
Chapter Side Story 48


Fiona pulled her greatsword from behind her back like lightning and clenched her teeth. She was forced to take several steps backwards.

The wave of spirit issuing from her opponent took the shape of a griffon with outstretched wings high above his head. The eyes of the Knight King blazed with a dark flame as he stood in place.

"Heugh! Huagh…!"

Fiona gasped in front of the overwhelming spirit. It seemed to burn not only her body, but her soul as well. It was as if an invisible hand was tightly wound around her heart.

What was this power?

A little while ago, she had been excited to fight against King Pendragon and the Knight King of Valvas. However, all of her anticipations had vanished like a lie.

\'You don\'t know them.\'

Her brother\'s previous words came to her mind.

She really had no idea that it would be so overwhelming. She always considered the strongest in Mirin to be the strongest in the entire empire, but she finally realized that the frog in the well knew nothing of the ocean.

"Hugh! Huagh!"

She felt exhausted and sweat drenched her entire body even though she was simply resisting Isla\'s spirit. It was as if she had battled against dozens of knights without rest.


He took a step forward. The cloth was still wrapped around his weapon.


Fiona clenched her teeth and forced herself to stand tall when her knees threatened to buckle underneath. She felt a bitter, metallic taste as blood started flowing between her gums.

"Please wait a minute!"

Someone\'s shout cut through the tense silence.

It was Lucas.

"Please, I request a spar! That child! My sister is still young! Your Majesty Isla! Please show mercy and withdraw your spirit. Please let it be a spar!"

Lucas shouted with all his might. Isla\'s spirit was directed at Fiona in its entirety, but Lucas was drenched in sweat just by being near the Knight King.


Isla slowly withdrew his spirit after sparing a glance.




Fiona exhaled loudly before falling on one knee. Her eyes were filled with disbelief and shock.

She had lost without ever even swinging her weapon.


She raised her head. The man responsible for her total defeat was looking down at her with cold eyes. A short, but shocked silence filled the hall. Everyone\'s expressions were filled with complete and utter shock. Only Raven and Soldrake maintained a peaceful expression.

"The griffon\'s child has gotten stronger."

"Hmm. I heard he never participated in any wars or duels for seven years. He must have trained diligently."

Raven stared at Elkin Isla with a sparkle. Isla was truly the strongest knight of Pendragon.

The level of power Isla displayed was no different than his own before he died. Elkin Isla was truly deserving of his title \'Stormbringer\' as the strongest knight.


He placed his cloth-wrapped spear on his shoulder and spoke while looking down.

"How is your swordsmanship?"


Fiona was startled. If anyone else had spoken such words to her, she would have put them in her place with her blade. However, the man in front of her was well qualified to speak such words. No, he was more than well qualified.

Any other knight would have admitted defeat without wanting to cross blades, but as a born warrior, Fiona Mirin\'s fighting spirit still burned bright.

"Will you give me a chance?"



Both Isla and Raven were surprised at her reaction. Even though she was wheezing, her expression contained anticipation. There weren\'t many people capable of receiving Isla\'s spirit head on. Raven guessed that only Killian or Ian would be capable of such a feat among the humans he knew. Karuta, the orc warrior, would have jumped up in delight and launched his own attack in response.

However, a maiden younger than 20 had successfully received the spirit of the Knight King of Valvas, although she struggled, and was wanting to cross blades with him immediately afterwards.

"Will you be using that spear?"


He gazed at her for a while, then shook his head. Isla politely held out Thorca to the only one he could entrust it, Raven.

"Finish it quickly."

"Yes, my lord."

"P, please wait a minute."

Isla started to turn towards Fiona while holding a longsword. Otto suddenly stepped up while breaking a cold sweat.


Otto trembled after meeting Raven\'s icy gaze. Isla\'s spirit had displayed its might only a moment ago, but he was sure that King Pendragon was even stronger. He could only see the two men as monsters. However, even in this desperate situation, Otto had to cast his deciding dice.

He was desperate and ambitious.

"If Fiona wins in the spar…"

She was no match for the Knight King of Valvas in terms of spirit, but if it was a battle of pure strength and skill, perhaps she could…


Raven smiled involuntarily after hearing Otto\'s trembling voice.

"What if your daughter wins?"

"Then Your Majesty Pendragon must stay here for a month, and His Majesty Elkin Isla of Valvas will become the son-in-law of Mirin."


Raven became dumbfounded and frowned.

Was the margrave truly out of his mind? How could he possibly suggest such a thing after experiencing the…

\'No, wait a minute.\'

An idea came to Raven\'s mind, and he smiled coldly.

"Fine. Let\'s do that then."


