
Chapter 48 - The Heir

"Doctor!" Gwangjoo stopped him. "How is her condition?"

"Lady Gwi has lost a lot of blood," the doctor stated. "She will need a transfusion!"


Gwangjoo slumped on a chair nearby. They were at the palace where Lady Gwi was giving birth to Kim San, their son. They were warned that the delivery would be a difficult one and the doctors had suggested a C-section but Gwi Dahyun had insisted that she wanted a natural home birth.

"I will ensure it all," she said firmly, unflinching from her decision. No matter how many times Gwangjoo tried to persuade her to do otherwise, she would not change her mind. She was adamant.

"Why is she always so stubborn?" he moaned. The task he has asked of her was already a very difficult one to do. And yet, out of the goodness of her heart, she had agreed upon it. She was ready to endure all the pain in order to give birth to Kim San. Should he applaud her at her courage or call it a stupidity, he was not sure.

The minutes passed by, turning into hours and Dahyun\'s screams echoed throughout the palace.

Inside the room, Dahyun was breathing heavily while the maids and nurses catered to her.

​ "Just a little bit more my lady!" a nurse coaxed her. "His crown is almost out!"

"AHHHHH!" Dahyun yelled, pushing her stomach with all her might. She was a petite girl in her early twenties and it was her first time bearing a child. Her whole body was sweaty due to the intense labor and the bed sheets were stained crimson by her blood. Her dar hair was plastered to her forehead and her body was exhausted from the thirty hour long labor.

"Push, my lady!" another maid encouraged her. "Push!"

"I…" Dahyun gasped. "I...am…"

She could not gather the energy to push any further. Her body had given up and she was holding on to dear life only by a thread.

"For your son, my lady," the nurse reminded her. "Your son is almost here! Kim San is almost here!"

Kim San…

Yes. Her son was about to be born. She must bear the pain because upon seeing his face, everything would be worth it.

Regaining her remaining strength, Dahyun pushed harder. She clung to the maid and nurse\'s hands so hard that blood was beginning to drip from their palms but they did not complain. Taking care of Lady Gwi was more important.

"Push!" the nurse ordered. "Push harder!"

"AHHHH!" Dahyun screamed, pushing her full willpower.

"I see the crown!" a maid, who was checking Dahyun\'s pelvic area from beneath a blanket, exclaimed. "The baby is coming out, my lady. Push harder!"

Dahyun bit her lip hard and pushed. She tried to hold in her screams so that the Emperor could not hear her but the pain was unbearable. Her cries were escaping and she knew that it was driving him insane.


She pushed harder and harder. The baby was beginning to come out of her vagina. Two of the maids held the baby\'s head, gently beginning to pull him out of the mother\'s womb. Dahyun panted and gasped, pushing out the baby until it was finally out.

"AGH!" she grunted as she gave the final push. Laying back on the bed, she was trying to catch her breath. Her body was worn out and black spots began to form in her vision. She was about to pass out any moment but she wanted to take a glance at her son.

"S...show him...to me…" she weakly begged. "P...please…"

One of the nurses cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blanket. Kim San was crying loudly in her arms. Dahyun took a look at him and even though she was tired from the long labor, she gave a small smile. She wanted to hold him and hug him. The nine months were nothing short of torture but the pain was worth it because upon seeing her son\'s face, all her sorrows were gone.

"I...want to...hold…" she began but one of the nurses shook her head.

"You are still too weak," the nurse said gently. "You need to rest. We will take care of him."

Just then, the Emperor barged in through the door. Dahyun had finally given birth to his son!

Dahyun looked at the Emperor and smiled. He was a little confused by what he was supposed to do but the joy on his face was undeniable. The Emperor was shaking as he held their son in his arms. Their Kim San was finally here!

"Thank you...Dahyun…" he said, his eyes tearing up. The people in the room were surprised to see their monarch crying. They had never seen him express any emotions and seeing him like that made them feel a little awkward.

Gwangjoo held their son while the maids and nurses took care of Dahyun. She had passed out and needed rest. He would make sure that she got the best care in the world and their Kim San would grow up to become an excellent person. Both he and Dahyun would raise their son with a lot of love and affection.


A courtier hesitantly came up to him.

"What is it?" The Emperor asked, while cooing at his son.

"Empress Gwi has also given birth to a son as predicted."

Gwangjoo froze. His expression was unreadable. San let out a tiny moan, as if he was ready to sleep.

"See to her wellbeing," Gwangjoo said in a cold tone. "Her son will be proclaimed as the Crown Prince tomorrow morning. And the name we chose has also been sent to the astronomers."

The courtier bowed but did not leave. "Sir, are you sure you want to name him the same as Lady Gwi\'s son?"

The Emperor closed his eyes. It was an unfortunate fate but there was no other choice. This was a tradition after all. All ruling monarchs needed a shadow. Gwangjoo had many of his own so it was obvious his heir must also have one who would be prepared to die in his stead.

"Yes," the Emperor finally said. "He will also be named Kim San. Crown Prince Kim San."

The courtier bowed and left to convey the message. Gwangjoo glanced at the child in his hands, lamenting the fate which was bestowed upon him. If only he could announce this baby as the legitimate heir…

"No worries, my son," he whispered. "That boy will live as the heir to the Crown. You will live as our son."

The baby in his arms fell asleep, unaware of the arduous path which was laid in front of him. At that moment, all he wanted was to sleep peacefully while the world around him fell apart.


Slow footsteps approached the CEO\'s office, every step filled with an ominous aura. The man fixed his hair and glasses as he made his way towards Jonghyun\'s cabin. His heart was filled with a vengeance which was willing to burn everything down. But he was like the silent wolf, slowly calculating his moves while biding his time. Everything was going to fall into place according to his plan. All he was looking for was the right moment.

And in his hand, was his first chance.

Jonghyun looked up when he heard the knock.

"Come in!" he said.

SD slowly entered the room, hiding his malice under the persona of Haein.

"Sir," he began. "You have an invitation."

He handed the envelope to Jonghyun who recognized the distinct blue seal with a navy ship on it.

"This is…" he groaned.

"An invitation from the Prime Minister," SD finished for him. "For a private family dinner."

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