
Chapter 114

Lu Chencalled Chen Jianhao, more or less, with the intention of asking about the issue,but instead was educated by the other party first.

He knowsthat he got the news a little late.

Although forLu Chen, knowing that he was attacked earlier or later has little effect. Hewill become a real star in the future. If his reaction is still so slow, hewill have to suffer a lot!

Because astar’s every actions, words and deeds are often exposed to the public eye. Whenfaced with an adverse situation, the faster the reaction the better, and themore timely the better.

In the finalanalysis, the main reason is that Lu Chen has no one to rely on. Since he choseto develop independently, he must establish a strong team to support him behindthe scenes, otherwise he would not go far at all. (TN: Lu Chen has no one torely on - he hasn’t signed to any company)

Chen Jianhaosaid, "Didn’t you set up a studio? Quickly recruit few more usefulpeople."

The former spokefrom experience, so Lu Chen is sure to listen attentively, but he will not beeasily taken away by the rhythm, and forget the most important thing:"Brother Jianhao, I am already recruiting people. Let’s get down tobusiness."

Chen Jianhaosaid with a laugh, "Of course I know what you want to ask. Yes, I asked StrayCat to make that post, and I also gave him the material. Are yousatisfied?"

Sure enough!

Lu Chen, whogot the real answer, was not angry because he believed Chen Jianhao would notharm him.

Lu Chen, onthe contrary, is curious about the other party’s connections: "Is he a friendof yours?"

Stray Cats isa small V in Inspur Blog, a famous ID at Sky Forum, and is best at explosiveentertainment circle material.

ChenJianhao, as a bar owner, is actually really familiar with this person.

Lu Chencould not help but ask a few more questions. Perhaps in the future, he mightask this expert for help.

"Don’t letyour mind wander..."

Chen Jianhaosaid, "I am not familiar with this man. He lives abroad and has friends tohelp him."

"Anyway,you don’t have to worry about it right now. It’s not over yet, you don’t haveto do anything about the blogs. Just keep quiet and watch the show!"

Chen Jianhaoseems to have some trump card, so his words are full of confidence.

Lu Chenchose to trust and said, "That’s good. I’ll just wait and watch the fun!"

Ending hisphone call with Chen Jianhao, he said to Li Feiyu, who was full of expectations,"Don’t worry about it first."

The battle-readyLi Feiyu suddenly seemed to be a deflated ball, and he became listless.

Lu Chenpatted him on the shoulder and comforted him by saying, "We’re not admittingdefeat. Now we should finish our work first."

As soon ashe finished speaking, there was a loud knock on the door.

It was theoffice tables, chairs, counters and sofas that Lu Chen had ordered earlier. Inaddition to the large items, there were two installation workers from the manufacturer.They were assembled directly on the spot.

In order tospeed up efficiency, Lu Chen and Li Feiyu worked together to help.

They were busyuntil noon. All the tables and chairs were installed in place.

The layoutof the front desk, reception room and office area of the studio has basicallybeen completed. Although there was no luxurious and exquisite decoration, it wasclean and tidy enough to show a new atmosphere.

They hadtakeout for lunch. In the afternoon, they also have to install computers,printers and set up the internet. They didn’t have any time to spare.

And while LuChen was busy with taking care of the office, the storm caused by Stray Cat’sblog, not only didn’t quiet down because of the silence of the other parties,on the contrary, there were signs of it becoming more and more intense.

LingXiaoxiao’s fans kept attacking Lu Chen’s blog, and there were also a lot ofpassers-by, painting his comment area in a mess. In addition to cynicism orswearing, some people even deliberately sent out some bad information topollute the page, causing official administrators to block a lot of accounts.

Originally,Lu Chen and Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t know each other, and Lu Chen did not say anythingto Ling Xiaoxiao. They were like two parallel lines; they have no possibilityof coming in contact with each other.

A blog postfrom Stray Cat pushed Lu Chen to the cusp of the storm overnight, and hefinally compared Ling Xiaoxiao with Lu Chen. As a result, Lu Chen, who wasinnocent, became the target of fire of Ling Xiaoxiao’s fans.

But at thispoint, it’s not normal to make such a noise. After all, the matter was not initiatedby Lu Chen at all, and now he seems to be the culprit, and the object of resentmentby tens of thousands of people. People with a discerning eye can see theproblem clearly.

There is nodoubt that behind this incident is someone adding fuel to the flames, hypingLing Xiaoxiao, and at the same time suppressing Lu Chen!

Is XiangnanSatellite TV so easy to mess with?

Lu Chen alsohas a lot of fans on Inspur Blog. Seeing such a situation, they must certainly comeout to refute it, but their counterattack lacks strength and organization, andit is not at all a match to Ling Xiaoxiao’s support groups.

Lu Chen didnot respond, nor did Beijing Satellite TV, and Stray Cat that caused theincident seemed to have become mute. Even if others bombed indiscriminately,they were no longer making a sound. People can’t help but feel that the expertwho disclosed the issue is really guilty and dare not speak out recklessly.

By 7 o’clockin the evening, one of the judges of "Super Singer" spoke on theblog.

