
Chapter 275: Peaceful Problem

Chapter 275: Peaceful Problem

Aegir POV–

「It’s morning already...... I didn’t get much sleep.」

It’s probably close to noon right now.

I’ve already reported to the King so there isn’t much need to stay in the capital any longer.

But since we’re here, I want to let the guards who fought well enjoy sightseeing.

Although I’ve been looking forward to seeing Nonna back in Rafen, there is no pressing need to head back.

I glance over at the top of the desk. Piled on the furniture is a stack of letters from Adolph.

I’m sure nothing’s too urgent. I want to believe that.

「Unnyu.」「Afuu」「Hngoh!」「......uu, it stinks...... it’s so noisy.」

Laying on the bed are Melissa, Myla, Irijina and Celia.

Because of our intense love making, Melissa and Myla slept well.

Irijina is laying spread-eagle on the bed, snoring away.

Celia seems to be having a nightmare beside Irijina.

I pinned Melissa down as she requested, also embracing Myla and Celia who secretly snuck into the room.

I saw Irijina through the window training in the courtyard so I invited her for a good fuck as well.

The reason it smells is because Irijina went straight to bed after training.

I give soft kisses to Myla and Melissa, who don’t seem likely to wake up anytime soon, then cover Irijina again with the futon.

As I bend over to kiss Celia, her eyes shoot open.

「Muu...... hah! Good morning.」

Celia only pretended to have an absent-minded look for a brief moment before quickly composing herself. She did well to sense me.

「I could smell Aegir-sama.」

I sniff myself to try and see what smell I was giving off, but I can’t smell anything besides the scent of love juice and sweat.

At that moment, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

「It’s Marta. If you have woken up, would it be alright if I entered the room?」

No wonder I didn’t recognize the voice at first, it’s that young girl.

「Go ahead. Come in.」


Celia scrambles to cover her body. No need to get so embarrassed, you’re both girls.

「Pardon me. Wah, incredible! ......No, nevermind.」

Marta saw what was hanging from my crotch and was surprised momentarily, then quickly pulled herself together.

I couldn’t tell much yesterday but she’s calmer than she looks.

Being a former servant of the King, she has a courteous demeanor.

「I’ve prepared a change of clothes for you. I’ll leave them here.」

「Ooh, thanks.」

Marta brought all my necessary articles of clothing in a neat folded pile from my everyday clothes to my underwear.

She’s a big help, although Celia, who curled herself in the blankets, is glaring at her.

「Uuu, getting Aegir-sama’s clothes ready was my job.」

「It’s expected of me since I’m his aide.」

Marta proceeds to crouch down at the feet of my naked body to help me put on my underwear.

「Oi oi, I can at least put on my underwear by myself.」

I didn’t expect her to go that far, still she politely helps me into my pants and shirt.

Finally, Celia’s eyes become sharp.

「D-don’t get so clingy with Aegir-sama!」

「You don’t have to get so upset. More importantly, are the times determined for my schedule for today?」

Celia cheers up when I mention schedule, opening up the notepad she left beside the bed.

She’s written down everything she’s heard regarding my plans in her Celia notes.

However before she could open her mouth, Marta bows once and tells me what I needed to know.

「For today, at noon you have a lunch appointment with Mr. Andrei at the Hard-boiled Pavilion to celebrate his release from prison. After that, you promised to buy a souvenir for your wife at the Irumis shop. After the sun has set, you have scheduled dinner plans with Lord Monashi.」

I guess Marta took care of arranging all the plans I randomly decided last night.

She’s properly dealt with all the details from the name of the shop containing an item I thought Nonna would like to the coordination of time with Lord Monashi.

It was perfectly done.

Celia drops the memo pad she was holding.

「Breakfast has also been prepared, but first let me bring you morning tea.」

Celia slumps her shoulders.

Marta definitely comes out ahead in terms of an assistant’s skill.

But Celia doesn’t only deal with miscellaneous tasks, she also does her best in political and military duties.

She shouldn’t worry too much about losing to Marta who specializes in dealing with routine matters.

「Besides, you’re still this cute.」

I give Celia the morning kiss she hasn’t gotten yet.

The light peck smoothly transitions into a messier twisting of the tongues with plenty of saliva exchanged. It was enough to cheer her up.

「So, will you bring me tea? Or will you give me a kiss?」

I only asked her in the form of a joke.

