
Chapter 372 - 372. The Group Needs

"HA! Asher has some good humor this morning." Cara was completely lost when it came to her brother\'s humor. The joke that they should all look ion to becoming some kind of hero sidekick or even train with them was crazy. Only those in university would be able to do something like that, let alone convince a parent to allow a child to go in to such a danger. 

"I\'m serious. I thought about it all night. We should start taking steps to be a sidekick or a lower member of another hero group. We don\'t need to sign anything and fall under them since we will just be there for educational purposes." There was a deadly serious look in Ashers\' eyes. He was set on this. The group needed another goal to move forward and push themselves. This was that goal. The group had to find a current hero with experience to guide them. 

"I need to sleep over here more often to study with Cara and hear these dramatic ideas. If this is every day\'s breakfast…" Jane was blown away. She had slept over and studied with Cara so that she could get a better handle on the classes she had been stuck on when it came to the academic app. But now she was eating a bowl of cereal with them and watching this conversation unfold. 

"You know that this is about you too? You can\'t just stare in to Asher\'s eyes and blindly follow him." There was a little annoyance in Art\'s voice. He wasn\'t sure if it was the lack of sleep but he couldn\'t handle the small joke well. 

"You\'re right. It is about me too. We will start by asking coach Winter\'s to mentor us. She used to be a hero at one point. Or did you not know? Maybe Garnet will help too. She was also a hero before she retired.." Jane threw here idea in Art\'s face for some revenge which stunned him. Not only was he tired, but his brain was a little foggy because of the tiredness. He had not expected Jane to snap back with an instant and perfect plan. 

"They both might work us to death…but you have a really good plan. Especially if we can get the pair to work together." Asher was combining the two ideas in to one. It was sure to bring a little more drama since they two were rivals. However, since they had been former heroes, they would be able to show the group the ropes. There were plenty of old connections and tricks of the trade that the party could pick up. 

"Technically they are both already investing in your groups. You guys told me that coach Winters already shared the training videos with you guys. She would only do something like that if she really liked you. Plus, the last student I heard she gave it to was that guy with the turtle shell who became one of the most popular defensive time heroes." Cara had seen the guy on the hero ranking before. They were not only one of the highest defensive ranked heroes but was famous for the speed that they had when it came to finishing the university graduation requirements. They had broken multiple records. 

"Wait, he went to our school!?" Art had never made the connection even though he was a slight fanatic when it came to the popular heroes in their society. "That explains why we have an even better chance of a bright future. The schools that graduate heroes always get way better government allotment of funds. That explains camp jewel and a bunch of the higher technology we have for training. Plus the fact that they give out very good prizes when people accomplish certain goals." Everything made a lot more sense now. Graduating one more hero was considered a huge bonus for the school budget.

"Imagine what the school would get when we all become heroes. I bet they will become the top high school ever. There will be universities that send every single scout they have to check out the students." Asher was almost laughing at the mental image of a group of scouts trying to peak in the windows for a hidden talent. 

"That means we also have a higher chance at a scholarship to university if we are from, a school that already graduated a hero before. It will be good to put our parents at ease. But back to the main topic. We need to get in touch with coach Winters\' and Garnet. I will tell the rest of the group. Jane can contact coach Winters since she seems to have the best bond with her. Asher, you need to talk to Garnet. You seem to be the one she has her eye on the most. Art, get focused on that mansion. The sooner we have you and your metal super power stuff locked behind some more fences the better I will feel about the whole, evil villain group after you for your super power thing." 

None of the three argued with Cara as she started to send the group chats explaining the plans. The group was responsive immediately while Jane sent a very formal email to coach Winter\'s private account. Apparently, coach Winters had given Jane the real email so that she was able to ask more questions and grow faster. The martial arts that Jane was learning and that coach Winters used were very similar and it caused coach Winters to be reminded of her younger years. 

Art ended up locked in his room with the computer and his phone. His voice came through the walls as he spoke to the realtor agent after agent. This was his goal to get the best possible place for all of them to live and remain safely there until they were better than any other group out there. For the group, this was not something that would happen by accident. This was something they would achieve after their hard work. Theft would be the best heroes.

Out of all of this Asher felt that Cara had won out.. She had the least stressful job of telling the rest of the group the plan. He knew that the others were fine with this kind of thing too. Therefore, Cara wouldn\'t have to explain things multiple times or even convince them. She just got to return to her cereal bowl and fill it up for another meal before she started frugally playing shadow tag in her foot work stance.

After a deep sigh, Asher sifted through his wallet to find a business card he had gotten from, Garnet. It had originally been given to him when they left camp. It was once thing that she had sneakily handed him in hopes that he might want to come and learn under her to be a martial artist. She would still train him, but it made him wonder why she had quit being a hero in the first place. 

The phone was ringing in his hand before he finally heard the receiver pick up. "Hello, Garnet? this is Asher." 

"Huh? What are you after now? You decided to give up on the group thing and come back to the mountains with me? I won\'t send you on too many laps of the camp. We can do them on the treadmill." Asher had already known this would come. But it was better to clear it off the table now than later. If it stuck around then Garnet might try to make the move yet again to recruit him. 

"I actually have another matter. I was hoping I could ask you for guidance. I know that you were once a hero, I was wondering if you could train the group and teach me a few things that might be important for was to keep growing toward being heroes. I know we can\'t just get there alone and need a former hero to help us get there." Asher used his sweetest and most polite voice. But he still stood there waiting for a reply. 

"Fine. But you will not be allowed to ask me what reasons I have for retiring and returning to the family camps. I went there and have made camp jewel even better than it was before. Also, if any of you complain during my training, that\'s it. That person will be kicked from the room and not allowed back. Understood?" Asher was a little stunned that it had been so easy. 

"Yes, I understand. Can we meet at the school gym tomorrow?" He needed to set a fate and such ti make sure that it would all work out as planned. 

"Fine. Just be ready for the hardest training yet. I will have extra for you to do since you seem to be their leader." The phone clicked off and Asher just sat down in surprise. 

"Huh, you even beat Jane to the end." Cara half heartedly commented before returning to her food.. She didn\'t even try to sympathize with Asher. 

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