
Chapter 136

After "SingingChina" competition ended and winning the national singing champion, LuChen went to Forget Worries Bar with everyone to celebrate and reveled untilmidnight.

Hecompletely relaxed himself, drunk too much glasses of alcohol, and while in adaze, he was sent home by Lu Xi.

When he gotto the apartment, Lu Chen had sobered up a lot: "Sister, why did you takeme back here?"

Lu Xi saidangrily, "If I didn’t send you back here, should I have left you alone inthe studio?"

Drunkenpeople really need to be taken care of. Of course, she will not leave Lu Chenalone.

Unexpectedly,Lu Chen’s alcohol capacity is good, and he actually didn’t get drunkunconscious.

In the bar,she watched her brother being poured glass after glass of alcohol, but everyonewas so warm and happy that evening that it was not good to spoil theatmosphere. It was just a little troublesome.

Now seeingthat Lu Chen was sober, his sister was finally relieved.

If she hadknown, she would have left him in the studio!

Lu Chen saidwith a smile, "Then I’ll sleep on the sofa."

The single apartmentwas originally rented by Lu Chen. After Lu Xi came to Beijing, he gave it toher.

Lu Xipinched her nose and said, "Take a bath first. You smell too much ofalcohol!"

Lu Chen raisedhis coat and smelled it, but it didn’t smell of alcohol. "Er, all my changeof clothes is over there."

Lu Xi saidangrily, "I bought one for you on the way..."

When shecame back, she thought of it. Fortunately, the business in Beijing wasextremely developed, and there were supermarkets open late at night.

Lu Chenscratched his head. He was really a little drunk.

Lu Xiimpatiently stuffed the paper bag into his arms and pushed him to the bathroom:"Quickly take a bath!"

Lu Chensmiled and grabbed the paper bag to take a bath.

Afterhappily taking a hot bath in the bathroom, washed away the smell of alcohol andthe tipsy feeling, and changing into clean clothes, Lu Chen felt refreshed, andcomfortable inside and out.

No matterhow busy he was at work, or even when he was out competing, he exercises everyday, rain or shine.

Afterseveral months of persistence, Lu Chen’s physique has clearly become muchstronger, and contours of muscles could be seen in his abdomen. Not only has hisphysical strength and energy greatly increased, but his alcohol capacity has alsogreatly enhanced.

"Comeand eat..."

While LuChen was taking a bath, his sister prepared a midnight snack for him in thekitchen.

The midnightsnack was a bowl of noodles, simple tomatoes with eggs, plus a few green onions.White, red, yellow and green soup is clear and beautiful, without mentioningits sweet aroma that assails one’s nose, it’s appearance can already make one’sindex fingers move greatly.

At this time,Lu Chen has fully digested all the alcohol he drank in the evening, and is nowvery hungry. He sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and ate the whole bowl ofnoodles and soup in the blink of an eye.

Patting hisbelly, he burped with satisfaction: "I’m full."

It’s nice tohave a home and family around!

Lu Xiwatched him finish eating, and then said: "Then you go to rest. I’ll washthe dishes."

Lu Chennodded. "Thank you, sister."

Lu Xi didnot speak, but her eyes were a little more gentler.

Lu Chensuddenly felt a little embarrassed. The inside of his ear became itchy, and hecould not help reaching out and digging with his little finger.

During the competition,he was wearing wireless headset in that ear.


Lu Xi said,"I’ll help you out. Go to the sofa."

Lu Chenwanted to say that he didn’t want to bother her anymore, but his sister hasalready gotten up, so he had to swallow his words back.

Lu Xi took outthe tool from her bag and made Lu Chen lie down first. She pressed the latter’shead on her lap, and then gently clean Lu Chen’s ears.

At thebeginning, Lu Chen was inexplicably a little nervous, because his sister hadnot been so gentle to him for a long time.

But verysoon, he relaxed.

Heremembered that when he was a child, his sister also cleaned his ears in thisway.

It’s justthat when did the brother and sister become estranged? Lu Chen really can’tremember.

But havingone’s ears be cleaned was really comfortable!

The two ofthem didn’t speak, and the small living room was filled with a warm atmosphere.

Lu Xicarefully dug out a lump of earwax, and suddenly asked softly, "Did you breakup with Ye Zi?"

Lu Chen tooka moment to react, and said with a wry smile, "Sister, we weren’t dating."

He and YeZitong have a favorable impression for each other. However, this favorableimpression did not become true love, and as time passes and distance separation,it has become a faint melancholy and memory.

He has someregrets, but he wasn’t sad, because he hasn’t really invested.

After experiencingso many things, Lu Chen wondered if he still had the courage to love deeply.

He said: "Shetexted me after the competition ended, congratulating me for winning thechampionship."

Lu Xi was silentfor a moment and said, "Ye Zi is a good girl. You’re right not to hurt her."

She was wellaware of how busy Lu Chen had been lately and has no time to be concerned withlove and romance.

Or more precisely,Lu Chen doesn’t want to fall in love.

The heavydebt of the family was like a huge mountain, pressing down on him.

It is alsopressing down on Lu Xi’s body.

She canunderstand Lu Chen’s difficulties, but she felt a little sorry about it.

Ye Zi is agood girl.

Lu Xi’smovement in cleaning his ears became more gentle.


Lu Chenagreed, and the weariness hidden in his body quietly crept in, making hiseyelids become heavy.