But right when I finished my sentence, she pressed her lips against mine. As if it was natural for her, she also slipped her tongue inside my mouth.

「Nnh...... nnh」「Nn, nnh, nn, nnh!」


After the kiss, which might have been even deeper than the one I exchanged with Celia, Marta bows.

「If you request it, I will answer at anytime. If you want my body, I am ready even now.」

「Then a quick-......」「Nooo!」

My mouth was shut. Hahaha, Celia’s cute when she’s jealous.

「I’m already fully awake. Forget about the tea, let’s go straight to breakfast.」

I walk out of the room, patting Celia who is clinging tightly to me.

Melissa and the others have woken up from the commotion as well. Let’s go to the dining hall together.

Marta sends us off by bowing.

「I will simply clean up the room.」

After the orgy with the four women, the room is stinking with a strong smell of sex and semen sprayed everywhere from the floor to the bed.

Asking a young girl to clean it is a little awkward...... woah now, why am I getting hard.

On the way to the dining hall, I remember that I bought a souvenir for Andrei.

I’m probably going to forget if I eat breakfast now, so I’ll go grab it and put it in my pocket.

When I turn back and open the door to the bedroom, Marta jumps up in surprise.


「What’s wrong? Jumping all of a sudden, did you see a bug or something?」

Marta is doing something in front of the table.

It was right at the spot where the stack of letters from Adolph were.

「Aah, I have to do something about this too.」

I open up a letter from Adolph.

Maybe I’ll pass it off to Leopolt. It may be outside his area of expertise but I’m sure he’ll think of how to deal with it.

「The souvenir is...... ah, there it is. Oh, you should just do a rough cleaning and come quickly. The food will get cold.」

「Y-yes. Right away......」

I once again leave the bedroom with the gift in one hand and a letter in the other.

When I did, I could see Tristan peeking through the gap in the door.

「......so that’s how it is.」

「That’s how what is?」

I flick his forehead.


「You should come to the dining hall too. We’re eating now.」

「I’ve already eaten long ago. It’s in the daytime now.」

Oh, he woke up early today for once.

「No, I’m going back to sleep again after eating.」

I deliver a three-combo flick attack to Tristan’s forehead.

I wonder what’s going on with Marta.

She was breathing hard...... plus cold sweat was dripping from her body. Is she nervous from having to work under me all of a sudden?

「Well, it was within expectations.」

What is Tristan talking about? Since you’re done eating, go do some calisthenics with Irijina.

It was a somewhat late breakfast, where everyone, including Celia who seems to be fine after taking medicine, is eating harmoniously.

The children, being half-forced by Dorothea to eat meat and fish, and Dorothea herself are also eating peacefully.

To recover her stamina after giving birth, it’s probably more beneficial if she eats more.

In the middle of all that, Alma and Kroll, who were in charge of waiting on us, started to act strange.

「Alma, would you like to head out with me for a little bit today?」


How rare it is for Kroll to invite Alma nowadays. Still, he was rejected immediately.

What a hopeless guy, let me help him.

「Why not? I’ll give you the day off so go out and enjoy.」

Alma makes a surprised face like she didn’t expect me to support Kroll.

「I’m sorry. I have already scheduled an appointment with a friend today......」

Fumu, I guess that can’t be helped. There will be more chances in the future.

I’ll give Kroll some pocket money later. Considering how he is now, he is unlikely to use prostitutes.

I head to Andrei’s place right on schedule.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a nice peaceful chat so I’m looking forward to it.

「Try not to drink so much. You still have to go to Count Monashi’s dinner tonight.」

「You’re one to talk, Celia. You shouldn’t drink so much either or you’ll piss yourself again.」

Celia’s the only one with me this time.

Andrei and his wife Natalie won’t be able to settle down with other nobles besides me so I had Myla stay home.

Irijina seems likely to destroy the place so I didn’t bring her with me.

Marta looked pale so I had her take a break. Besides, there isn’t anything for an aide to do here anyways.

「The Hard-boiled Pavilion...... it seems deserted.」


Andreis’ Hard-boiled Pavilion is an inn and bar, which for a commoner is a rather high-class place to stay.

The surface and walls are clean, yet the place feels dull.

「Hey, I’m here.」

When I opened the door, there were no customers inside.

Natalie, who sat at the counter looking bored, called for Andrei.

She still looks just like a child.

