day and I wasn\'t planning to eat without you. I\'m sure that Cara and Jane are still awake waiting for you to get back." Asher had no sooner opened the door than he was greeted with the sight of Cara and Jane asleep on opposite sides of the couch. 

"Alright, maybe we just grab food and sneak to our rooms." Asher wanted to laugh and Art would have as well. But they were still a little serious and Art was starting to feel the mental soreness that came from him using his super power too much. 

Asher was still worried about Jackson but this was not something he could fix. Instead, he needed some time to get through everything that had been spoken about. There\'s also the small facts his brother had dropped about the villains while they spoke. Art had a feeling that learning about them would help him avoid trouble in the future. If all went well then the villain group could be captured sooner than later. It would calm the public for sure and make the city a safer place overall.

After some time, Asher found himself sitting on the edge of this bed. He wanted to sleep but he didn\'t want t just leave Art awake all night even though they had gone to separate rooms. There was also the desire to think up his own training plan. Asher felt that the group could push themselves to be even better with more training. So much o that they would be able to become super heroes much sooner than most other hero would be able to do. The idea hit him like a brick. The groups\' next goal was to become the normal first step to being a hero.. They would become sidekicks or assistants to heroes.

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