
Chapter 104


The cellphone that landed on the edge of the bed suddenly rang and shook violently.

Lu Chen wokeup suddenly.

He sat up abruptly,his dark eyes full of confusion. After a while, he slowly recovered.

Lu Chen hadjust had a dream, in which he returned to that world, but he could not tellwhether he was Xu Bo, Mo Ran or Fang Mingyi, or neither of them.

In hisdream, he was a lonely time traveler, a secular observer, and regardless of thechanges in the world, all of it has nothing to do with him. He just looked atthe joys and sorrows of the world.

Lu Chenthought he would never wake up until the end of the world!

Fortunately,it was just a dream.

He got up,went to the bathroom and washed his face, and he was fully awake.

He went backto his bedroom and pick up his cell phone and took a look at the time. It was 1:32in the morning.

Lu Chencouldn’t help but smile bitterly. He conveniently opened the Easy Pay messagehe just received, which suddenly stunned him. (TN: Easy Pay is like PayPal. Andit’s real. Google it: 易付宝)

This messagereminded Lu Chen that 200,000 yuan had just been transferred to his account!

And it’s anonymous.

The heck?

Lu Chen rubbedhis eyes incredulously, and he hurriedly look through his record in Easy Pay. Itturned out to be real!

Who is this prodigalfellow? And such a huge sum of money?

He wasconfused.

Thistransfer transaction is accompanied by a message. The content is very simple,two words - Thank you.

It was thesetwo words that made Lu Chen vaguely understand.

Among thepeople he knew, he was probably the only one with the ability and motivation todo such a thing.

However,when Lu Chen called the other party to verify, the result was he was shut downwith a voice prompt.


The nextmorning, Lu Chen arrived at the Nirvana Studio.

Lu Chen’sfirst solo album will be produced by this studio, and both parties have alreadysigned a formal contract, so he will often come here for a long time.

Inparticular, a few songs that are ready to be sung in “Singing China”competition, should have their accompaniment be released in advance.

Lu Chen was stillreceived by Wang Changsheng. The manager of the Nirvana studio gave him a surprised.

“Mr.Lu, I’ve found a suitable office space for you!”

“So fast?”

Lu Chen wassurprised: “Where is the location?”

He is goingto open a music studio in Blue Sky Creative Park, which is a little far fromthe city centre, but it has a good environment, complete commercial facilitiesand relatively low operating costs.

Therefore,Lu Chen asked Wang Changsheng to help him find a suitable office the day beforeyesterday. He didn’t expect to hear from him today.

This efficiencyis too fast!

WangChangsheng said with a smile, “It’s also a coincidence. Yesterday, I runinto a former student of mine who went to worked in the park managementcommittee. After inquiring, I found out that there were several floors in theA8 building that are being rented out, and the office area is between 100 and1,500 square meters!”

Blue Sky Creative Park belongs to the DistrictGovernment Management Committee, which owns a number of office buildings andproperties. Among them, A7 and A8 are the best. They are located on the northand south sides of the entrance to the park, just tens of meters from thesubway exit.

Originally,all the office space in the two office buildings has already been rented out,but recently, many companies in A8 have moved to a new building nearby, soseveral floors have been vacated for sublease.

This is reallyjust a coincidence. If Wang Changsheng hasn’t run into his student, it wouldprobably be gone in a few days.

According tohis student, several sets have been booked in advance.

“Iwanted to call you in the morning, and now you’re right here just in time!”

After LuChen learned about it, he immediately became interested. “Then can Itrouble Manager Wang to accompany me to have a look?”


WangChangsheng said with a smile, “You can rest assured on the arrangement ofthe album. Wang Jing has already started working yesterday, to ensure that youwill not be delayed in the competition, and also to ensure the quality of the work!”

“I’m calling now to make an appointment with my student.”

As the old saying goes, some people in the DPRK handle things well1

. The property owned by the management committee is assisted by the people inside the management committee. That will make things much simpler. (TN: This just mean if you have connection, then things will go well.)

WangChangsheng’s student, surnamed Xu, who is in his 30s, is the head of a departmentof the management committee.

Aftermeeting and knowing him, he was still very enthusiastic about Lu Chen, praisingLu Chen for being young and promising.

It’s alittle embarrassing for Lu Chen.