I invite Andrei to drink with me like old times after he comes out from the back room, and he just nods silently.

Seeing him bow courteously is boring.

I give him the souvenir I bought for him, take the cup he hands me and casually ask what’s going on.

「It’s relaxing when you don’t have many customers, though I’d like to know why it’s like this if you don’t mind telling me.」

The Hard-boiled Pavilion should be a pretty popular shop. It’s strange that the place isn’t lively even if it’s daytime.

I hear Natalie let out a huge sigh.

Andrei takes a gulp of alcohol in a serious manner after pouring some for himself, then answers softly.

「I’m being persecuted.」


I accidentally raise my voice, causing Celia to spill the alcohol she was secretly sipping.

「Yeah, there are many people in the neighborhood who don’t approve of the way I do things. I tried to talk to them in an attempt to reach an understanding...... and this is the result. We’ve been in the red lately and are somehow keeping the place open with our savings.」

Andrei tilts his head down slightly.

He isn’t crying or shouting, but I can tell how much pain he’s feeling.

This place is the castle Andrei built up after coming here alone from the Federation.

Now, he’s losing it due to outrageous treatment. There’s no way he can accept that.

「Who’s doing it? Tell me the main culprit.」

Andrei is a trustworthy man plus he’s helped me out before.

I’d be upset if the Hard-boiled Pavilion went under like this.

I was going to punch the guy once I found out who was behind all this.

Using my brute strength would be fine, as would using my authority.

Having such a high status has always brought me so much trouble so I deserve to use it for my convenience for once.

However Natalie’s eyes are cold. Celia, who figured something out, also has a similarly cold expression.

「The source...... are the mothers in the neighborhood who have children. They look at me with contempt as a pervert and try to drive me away.」


Even I think I let out a pretty stupid sound just now.

「I was just trying to get a few young girls to love me...... those people apparently didn’t like that. They cursed at me, saying “a pervert runs that shop”, dropping the reputation of the Hard-boiled Pavilion.」


「But I won’t lose to that. I’ll show them love won’t yield to ill will...... it hurts.」

I grab some of the nuts provided as a snack and throw them at Andrei.

Celia does the same, meanwhile Natalie throws a potato.

「In other words, it’s because you’re a pervert. Open your eyes and go for attractive mature ladies.」

「If I was going to bend my beliefs so simply, I would have never walked this path. Older ladies just scare me.」

He looked cool saying that, but he’s really just a child-loving pervert who repeatedly messed with little girls causing everyone to hate him.

「Let’s stop talking about this. This is our long awaited reunion after all.」

Natalie forces a smile and tries to move on. I really feel sorry for her. Not only is her husband a pervert, her daily life is being jeopardized.

I have to do something to help them. I have to get someone to think of a solution.

「I won’t alter my beliefs. That is the harsh road as a man.」

「「「Shut up, pervert.」」」

And Celia...... you’re drinking again. I thought you’d be fine since it’s just honey wine but you’re really a light-weight.

Leaving Andrei’s establishment feeling a little tipsy, I see someone I know along the road.

「Oh look, it’s Alma. So she went out with Kroll after all? She even put on lipstick and took the time to look more womanly.」


Celia’s way past woozy.

I guess I’ll drop her off back at the mansion.

Alma deliberately put on makeup to beautify herself.

She looks like a proper woman now. I don’t intend to get in Kroll’s way so I should get out of here quickly.

Right as I was about to leave before getting noticed by Alma, it happened.

「Hey Alma, I didn’t think I would be able to see you during the day.」

「Yeah well I’m on break. There are shops not open unless it’s daytime as well.」

The one who called out to Alma was not Kroll.

The male has a pretty handsome face and a slender body...... he’s relatively tall but he’s built like a woman.

His long blond hair is neatly combed and he has the appearance of a man who lives in the city.

「We always meet late at night so we couldn’t go around much with all those street stalls around. Which shop would you like to visit this time?」

「I’ll leave it to Gerald to decide...... don’t you know way more about the shops than me?」

「Then let’s go to Pechic’s goody shop. We can probably find lots of accessories Alma would like over there.」

The male flashes a toothy grin, grabs Alma’s hand and pulls her along the main road.

「......I want to follow them.」

I’m a pretty famous person here in the capital so I’ll likely stand out if I walk out in the open.

The guards who just passed me saluted as they walked by.

