
Chapter 370 - 370. Innocent

"I\'m surprised your family just let you take over the entire back yard like this." Laura was trying to explore the different things that Jackson had planted. She was wondering how parents would be so cool with this. They literally let their child\'s hobby take over. 

"They don\'t care much. Mostly because they want the produce for their fall out shelter. My parents are big doomsday prepper type people. They think the next step is mutants or something. But other than that they are the same as others, just very prepared. I\'m lucky they aren\'t crazy." This fact about Jacksons\' family was a little outrageous. Non one in the group knew this. 

"Why are you looking at me like that? I thought Sammy would have told everyone. She has seen the basement. It\'s literally three times the size of the house. Honestly, since my dad has a minor super power for earth manipulation it could be even bigger. I think that\'s why he likes the doomsday prep thing. His powers are perfect for it." Jackson was just dropping bomb after bomb on Laura. 

"What do you mean Sammy has been over and explored the basement? Wait, the basement is three times bigger than the house? That\'s insane?" To Laura, this was a roller coaster of new facts that shook her. 

"Yeah, my father started to get in to it as a safety thing for whatever reason, my mother met him and they shared their desire to be prepared for natural disasters. They avoid most other doomsday preppers though. They get really in to political stuff and conspiracies. My parents just want to be prepared. Before we moved up from down south the doomsday shelter protected us from a tornado. I think it\'s useful." There were still too many questions that were not answered. Laura felt like she was just there to listen to personality breaking facts about Jackson. 

"But- but, I, um… So, Sammy came over here and had a tour?" The most normal aspect of this was the doomsday prep. Laura forced herself to see it as normal and focus on one thing. 

"Of course she did. We train together when we have free time. Plus I took her out to a movie the other day after we all got home from Ashers\'. My parents wanted to meet her and I figured out that my father actually got along with her pretty well. I was worried since she was wind and my father is earth. You know, opposites not liking each other thing. But it went pretty well. Never expected introducing my girlfriend to my parents would be so easy." That was a calm and matter of fact side of Jackson that could only show when he was in his own territory. 

The garden and the smell of the soil was where Jackson felt truly at home. Therefore, he didn\'t fear explaining all of this to Laura. There was also the fact that he wasn\'t someone to make a big deal about anything. He was lowkey. He wanted peace, his plants, and an enjoyable life. If he could also help people and make their lives better, then that was even better. Hence part of his reason to become a super hero. 

"Sammy and You are girlfriend and boyfriend?!! How did we not notice this!?" Laura had been beside herself so far and finally felt something in her mind break. She sat down with a huff and just looked at Jackson who was a little frozen. 

"Is something wrong? I thought it was normal when you liked someone you ask them out and to be your girlfriend? Did I do it wrong?" The innocence that Jackson had was just too pure. Laura was not sure how to react. This was too much to handle. All she could do was take a deep breath and reply as if everything was normal and her mind wasn\'t running a million miles an hour trying to fathom all of this. 

"Well, yes. You did it right. I just can\'t believe all of this at once. Sammy hasn\'t said anything about this. I would have thought she would talk about it a lot or something. Then your parents have a crazy hobby but act normally and no one would ever be able to guess it. Plus you have a massive garden where you crossbreed plants and stuff. Shouldn\'t you be some super crazy farmer instead of a super hero? I can\'t believe I didn\'t know any of this." 

While looking at Laura, Jackson began to have a thought, "I should probably have everyone over for dinner. The group hasn\'t gotten to really meet my family. If Art is really buying that mansion then my father will want to make another shelter. That means a lot of things to move. Thanks for bringing it to mind." Jackson just held his head with his hands while trying to figure out how it would all work. 

"Ugh, I thought these days would be easy but now my brain feels like a bowl of jelly. I should have gone out to do another job instead of calling it done for the day." This was a minor regret for Laura since she was secretly happy to be in on the gossip about Jackson and Sammy dating. Unfortunately, it lost its luster since Jackson was too innocent to even feel embarrassed about it. He was just too pure. 

"Hey, would you still work that delivery job of yours if you moved in with Art in the mansion he\'s buying for the group?" Part of Jackson wasn\'t sure if everyone would join in even though they had more or less agreed. 

"Of course I will. My parents shouldn\'t be holding the whole burden for my snacking. The money they make should go to all the things they want to do. They already covered my medical bills while they figured out how to counter my super power…"  This had weighed on Laura a lot. 

"Then just come here and take whatever you want. I have plenty of food we can cook and set up for snacks. I hate to waste it and I already have plenty of compost for the soil anyways. Plus, if we move there will; be even more room for more plants." 

"I couldn-" 

"Yes, you can. You are part of the group and in return you can just help out with the plants some days. I can\'t always water them." Jackson became intimidating in an instant. He was not taking no for an answer. "Now you don\'t have to work another part time job and can have free time to do what you want. You could even go hand out with Louis more." 

Laura jerked back and pretended not to hear the last part. "So you hire me as a gardener and I get paid in food to make snacks from. Or I have Art make me snacks. I like the plan and I accept the position." Jackson had a small smile knowing that Laura was avoiding what he had said about Louis. He as well as everyone else but Louis and Laura seemed to know that the two got very quiet when they were left alone. 

"Jackson, are you in the greenhouse? Bring that yellow squash in for dinner later. It will go perfect with the roasted green beans." The woman that called for Jackson was his mother. It was the usual call for whatever fresh food she was in the mood for. 

"Ah, your timing is perfect, I can show you the best produce in the whole city if you want to stay for dinner. My mother cooks up a great homemade pasta. Just pretend you have never tasted Arts\' cooking. Also while we wait we can send a group message to invite the group here for dinner tomorrow." Jackson and Laura headed inside. Laura was still a little shaken based on everything that had happened. However, she still deleted the delivery app on her phone that second. 

"Huh, Jackson just sent a group message saying dinner was at his house tomorrow. Should be good since he was telling me that his snap pea plants just finished growing the other day." Asher could remember Jackson being excited about picking the snap peas and bragging about it. 

"That should be fin. I haven\'t really seen Jacksons\' house. I bet the entire house is just an underground house so he could make the whole yard in to a garden." Cara made a small joke that was almost too true. 

"I\'m just glad he had been branching out more lately. I always feel like he is uncomfortable when he is out and about. Well, until he is out with nature. I swear he was talking everyones\' ears off while we were doing that wilderness exercise." Jane clearly remembered Jackson giving lesson after lesson to the other students about wildlife survival. It was clear that he had opened up back then and couldn\'t help it.. Not that this was a problem, for the group, Jackson was their outdoor survival expert. 

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