
Chapter 112: Sword Domain 1

112 Sword Domain 1

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lan, Kang Yan, and Wei Yuan entered the port city as instructed by Xu Miao and Jia Shan.

As Wei Yuan was the only one with a spatial ring, she was in charge of collecting items for the party. The refined stone also in her hands.

Meanwhile, Jiang Lan and Kang Yan received pieces of clothes from Wei Yuan to make veils and bandanas. They hid their faces and proceeded into the city, disguising as Wei Yuan\'s personal bodyguards.

The port was a big as the Mountain Goose City. However, their city partition style was different.

There were three districts inside the port city – Outer District, Middle District, and Inner District.

The outer district was a common area with a combination of residential buildings and business buildings. The buzzing population in the port attracted nearby merchants to this place to buy their unique specialties. Processed chicken fishes, harvested from the Crimson River, were sold here. Common visitors and guests from other cities could stay in this zone without a repercussion.

The middle district was reserved for noble families from prominent sects or the capital city. Nobody could enter this zone unless they had invitation tokens or proof of nobility.

As for the inner district, it was a port zone, where only authorized personal could use.

Wei Yuan, Jiang Lan, and Kang Yan admired the steel wall, protective arrays, and the concrete buildings in the port city. They almost forgot that they were supposed to buy spatial rings, clothes, and basic supplies for the long journey.

They could see over a hundred 3rd-stage cultivators in soldier uniforms, watching over the city from the top of the walls. The port\'s security was stricter than Mountain Goose City.

"Lady Wei, isn\'t the port city bigger than the Mountain Goose City?"

"That\'s right. Lady Wei, we should buy some of the local products for master, too. We should stockpile chicken fishes and solidified crimson water pills from the port, so we can resell them at other cities for profits!"

Jiang Lan and Kang Yan were talkative. Their attitudes toward Wei Yuan was the opposite of what happened yesterday.

Wei Yuan doubted if they were plotting something. These two servants were too friendly.

While raising her eyebrows, Wei Yuan peered at them, "Let\'s keep it quiet. We don\'t want to attract too much attention from the locals. Remember that we\'re all girls. Local gangsters, thieves, and rogue cultivators can ambush us in the port."

Jiang Lan laughed, "Unless their strength is 4th-stage or higher, they won\'t be our opponent!"

Kang Yan puffed her chest, "Our master trained us well. We won\'t lose to nameless hoodlums in the streets!"

Wei Yuan sighed. These girls overestimated themselves, and they might get into trouble.

The group of three girls queued behind several merchant caravans, who were waiting to be inspected by the gate guards. They covered their head with old dirty clothes, which blended in the crowd as many women, men, and the elder had similar clothes. Also, they covered their sexy bodies with brown robes to hide their gender.

It didn\'t take long for the group to get their queue.

"Next!" The city guards called for Wei Yuan\'s group.

Wei Yuan walked toward them to be inspected.

"Do you have ID tokens?"

Wei Yuan flashed her Wei Clan\'s token. As the princess of the clan, she always kept the token with her.

"Wei? Never heard of them. Where are you from?"

Wei Yuan clicked her tongue as these guards were ignorant, "Mountain Goose City. I\'m here with my servants."

Upon hearing a young woman\'s voice, the gate guard captain grinned, "What is your business for coming to this port?"

"Travel and sightseeing."

"How much money are you carrying?"

Wei Yuan, Jiang Lan, and Kang Yan frowned. The question was unnecessary, and it violated their privacy.

"I don\'t need to answer that question."

The guard scoffed and threatened her with his killing intent, "This port is a restricted area. We can\'t allow beggars, commoners, and potential fugitives to enter the port and jeopardize the order. Unless we can verify that you have enough money to live in the port city, we won\'t let you enter!"

Several soldiers behind the talking guard snickered and held back their laughter. They leered Wei Yuan from head to toes, looking forward to stripping her and check their bodies.

"If you don\'t have money, you must come with us to the barrack for a thorough inspection! Once we make sure that you\'re not carrying anything harmful to our port, we\'ll let you enter!"

"That\'s right. I\'ll give you some compensation for the trouble. How about a spirit stone?"

These guards jeered and whistled. Their mouth reeked of alcohol.

It was an obvious scam. Wei Yuan could tell that they were seducing her to a secluded place. Then, they would have their ways with her body.

Jiang Lan and Kang Yan placed their hands on their sword hilts by their belts. They were expendable low-grade broadswords, which were given by Xu Miao. The latter could have given them better weaponry, but it might attract too much attention from the local cultivators.

Sensing the killing intent from the two girls, Wei Yuan raised her hand to stop them. Then, she summoned the second-hand refined Yin stone from her spatial ring.


The guards widened their eyes and clicked their tongue. However, the guard leader, who had been talking to Wei Yuan, showed a crooked smile, "The entrance toll for non-merchants is 100 spirit stones per person."

Now, Wei Yuan\'s killing intent soared. She pointed at the announcement board behind the guard leader, "The poster said the entrance is free as long as we have an identification token!"

"That only applies to nobles from the capital city. A country bumpkin like you have to pay the toll! Of course, we don\'t have the changes, so we\'ll take the refined stone as the toll for 3 people."

"Is that so?"

"That\'s right! Pay us or scram! Oh, wait. How about this? Spend a night with me and your group can enter the port for free!"

The guards burst into laughter again. They cackled as if it was the best joke they had ever heard.

Wei Yuan gritted her teeth. She could easily kill these foolish people, but she wouldn\'t be able to survive if the other 3rd-stage soldiers joined the fight.