I’ll be noticed immediately if I try to tail them.

「Celia, you can......」

「Funyuu. Aegir-sama wants me to chase after Alma so he can make her his woman?」

It’s no good, Celia’s way too drunk to be of any use right now.

I have no choice but to temporarily give up.

「I’ll return to the mansion and order Leopolt to go. I’m sure he’ll manage.」

I hurry back home.

「Kroll, so you’re here......」

I summon Kroll as soon as I get back to the mansion.

Leopolt is already acting on my orders.

When I told him to tail Alma and report the situation I swear I saw Leopolt scowl.

He silently stared at me for a good three seconds before taking several soldiers from the escort squad and heading out.

「Yes. What is it?」

I’m not one to beat around the bush. Let’s jump straight to the problem at hand.

「Alma’s with another guy. Unfortunately, it looks like she’s been stolen from you.」


I explain the circumstances to Kroll but he doesn’t respond.

I’m not fond of tattling on someone like this. But Kroll has worked hard, so he’s earned the right to know.

Besides, I’m not just going to tell him about it.

「You’re going to take her back. This is the only chance you’ll get.」

His beloved woman got stolen. In that case, he has to get her back right away.

「Please wait a moment. Did Alma really go with another man?」

What’s Kroll saying?

「Don’t tell me you’re blaming Alma. It’s the man who’s worthless if he lets a girl get stolen from him.」

A woman leans toward the better man. If she is taken by another man, you just have to become an even better man than him and win her back.

It’s unsightly to misunderstand and put the responsibility on the girl.

「No, that’s not what I meant. I’m sure Alma just went shopping...... with a friend who just happens to be male.」

「Don’t be ridiculous!!」

Kroll flinches when I shout at him.

Celia, who was sleeping on the sofa, also bounces up and looks around to see what was going on before laying down and falling right back to sleep.

「Listen, she was holding hands with this guy. What do you think happened after they went shopping?」

「They had lunch...... maybe?」

「Stupid, they had sex of course!」

Kroll freezes.

「Listen carefully, men are always aiming to get into a woman’s panties. He only used shopping as a pretense, where in fact he is looking to sleep with Alma.」

「I-is that really so......」

I nod slowly. That would certainly be the case for me.

「I’m sorry but Alma has probably been taken to some inn and is starting to have sex.」

That’s what I would do after all.

「Guh...... I shouldn’t have any interest in women......yet for some reason I feel a black rage welling up from the bottom of my heart.」

He’s been acting strangely ever since becoming impotent, and although he’s turned full pervert and gone completely in the opposite direction with the help of Natia’s medicine, he’s starting to regain a sense of desire for a female.

Let’s fan the flames of his jealousy.

「By now, Alma is definitely riding that man, moaning while rocking her hips.」

「Damnit! Aegir-sama, can’t I do anything!?」

Kroll shouts angrily. So he has feelings of frustration knowing that his girl got taken away.

「Don’t worry. That’s why I sent Leopolt. I’d rather be your ally than the ally of some guy I don’t know the name of or where he came from.」

In the first place, that guy already pissed me off after only seeing him once.

Not liking that other guy is plenty of reason to be Kroll’s ally.

「I already told Leopolt that information is the foundation of everything. First we have to find out more about him.」

Speaking of information, there are others who specialize in this area,

I know they may be busy but this is a serious affair for Kroll. I’ll ask them to help out.

「Listen to me Kroll. The one who chooses in the end is Alma. You will do everything you can to make her choose you and do whatever it takes to win her back. I’ll help you.」

「I understand. I’ll recapture Alma.」

Kroll salutes properly.

「Well said. Then let’s begin the operation.」

The fight has begun.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 24 years old. Winter.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend. Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator.

Citizens: 176,000. Refugees: 2400

Major Cities – Rafen: 27,000. Lintbloom: 5000. Vandolea Special Town: 9000.

Alma (affair?), Kroll (resolved to recapture), Leopolt (tailing operation), Celia (drunk, sleeping)

Andrei (unreasonable persecution)

Army: 7500 men

Infantry: 4500, Cavalry: 1000, Archers: 600, Bow Cavalry: 900, Temporary Refugee Guards: 500

Reserve Army: 2500

Cannons: 20, Large Cannons: 15, Dwarven Cannons: 16

Assets: 18,449 gold

Sexual Partners: 427, children who have been born: 55 + 555 fish

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