
Chapter 276

While the King was occupied reviewing the successful applications, the Anti-Royal faction was in an uproar. No fewer than eight of their most prominent members were now missing when they should have been in attendance at court putting on a good show. It was no big deal; upper Nobles ditched it all the time, but tomorrow morning their absence would be noted, as every one of the missing Nobles was either a minister, advisor, or deeply politically involved in the Kingdom. 

“What was that new Duke’s Class again? Flesh Crafter? Isn’t that a life skills class? Like a cosmetic surgeon?” One of the Nobles asks his compatriots. 

“Yes and No. I have heard it’s a successor to the Necromancer class. They make zombie puppets and give undead buffs and their reshaping of faces. His Status said Ancient Flesh Crafter, though, so that it might be a bit special, but most of them end up working as underground surgeons for assassins and debutantes.”

“Don’t underestimate them; they’ve still got a full suite of Horrors in stock, and I’ve heard this one can Summon Dragons as well, but they’re very nearly a life skills class.”

“Not the sort of class that just makes half a dozen people vanish into thin air in the middle of a dinner banquet.” Another one speaks up with a tinge of sadness. 

“So it must be one of the other loyalists. But who could it have been? If we can’t find them soon, the King might appoint new advisors.” The first Anti-Royal noble, an otter type fully furred beastkin, moans, pulling at his hair in frustration. 

While they’re out in full force looking for their missing allies, Duke Chen has invited Cain and Duke Archibald, as well as their Companions, back for tea. Archibald declined, as his daughter is still missing, and he intends to do something about her blatant disrespect. What she does in private is one thing, but today she acted out in public, and that’s not acceptable. 

Two more of the Business Nobles join them at Duke Chen’s home in the city, a Manor at the edge of town that is only slightly less impressive than the palace itself. Unlike the Long Fang City Manor, Duke Chen tiled his courtyards, and many youths are receiving martial arts training outside as the Nobles walk by. 

“My contribution to the city. This might not be the cultivation world I dreamed of being transported to all those years ago, but I’ve begun my Sect for Monk and other unarmed combat style classes. I’ve run it for eighty-six years now, seventy-five of them at this location.

I’ve watched seven Kings rise and fall from these walls, but I have high hopes for this one. He might be squeamish about just about everything, but he’s got backbone hidden in there somewhere. I can feel it.”

The other two businessmen nod along in agreement, seeing the same potential in King James, and the older of them speaks up. “His escaping act did him a world of good as well. My informant in the Palace said he came back a hundred and Twenty levels higher than he left and ordered a set of books to begin the changeover to the Crusader Class before locking himself in his rooms.”

“A Crusader as King. What a sight that will be. One of their class abilities lets them detect lies and betrayal. The moment the Anti Royals find out, they’ll be forced to act, or they’ll be condemned as traitors. It’s going to be an interesting week.” The other smiles. 

“Perhaps they already know. That could explain why so many fled the Palace during the banquet. If they learned the King would become a Crusader, they might have fled to gather their forces or turned tail and ran to save their hides.” Duke Chen suggests. That sounds like a very probable reason to Cain. 

“Going into hiding until they can gather enough forces to strike sounds likely to me. I might not know much about politics, but I know about not getting my ass kicked.” Cain tells Duke Chen, who chuckles at his joke. 

“Since we’re here, I have a business proposition for you Duke Chen. Long Fang Valley is quite a fertile region, and the locals grow a variety of medicinal herbs, more than they consume. I have not invested much in retail property, but I’m told that you have a fine collection of Alchemy and magical reagent shops.” Cain suggests as the servers bring them tea.

That has Duke Chen’s immediate, complete and undivided attention. “You’re planning to expand the reagent output of your territory?”

“Yes, and I’m looking for a reliable business partner with connections and the capacity to make good use of it all. What do you say?”

The other two thump the table simultaneously, speaking in unison. “Don’t you dare cut us out.”