Swallowing her pride and anger, Wei Yuan turned around, "Let\'s return."

Kang Yan and Jiang Lan spat and glared at the drunk guards. They could tell that these men tried to take advantage of them because they were a group of young women. Still, they followed Wei Yuan\'s instruction and got out of the queue.

The commoners and merchants behind Wei Yuan\'s queue only gazed at them in sympathy. Normally, the Rooster Port City was well-known for its low crime rate. Unfortunately, they ran into a minor group of corrupted soldiers.

The guard leader sneered. He suddenly shouted, "HOLD IT! I\'VE FOUND A GROUP OF SUSPICION PEOPLE! ALL GUARDS, SURROUND THEM!!"

The soldiers on top of the wall turned toward the gate guards. Four of them jumped down and encircled Wei Yuan, Jiang Lan, and Kang Yan, blocking their ways to escape.

"These bunches of losers!!"

Wei Yuan lost it. She summoned an earth-grade naginata and unleashed her demonic Qi.

Jiang Lan and Kang Yan also had enough. They threw away their cloaks and drew their swords, releasing their Yin Qi.

Before the guards could complete the formation, Jiang Lan already fired two ice bullets toward the drunk guard leader.

*PU* *PU*

As if the gate guard leader was hit by a shotgun shell at point-blank to his face, his head exploded, and pieces of his brain scattered in the air.

The assault triggered a chain reaction. The drunk guards ran into the port and called for help. The patrol soldiers, who were unaware of the unfair treatment, ran outside the port city.


"SCREW YOU ALL!" Kang Yan bellowed and kicked the ground. Using the haunting ghost footwork, a technique that Xu Miao got from the monster realm, her body became transparent for a blink of a second, leaving her afterimages.

As if Kang Yan duplicated her body, a semi-transparent ghost with Kang Yan\'s face rushed toward a soldier in front of her.

"What the hell!?"

The soldier got panicked and raised their weapons to attack the oncoming ghost. His spear pierced through it, but the ghost disappeared.

Kang Yan\'s real body appeared behind the soldier, and her sword sliced through his neck. His head flew.

Wei Yuan was more brutal. She clenched with her earth-grade naginata and cleaved three soldiers with one swing, separated their waists and their torsos at the same time.

Using the initiative, the three girls leaped over the dead bodies and ran away from the horde of chasing soldiers.

A siren rang behind them. Over a hundred 3rd stage soldiers leaped over the wall to see what had happened. They couldn\'t pursue the girls as the surviving drunk guards ran away during the fight, and bystanders didn\'t tell the guards who did it since the drunk guards were at fault.

The patrol soldiers, who had attempted to encircle Wei Yuan\'s group, chased after the three girls. They also shouted to their friends, calling for reinforcements.

Twenty 3rd-stage soldiers pursued. They ran after the three girls.

The commotion sound and yelling were incomprehensible, but Wei Yuan could tell that they screwed up big time.


As fighting 20 cultivators with their strength were impossible, Wei Yuan, Jiang Lan, and Kang Yan ran toward Xu Miao to seek help.

Within five minutes, they reached the main group.



Hearing the panicking cry from the girls, Xu Miao, Jia Shan, and the ten slaves rushed to help. They didn\'t bother asking what had happened as they got into a battle formation.

Xu Miao distributed earth-grade weapons to all slaves. Unfortunately, Jia Shan could no longer use Qi, so holding a magic weapon for too long might kill him. Xu Miao gave the sword saint a common broadsword for self-protection.

Wei Yuan, Jiang Lan, and Kang Yan regrouped with Xu Miao\'s company.

Jiang Lan and Kang Yan turned around and switched weapons to earth-grade swords. They stood by the flank of Xu Miao\'s 1-line formation.

As for Wei Yuan, she stood next to Xu Miao.

While they were preparing to welcome the pursuers, Jia Shan didn\'t stay behind the yin slaves or Xu Miao. Without fear, the old man stood in front of everyone.

"Pok! Pok! (Senior, you can\'t use Qi. Get behind me!)"

"Hahaha! Don\'t look down on this old man. Even without Qi, I can still fight!"

"Pok? (Can you even fight? Are your body okay?)"

As they were conversing, the 20 soldiers found them.


Jia Shan grinned as he confirmed the opponents\' strength. As long as they were under the 4th-stage, they were killable.

"Watch and learn, kids. The title "Sword Saint" isn\'t for decoration."

Without a magic weapon or Qi, Jia Shan leisurely walked toward the 20 soldiers with a normal broadsword.

The soldiers scanned the old man with their senses. Upon finding out that he was a commoner, the soldier captain bellowed, "Ignore the geezer! Kill the murderers and their colleagues!"

Two soldiers covered their bodies with pseudo aura barriers and raised their spears. They charged forward.

When they were about to pass Jia Shan, the latter waved his sword twice.



Jia Shan stood still, but an afterimage of his broadsword passed through the two soldiers\' chests. Blood appeared on the old man\'s sword.

"Ah, a pity. Had I still had a bit of Qi, no blood could have even stained by blade…"

The sword saint wiped the blood from his blade with his robe sleeves. While he was cleaning the blade, the two charging soldiers collapsed on the ground. Their blood-soaked the brown soil.

The remaining 18 soldiers, Xu Miao, Jiang Lan, Wei Yuan, Kang Yan, and the yin slaves were agape, unable to believe what had occurred.

Without Qi, Jia Shan could still slice through the pseudo aura barriers of 3rd stage cultivators with ease!

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