Otto\'s face brightened as he desperately held onto his last hope, and Fiona\'s expression became sullen. Ever since she was a child, Fiona only had one person as her goal – Alan Pendragon. Of course, the king of Valvas was also an absolute powerhouse who far exceeded her expectations, but she couldn\'t help but feel slightly regretful.

"Then we can…"


Otto attempted to rush into battle, worried that Raven might change his mind. However, Raven cut him off.

"Isn\'t this rather unfair? I have conditions as well."


Raven\'s words were justified. As such, Otto responded with a solemn expression.

"If it\'s my life, then let it be as such."

"That\'s a given."


Raven wiped the smile off his face before continuing with a glare full of killing intent.

"Margrave Mirin, the heads of all those who participated in the kidnapping of my sister and son, as well as your life. And…"

Otto\'s hands continued trembling as Raven continued.

\'D, don\'t tell me…\'

He felt an unknown sense of anxiety which soon materialized.

"The name of the one who instigated you and Mirin. You will give it to me."


Otto\'s eyes filled with complete shock. Raven was convinced that his expectations had been right after seeing Otto\'s reaction. Mirin\'s Margrave was too hasty and unreasonable in implementing his plans. Unless he was a fool, he wouldn\'t act without a guarantee from his instigator.

"You don\'t like it? If so, we can take care of it with force."

"Your Majesty Pendragon!"

Lucas shouted in surprise. He knew that none of the people in Valeran Castle would escape if King Pendragon joined forces with the Knight King of Valvas. Even if the destruction of the Mirin family was unavoidable, he could not simply watch as barbarians violated the land of Mirin.

"I… agree."


Otto resentfully agreed while biting his lips. He was faced with a dead end.


Raven nodded apathetically, then turned gestured towards Isla.

Tap. Tap.

Elkin Isla was considered the world\'s strongest in terms of spearmanship, but Valvas Cavaliers were adept in using all kinds of weapons. As such, he was a master in swordsmanship as well. Isla stepped forward while taking out a rapier and a dagger.


He calmed his breathing and matched it with a single circulation of his spirit, which he reduced to about 30 percent. His muscles were forged in his dances with death, and he trained without a single day of rest. His muscles tightened and wriggled inside his light armor.

Although she could not see it, Fiona could feel his movements.


Fiona let her greatsword drop to the floor of the hall, then reached her hands to her sides and back.

Clank! Boom!

Her armor fell to the floor with a loud sound.


Isla frowned, and Fiona responded with an awkward smile of fear and tension.

"This isn\'t a battlefield where I might be faced with blind arrows and swords. It\'s only a nuisance. Besides, I didn\'t think you were the one to accidentally slash and cut…"

However, if she was unlucky, she could lose her life. Perhaps she would be permanently injured and lose one of her limbs. Nevertheless, Fiona boldly unequipped her armor because she was convinced that she could not properly display her skills with it weighing her down.

"Good judgement."

Isla recognized Fiona for the first time. He drew his rapier back and set his dagger forward. It was a unique stance of the cavaliers.

"Thank you. However, my swordsmanship…"

Fiona expressed her gratitude, then her figure became blurred.

"Is quite good too!"


The strongest of Mirin charged forward. No one else was her match in the land of Mirin except Otto.


Her weapon slashed towards Isla\'s waist while leaving behind a trail of light. The greatsword was easily three times larger and heavier than a regular sword.

"She won…"

Otto became certain that Isla would be split into two even if he attempted to avoid it. He started shouting with joy, but…


Isla\'s dagger deflected the greatsword up into the air. At the same time, he crouched and dug into the opponent\'s body.



Fiona was sent flying into the air before she crashed on the floor.


Otto roared like a wounded beast after witnessing his daughter\'s miserable end. He had cherished her even more than his eldest son, and he had passed down everything he knew.

"F, father! She\'s fine! Fio is not dead!"

Lucas shouted after examining Fiona\'s condition.


"Since he struck with the spine. She probably has a few broken ribs."

Raven spoke in a quiet voice, and Otto shot forward like a madman before checking his daughter\'s pulse.

"F, Fiona? Fio…"

It was just as King Pendragon said. Blood continued flowing from her mouth, but his daughter wasn\'t dead.

"I\'m fine. Father, FIo is fine."

"Euughh! Huagh…!"

Tears started flowing from the margrave\'s eyes. It was completely unexpected from a man who appeared so heartless and immovable.

The margrave was shedding tears of relief.


Raven watched silently as Otto wept.

For a moment, someone\'s face came to his mind.


He felt a surge of emotion. It was something he could have never felt in the past, or perhaps something he should not have as a warrior. However, Raven was a father, just the same as Otto. He chose to be a a little honest with the emotions he felt from Otto.

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