“Duke Cain, you should officially meet my two senior managers. Sir Rapha and Sir Will. Of course, you two will get part of this deal. The same as always, ten percent of the value added by your Alchemists on top of the standard rates.” Duke Chen agrees. 

“We started our own small guild full of alchemists, and we all work for the Duke. The kickback goes into the Guild Funds, so we can all live better than simply selling our potions wholesale.” The Knight known as Rapha informs Cain. 

With commerce tightly controlled by the oligarchs, breaking into the retail market is impossible here, so that’s a pretty good deal for them. 

Back at the palace, King James had finished getting his new servants oriented, while Margaret reorganized the others and informed everyone of the new rules in the King’s quarters. No entry to the general staff; the lock spells have been updated to only allow personal Servants through the door. If you have something for the King, give it to the servant on duty at the entrance to his quarters.

They’re not happy about it, as it prevents them from snooping and eavesdropping on their bosses, but they’ve still got hope that whoever he hired can be turned. 

Inside the quarters, King James has just finished healing the last of the newly arrived Beastkin, removing their injuries and leaving only the scars that his spells can’t remedy.

They’re also more than adequately fed and familiar with their routines for tomorrow, thanks to Margaret, his former Nanny, personal cook, and Head of Staff. The woman has far too much responsibility, but with these new trusted servants available, James hopes to let her relax a little in the future.

He’s about to call for Gwen, who has been absent all afternoon, when the Kitsune walks out of his bath in a towel, drying her fluffy black ears. 

“Did you have fun this afternoon?” James asks, turning her around so he can brush her hair.

“So much fun. Everything you wanted has been taken care of. There won’t be any evidence.” The Kitsune says happily, mewling in pleasure as the King starts to brush out her tails. 

“Such a good girl. You should sleep early, we will have a long day ahead of us again tomorrow, and I’m not sure there will be time for a break.” He’s done brushing her tails, so Gwen Jumps into his bed, transforming back into her snow-white fox form before landing directly in the center and curling up on his blankets.

The towel falls in a pile on the floor where an amused maid picks it up from and brings it to the hamper. At the same time, the King heads for the dresser where pajamas are laid out for him and another Beastkin helps him change for the evening. 

Ready to sleep, he picks up the fluffy Kitsune and moves her to one side of the bed, crawling in himself and opening up the Class Change menu. He’s learned every skill he will need and more, so it’s time to become a Crusader and see how bad his situation within the Palace truly is.

With any luck, his invitation to all levels of Nobles to have their unwed daughters try for a spot in the harem might have brought a few wavering souls back to him. With a little more luck they’ll bring him someone as fluffy and cuddly as this Kitsune, but one who sleeps in humanoid form. 

Gwen is utterly unconcerned with the effect she has on the King, happily snuggling against his side as she sleeps, while the other girls sneak peeks at the two while they finish their evening duties. The looks are mostly amusement at the amazingly bold Kitsune, but there’s a hint of envy in some of them.

Non humans getting to share the King’s bed is unheard of. Perhaps they too could have that honor? They’ll ask Gwen when she’s awake, surely she’s not too protective of her position as bed warmer.

Morning comes early to Duke Chen’s Manor, and Cain is out in the courtyard, practicing his sword work while the students train their martial arts. The better he gets at actually using the sword, the more effectively he can use the combat skills he knows. Knowledge and muscle memory are two different things, according to Duke Chen. 

Misha and Mythryll have joined the students for morning calisthenics, everyone wanting to be limber and ready for the day, as they’ve been warned to expect trouble.

Word came in today that none of the missing Nobles returned to their homes yesterday, and no troop movements have been seen. Aprilia, the daughter of Duke Archibald, was found by her husband on the steps of his family home, passed out drunk. At least that’s what the rumors that Duke Chen’s informants overheard are saying. 

Her husband, the Interior Minister, must attend all days that the Royal Court is in session, but it’s presumed that she won’t be there today. And possibly not at all in the future if the anger on Duke Archibald’s face last night is anything to go by. 

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