Closing hiseyes, Lu Chen fell asleep, and soon began to snore.

He was tootired.

Lu Xi waitedquietly for a moment until Lu Chen fell asleep.

Then shetook a pillow and replaced her leg as a pillow.

She coveredLu Chen with a thin blanket, turned off the lights, and went back to her roomto rest.

Late atnight.

The livingroom was plunged into darkness, and the light outside faintly shone in throughthe windows.

In the dark,Lu Chen turned over on the sofa to make himself sleep more comfortably.

He sleptsoundly and was very relaxed.

In the dark,a familiar voice was telling Lu Chen that he and his sister had reallyreconciled...

So, he wasrelieved.


Early in themorning, Binhai.

Fang Yun gotup early. After a simple wash and cleaning, she had a quick breakfast and wasready to go out to the supermarket.

Today isSaturday, and Dabaifu Supermarket that is not far from Dongping Community, washaving discount activities. In many cases, the price of fresh meat andvegetables is much cheaper than in the market. So, housewives often rush topurchase to stock up.

But if one waslate, a lot of discount goods will be snatched up, even if there were any left,they were all bad.

Fang Yun wasin a good mood today, so she wants to buy more things. She specially preparedtwo big shopping bags.

Before goingout, she felt a little uneasy and tried pushing open the door of the smallroom.

The room wasstill air-conditioned and the temperature was a little low. Lu Xue was sleepingon the bed; half of her body was exposed outside the blanket. She looked like asleepy little pig.


Fang Yuncomplained, found the remote control to readjust the temperature, and thenpulled over the blanket to cover Lu Xue.

She reachedout and slapped Lu Xue’s little butt.

The latter groanedtwice dissatisfiedly in her sleep, and wriggled herself in.

Fang Yun couldn’thelp smiling, and turned to leave the room.

She closedthe door very carefully.

On thestairway below, Fang Yun ran into a neighbor, Zhang Meilan, the wife of thechief of the local tax collection and administration.

Thecollection and administration department of the Local Taxation Bureau belongsto the key administrative offices. Chief Lin is regarded as a half-powerfulfigure in the unit. His wife, who is a little arrogant, has always ignored FangYun.

However,today’s situation is very different. When Zhang Meilan saw Fang Yun, she immediatelysmiled, and took the initiative to say hello: "Sister Yun, you’re up soearly today? Are you going grocery shopping at Dabaifu?"

Fang Yun wasstupefied and replied, "Yes, you’re very early, too."

Zhang Meilansmiled and said, "I’m used to getting up and exercising early every day,but today I want to go to the supermarket with you."

Fang Yun wasconfused by her, but it was not good to not give face, so she could only comply.

On the wayto the supermarket, Zhang Meilan said: "Sister Yun, I saw your Lu Chen onTV last night. He is really getting more and more promising. He unexpectedlywon the championship. He’s going to be a big star!"

When itcomes to the "Singing China" final last night, Fang Yun could nothelp smiling.

Lu Chen’s brilliantperformance in this crucial competition not only won the high praise of thefour judges, but also conquered countless audience both inside and outside thestudio, and finally defeated all the opponents by a big score.

As Lu Chen’smother, Fang Yun is really very proud.

After the competition,Lu Chen called her, and then a lot of friends and relatives also called.

Of course, infront of outsiders, she still has to be modest: "What going to be a bigstar, Lu Chen was lucky. It is still not certain what will happen in thefuture!"

Zhang Meilanchuckled and said, "Don’t be modest for him. My circle of friends in QQ arefrom all over the world. They said that your family Lu Chen is a musical geniusand the pride of our Binhai City. He will surely have great achievements in thefuture!"

Then she changedthe topic of their conversation and asked, "Does your family Lu Chen havea girlfriend now?"

Fang Yun understooda little: "I don’t think so."

Zhang Meilanwas surprised: "Lu Chen is so handsome and talented, how can he still haveno girlfriend? Why don’t I introduce himto one? My sister’s niece is studying at a university in Beijing. She has greatcharacter and appearance..."

Fang Yun wasreally speechless. She knew that the other party was not someone gallant, andmust have a purpose.

She was perfunctory toward Zhang Meilan and soon came to thesupermarket.

There aremore acquaintances in the supermarket.

"Herecomes the Lu Family’s Sister-in-Law."

"Ah, SisterYun, you also came to buy food. What a coincidence!"

"AccountantFang, I really want to congratulate you. You have given birth to a good son andwon honor for our Binhai city!"

"LuChen is so amazing. My son adores him!"

"Yourfamily Lu Chen is really promising!"

Binhai is asmall county-level city, and the local circle is relatively closed. Any sign ofdisturbance or trouble spread very fast.

Fang Yunalso lives in Dongping District, where the staff dormitory of the MunicipalFinance Bureau, the State Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau arelocated. Her son Lu Chen participation in "Singing China" talent competitionhas been widely spread.

Manycolleagues know Lu Chen and they naturally pay special attention to lastnight’s final.

As a result,Lu Chen lived up to their expectations and won the championship!

So, when theysaw Fang Yun here, everyone gathered around and sincerely congratulated her.

They pushed Zhang Meilan aside.

Fang Yun,who was surrounded by people, was at a loss. She was proud and moved in herheart!


TN: My own guess as to who was that familiar voice is, that was their father, always watching over them.

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