
Chapter 83: Parting and Training

Chapter 83: Parting and Training

Slowly opening my eyes, I realized that I was sleeping alone in the bed. I couldn’t wrap my head around what had happened.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I reflected on a wild night I shared with Isabella last night.

For the first time in this world, I spent time with a woman, and boy. It turned out to be a wild night.

Yet she left without telling me anything. The thought would have crossed her mind that she would be unable to leave me if I stopped her.

To be honest, I wouldn’t have stopped her from going. She has her own goals, just as I have mine.

Still, I would miss her terribly.

Standing up, I stored everything in the inventory. The scenery of this place was astounding, and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.

It’s probably been a while since I’ve sat and stared at the waterfall, but I know for sure I’ll never get bored with this view.

In the end, I decided to devote more time to my firepower in order to master it. Considering this place is surrounded by water, any accident will be easy to handle.

That was the beginning of my boring routine.

My exercise routine, my control of firepower, and then my hunt of the sheep-like creature continued from morning till evening.

Slowly but surely, I gained more control over the fire. From the spark, I managed to produce a fireball the size of a strawberry, but it got out of control. Thank goodness I was near the waterfall, as I quickly stepped under it and that fireball vanished.

However, creating that fireball was exhausting. Now I understand why Isabella had such an enormous appetite.

Powers like these would burn the energy up incredibly fast. 

But it didn’t matter to me, as I was so thrilled that I had finally created the fireball.

In the same way, I started my rigorous training in fire control. Finally, things changed for me. Within a week of training, I could create a fireball that was about the size of an orange.

As I always stood under the waterfall whenever there was an accident, I don’t know how much water evaporated.

After one month of training, I could control the fire freely. I can even control the size of my fireball.

After training for the entire month, I learned that I could even use the fire on any part of my body.

After realizing this fact, a lot of strange ideas came to my mind, but I ignored all of them.

I considered every possibility and began training for it. Anyway, I still have a lot of time to spend in this jungle.

Sometimes, I miss the time I spent with Diana and Isabella. It’s been over a month since I heard their voices.

Sometimes I felt someone was watching over me, but I did not find anyone.

I even started barbecuing with my Power to practice, and I must say, it was the best way to improve. It required perfect temperature control, and I continued my training accordingly.

Eve even taught me how to control the power in specific areas of my body. After a month of practicing like crazy, I was able to use the firepower perfectly.

Similarly, I can even float in the air for a while, but that burns all of my energy.

I had been practicing like a madman for almost two months, but the result was in front of me.

My skills in using fire have improved greatly. I can even shoot fireballs as tiny as a fly at bullet speed.

I have more control over my power after practicing the routine for over two months.

From time to time, I wished Isabella could be with me, so I could show off my power. The way I can control the fire, perhaps I am better than her.

These past two months, I have gotten even better at sword proficiency and shooting, and I have even hunted with them.

I have become much more powerful than I was when I first entered the forest.

In fact, I could even tell that if I ran into that guy who did hurt me in the village, I would tell him what punishment he would get for messing with me.

The time has come for me to leave this beautiful place. There are burn marks all over the place near the waterfall, but it adds to the beauty of this place.

After looking at the waterfall one last time, I walked away. It holds a special place in my heart. This is where I spent my two months training and my night with Isabella.

The map generated by Eve depicts every area flawlessly, including the animals’ levels in each area.

That’s when I started my hunt. The more practice I get with these skills, the better I become at using them. My opponents would be these powerful creatures.

Though I know that I should not rely too much on my power and skills, how will I be successful in the fight without using them?

There was one area I chose, which contained the mid-level users, and it was quite a distance away from where I was.

My journey to that place took almost two days, even running at my maximum speed. 

I have even used Supreme speed occasionally to cut down travel time. In fact, it increased my traveling time instead.

As soon as my power was increased, I did not use the Supreme Speed any more. As a result of using the skill, my speed increased so much that I collided with the trees multiple times. Therefore, I decided to train with my supreme speed.

It felt like I was teleporting, as my speed increased greatly.

After this experience, I started practicing with all my skills. It should not be the case that I cannot use it in combat.

After I upgraded my skill level to 100 meters, I haven’t used teleportation to its full potential. At the time I was killing those jerks, the maximum distance I could travel using teleportation was thirty meters. However, I was so fast they had no chance to react to me.

I managed to teleport 50 meters this time. I felt some pain at first, but it was manageable. As I traveled to the designated area, I practiced all my skills.

I even met animals with medium power levels such as leopards and bears, but they could not compete with me.

Although I didn’t gain any power from any of these animals, their meat was quite tasty. As a matter of fact, while traveling, I made some new dishes and experimented with my food.

The most surprising thing to me was that I didn’t encounter any trainee soldiers on the way. I had anticipated that there would be some.

In any case, I was better off not meeting anyone. I cannot trust anyone except those who I already know. If I met them, I might have to kill them.

By the time I reached the marked location, I found that everything was silent. Suddenly, I heard someone breathing. 

My curiosity overtook my sense of danger when I heard that sound of breath.

I camouflaged myself, merging in with the surroundings as I moved towards the sound of breathing. 

After a bit, however, I became stuck at the spot when I saw the creature face to face. In fact, I held my breath so as not to make a sound.

My eyes were fixed on the gigantic snake in front of me, which was covered in spikes all over, like a hedgehog. Observing it carefully, I even saw some severed limbs which belonged to an ape.

I saw blood gurgling out of the snake’s body and many of its spikes were broken, so I bet there had been a big fight between them.

I did not know what to do. I could either kill the snake now because it is injured, or I could leave this place. 

The snake looked very powerful, but I suddenly heard Eve’s voice.

“Host, be careful. This creature is as powerful as a high-level power user. It is recommended that you leave this area.”

Eve’s suggestion convinced me, and I moved back without making a sound. Certainly, I did not want the snake to be disturbed.

But then, as if fate was not with me, I tripped on a dry branch and it burst into a loud noise.

At that moment, I stopped and looked at the snake, whose eyes were open and he was staring directly at me.


I immediately teleported away from the snake to get away from it. 

While teleporting, I noticed that a snake was zooming towards me at a very fast pace.

Even though I was camouflaged, this asshole could see me. Despite trying to run away from that snake repeatedly, I always found it behind me.

In this instance, when I teleported, I shot a bulletlike fireball towards the eyes of the snake.


My ears perked up when I heard the snake roar. Obviously, the fireball had hit the bullseye. 

Unfortunately, things went from bad to worse in the end


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