Through theintroduction of Chief Xu, Lu Chen knew that the A8 office buildings in Blue SkyCreative Park is 32 stories high, and the first, second, and third floors wererented to banks, restaurants, gyms, and other business owners. And above thethird floor are all office rooms. At present, there are vacant units for rent onthe 15th, 19th and 26th floors.

Under hisleadership, Lu Chen and Wang Changsheng came to the A8 office building togetherand visited the three floors respectively.

Lu Chen isreally satisfied with the working conditions here.

At present,he is still in the initial stage, so the requirements are still not that high. Ifit wasn’t because his luck was good, he may not be able to run into this.

Such anopportunity is hard to come by. He definitely can’t miss it.

The onlything that made Lu Chen hesitant was that a suite of 200 square meters on the19th floor and a suite of 150 square meters on the 26th floor was suitable forhim, but he didn’t know which one to choose.

WangChangsheng, who has rich experience, analyzed for Lu Chen, “Mr. Lu, if youhave enough fund, you’d better rent the 200 square meters one! The house of themanagement committee will not raise the price easily. You can feel at easerenting it for a few years. The area is bigger, convenient for future businessexpansion.”

Bigger isdefinitely better. Lu Chen mainly wanted to save some rent, but Wang Changshenghas a good point. So, he decided to rent the 200 square meters suite on the 19thfloor without considering it for a long time.

The formertenant of the suite has made some simple renovation. The suite was divided intoa reception room, a large office area, two offices, a lounge, and a rest room.The rest room is divided into men and women’s cubicles, which are spacious andcomfortable enough.

Although allthe things inside has been removed, as long as he cleans it up and add allkinds of office equipment, he will soon be able to move in and start business.

The rent forthe suite is 3.5 yuan per square meter per day, which is equivalent to 21,000yuan per month, which is not cheap, but it is worth it relative to the locationand conditions.

In addition,the annual property management fee is also about 20,000.

Fortunately,Lu Chen has a stable source of income now. Otherwise, even if he opens astudio, he will at most can only rent a small suite of dozens of square metersto make ends meet. Where can he rent such a big room?

It should beknown that rent is just one aspect. In the future, he will hire employees andspend a lot on wages, taxes, utilities, and so on.

After choosinga good office space, for fear that a lot of problem may appear if he delaysthis, he directly went to the management committee with section Chief Xu tosign a contract.

Blue Sky Creative Park Management Committee is very efficient, and with the help of Chief Xu, he was able to signed a formal contract before noon, and got the lease of the property for a period of two years.

According to the contract requirement of "three pay three", Lu Chen paid a total of 126,000 yuan2.

“Congratulations,Mr. Lu!”

Aftersigning the contract, the head of the management committee shake hands with LuChen and said, “I wish you a bright future in the Blue Sky CreativePark!”

Lu Chensmiled and said, “Thank you!”

Originally,he wanted to invite the other party and Chief Xu to have lunch together, butthey politely declined.

The Park managementcommittee has strict regulations in this respect.

In theafternoon, Lu Chen came back to his home. The first thing he did was to call LiFeiyu.

The officeis rented, but there are still a lot of work to do, such as cleaning,purchasing supplies, decorating, licensing, recruiting new employees, and so on,all of which needs Li Feiyu to help him complete.

And Lu Xi, shehas to come to Beijing ahead of schedule!

Lu Chen hasa hunch that he would soon become very busy and that he could not do without trustworthypeople to help him.

Aftertalking to Li Feiyu on the phone, Lu Chen turned on his computer and loggedonto the Inspur blog network.

In thiscountry’s largest blog site, he registered a new account. His ID is: Lu ChenFMX.

Lu Chen ishimself, and FMX represents Fang Mingyi, Mo Ran and Xu Bo, respectively.

Theestablishment of this account also means that he has reached a new startingpoint in his life and career.

In hisprofile, Lu Chen filled in the word “Singer”.

He knowsthat this is just temporary, and in the future, he will be adding actor andfreelance writers...

And evenmore!

Theregistration time is 16:27 on 13 July 2015. (TN: 4:27 pm)

There are267 hours and 03 minutes to go until the start of the live broadcast of "SingingChina" top 16 of 32 in Beijing Singing Area.


TN: I’m not sure if I translated this correctly, results show that the translated word for (朝中) is "people of the DPRK". The thing that I’m getting is that if you know someone from the inside, things will go well.1

TN: No idea what is "three pay three" contract is so I don’t know where 126,000 came from. This only make sense if he paid for 6 months.2

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