This judgeis Zhang Xiaoan, a variety host for Xiangnan Satellite TV. He is also acelebrity in the circle. He has more than 5 million blog fans. He participatedin the auditions and preliminary competitions, but did not show his face in thepromotion competition.

In his blog,he admitted that he was one of the judges who eliminated Lu Chen during theaudition process because Lu Chen did not perform well at that time, lackedprofessional standards in playing and singing, and the original work he broughtwas basically a half-finished product.

By contrast,when Lu Chen reached "Singing China" Top 16 of 32, his performancewas much better and his work was greatly improved. If he has the same level atthat time, he would have passed.

This blogpost by Zhang Xiaoan is undoubtedly shirking the responsibility for himself andfor "Super Singer" - it’s not that we didn’t want him, but that LuChen’s performance was too bad!

Zhang Xiaoanplayed it very well in distorting the facts. Because in Stray Cat’s blog post,there was a video of Lu Chen singing in "Singing China," plus himbeing the songwriter of "In Spring", if he insists that Lu Chen hasno talent, he would just be insulting the intelligence of others.

In addition,Zhang Xiaoan ended his post with a couple of sentences suggesting that Lu Chen isdeliberately using "Super Singer" to make a hype for himself.

Perhaps LuChen’s elimination in the audition of "Super Singer" is just apre-planned hype!

One has toadmit that this deceitful man in the variety industry is really sly and hasaroused the sympathy of many fans.

The numberof people who ran to Lu Chen’s blog to curse suddenly increased!

At 07:20,another judge of "Super Singer," Chen Zhenni, also posted a blogpost.

Comparedwith Zhang Xiaoan’s obscure suggestion, the returnee star’s remarks were much explosive.She bluntly stated that Lu Chen was eliminated because, besides the reasons forhis work, the most important reason was that Lu Chen did not respect his seniorand made impertinent remarks to the judges in the auditions! (TN: Senior -senior in the industry)

Chen Zhenniwrote in her blog post: As a newcomer, respecting his senior is the basic quality,which I didn’t see it in this person. Perhaps he is very respectful when facingbig stars, but this will only make me more disgusted. If I had the chance tochoose again, I will still press the red light!

At the endof Chen Zhenni’s blog, there was a comment from Zhuang Hao, the third judge inthe audition.

At thattime, Lu Chen was strongly in disagreement with Zhuang Hao and was almostunable to step down.

Zhuang Haoquickly commented: "Young people should always be given the opportunity. Hissong is still good."

The two sangtogether and placed a big hat called "Disrespectful to their elders"firmly to Lu Chen’s head. (TN: Place a big hat - They labeled him.)

And it also givesfans a strong hint - Lu Chen is the kind of newcomer who like to play big gamesand doesn’t know the height of the heavens and the depth of the earth. Eventhough he is modest in "Singing China", he is actually just pretending. (TN:Just mean they’re saying Lu Chen is too arrogant and too ignorant.)

Because thejudges of "Singing China" are Chen Fei’er and Tan Hong!

Whichnewcomer dares to show his face in front of these two big superstars?

Well, a hat has,once again, been added to Lu Chen’s head called "two-faced".

ZhangXiaoan, Chen Jenny and Zhuang Hao, three well-known figures in the circle,together with the three blog posts posted by the previous program team, havemade Lu Chen’s image extremely bad in the eyes of fans who don’t know thetruth. (TN: In case you’ve forgotten, the fourth judge was Lu Ya, firstappeared on .)

In additionto continuing to attack Lu Chen and Stray Cat, some people even went to ChenFei’er and Tan Hong’s blogs and asked the two superstars to eliminate Lu Chenin the final of "Singing China" in the Beijing Singing area, that is,in the competition of top 10 of 16. The reason being that his character is toobad!

Neither ChenFei’er nor Tan Hong responded and declined to comment.

What kind ofstorm have the two people not experienced? How can they be fooled? They will notfall from their status.

Things aregetting more and more troublesome. Lu Chen is becoming famous in the blog thistime.

Unfortunately,it’s bad reputation.

At 8 o’clockin the evening, Li Bai, that is, Li Mubai, called Lu Chen.

"GeneralLu, what on earth is going on? You’ve been attacked on your blog!"

He was sonoisy and anxious that he even shouted out foul words: "Our Lu Family Armygroup is about to explode, and Brother Fei is making everyone to maintain calm,but everyone could not bear it. We can’t eat such a loss in vain!"

Lu Chen hadjust finished organizing the studio and was so tired that he was sweating allover.

Hearing LiMubai’s roaring cry, he smiled and said, "Tell everyone not to worry,because now is not the right opportunity to fight back. Let’s wait."


Li Mubaisaid discontentedly, "I may unable to bear being stepped on by other andbe pooped and peed on my head!"

Lu Chen alsodid not want to put up with it, but Chen Jianhao had not made any movement, andeven if he fought back, he had no weapons.

But Lu Chen couldn’tchill the blood of Li Mubai and Lu Family Army. He thought about it and said,"Well, give me another hour, you first organize everyone to prepare, andthen we’ll go together!"

If Stray Catis still silent before 9 o’clock, Lu Chen will have to make his own sound.

Even if thesituation is bad, he will fight to the end.

If you can’tbear it, you don’t have to put up with it any longer!

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