
Chapter 147 - Upgrade

Chapter 147: Upgrade

It was time to Evolve.

First, Dorian pulled out Arial’s Spatial Ring.

In it, Dorian had found several vials of blood, each of them Sealed with some type of mystical matrix. He withdrew them now, tapping lightly on the top of one of them.


Immediately, whatever Magic Seal had blocked the vial vanished, faint particles of light drifting into the air.

“Huh. What are you?” Dorian thought, his curiosity aroused. He opened the vial up, examining the blood.

It looked like… blood. He didn’t know what he had expected.


The blood in the vial vanished. An instant later, Ausra’s voice rang out.

‘Bloodline of Lightsworn Fox partially absorbed. Absorb more to fully form the Bloodline.’

Dorian’s eyes widened.

According to Ausra, a Lightsworn Fox’s Bloodline was unique. The only way for him to gain it was for him to either absorb a Lightsworn Fox’s Soul Spell Matrix, or bleed them for an extended period and get it that way.

The uses for a Lightsworn Fox’s Bloodline weren’t limited to this, however. It had a number of uses in Necromancy and Blood Magic, and was a sought-after rarity. The major downside to the Bloodline was that it lost its effectiveness over time.

As Dorian looked at the vials of blood, he realized what Arial had done.

She was aware of the value of her blood and preemptively stored it in vials, and then had those Sealed with Time Magic.

“No…” Dorian frowned as he looked at this, shaking his head. Why would she do that to herself?

“Ah…” He muttered, coming to a depressing realization.

It was likely that it wasn’t she who’d created the vials. Given her past, Dorian guessed she hadn’t given up her blood willingly either.

Arial had been hunted for killing several Shades. As Dorian looked at these expertly crafted vials of blood, a picture became painted in his mind.

Of Arial being held captive and slowly bled, forced to give up her blood as Shade Blood or Necromancy Wizards stored the vials with Time Magic, preserving it. Of her killing her captors and escaping, turning into a hunted fugitive.

Perhaps the story was different, in one way or another. Dorian felt like his guess was very close to the truth, however, if not spot on.

“You really didn’t have it easy, huh?” He muttered softly, rubbing one of the vials.

He sighed.



Dorian absorbed all of the remaining blood in each and every one of the vials, just barely gaining enough.

‘Lightsworn Fox Bloodline acquired.’

Dorian’s expression was mixed as he fully gained the Lightsworn Fox Bloodline. It was a powerful, Pseudo-Lord Class Bloodline with a unique Ability, Touching Light, that was very powerful.

“I’ll put it to good use.” He nodded sharply.

“First… Let’s grow it fully.” Dorian began to pour Growth Points into the Bloodline.

Dorian’s body transformed into that of a majestic white fox, covered in faint particles of light. Dorian reverted to his Wrath Vampire form right after, not wanting to stretch his clothes out overly much despite their magical properties. It also looked weird to see a fox wearing pants and a shirt. It felt weird to Dorian, anyway.

-Lightsworn Fox – Growth Stage: (4/4) Lightsworn Elder –

Growth Progress – 487,122/0 –

‘Fully grown.’ Dorian smiled.

“Touching Light, activate!”

Ability: Touching Light

A unique Ability to the Lightsworn Fox Race, Touching Light allows a Lightsworn Fox to manipulate particles of light. This often takes the form of weapons created out of pure light, weapons that hold extremely high temperatures, second only to Blackgold Dragonfire. Any type of light can be manipulated, including light that was not created by the Lightsworn Fox, or light that is imbued with the Power of Law.


A small dagger of light appeared in Dorian’s hand, one that was about the length of his hand. As Dorian called it into existence, he felt a noticeable, but not extreme, drain on his Soul Spell Matrix.

“Oooh.” Dorian muttered as he waved the blade around, feeling its incredible heat. The blade itself, and the heat from it, didn’t seem to be able to hurt his hand or arm that was holding the blade. The Ability protected his hand and arm. It did nothing for the rest of his body, Dorian noted, as he held his other hand near the blade and immediately pulled it back.

The heat from the small dagger was mostly self-contained, but just getting near it gave an incredible sense of danger.


Dorian extended the dagger, pushing it into a full blade just shorter than a meter. It was thin, closer to a rapier or a very fine sword than a broadsword.

Abruptly, another realization hit Dorian.

“No way!” He swung the blade a few times.

“I have a Lightsaber now!” His mind instantly went to the Lightsabers that the Jedi wielded in the movie series Star Wars back on Earth.



Dorian swung the blade back and forth, smiling cheerfully. He jumped around a bit, pretending to be a Jedi.

“Hahaha… alright, that’s enough for now.” He canceled the Ability. It drained roughly 1,000 points of Energy a minute to keep it active, but with Dorian’s sizable store of Energy, it wasn’t too large a draw.

‘Next… Ausra, I want you to combine my Bloodlines to form the Ancestral Vampire form.’

‘Acknowledged.’ Ausra replied.

Ancestral Vampire – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 28,164

Ability: Blood Sense, Constant Regeneration, Bat Transformation, Blood Contract, Demonic Eyes, Exuberant Grace

Ancestral Vampires are an ancient and nearly extinct form of Vampire. They were the originators, the first of the Vampire race, the true Royals. They possess several powerful Abilities that sets them apart from regular True Vampires and are an innately noble race. Powerful and agile, long-lived and wily, they are a terrible foe to make enemies with. Breeding and conceiving a child is excessively difficult for Ancestral Vampires.

The Ancestral Vampire Bloodline was one he’d gained the Ability to Evolve into a while ago. Dorian had opted not to, however, choosing the Wrath Vampire as his primary Humanoid form and using his Ifrit form as his secondary Magic form. His Black Scaled Rage Dragon was his ultimate offensive form, should he need to go all out.

Dorian had realized, however, that while the Ifrit Bloodline was powerful and especially suited for Fire Magic, it was geared primarily towards Fire Magic. Dorian had learned several Fire Magic Spells, but he wouldn’t consider himself an expert, even if the Ifrit was Fire Aspected.

The Ancestral Vampire, on the other hand, was Aspected to nothing. While it, as all Vampires, had a natural innate Ability to manipulate Blood and were adept at Blood Magic, in terms of Law sensory power, Ancestral Vampires were both very attuned to the environment and not Aspected towards any particular Law.

Dorian had decided to take on the form, adding it to his collection. When he wanted to practice Magic or study something, or just to have another useful Bloodline to combine with, he would use this form. His Wrath Vampire form was still his best choice for studying the Law of Wrath.


Energy drained from Dorian’s soul, roughly 35,000 points, as the various Bloodlines he required combined together to form the Ancestral Vampire Bloodline.

Dorian’s body transformed, becoming a handsome, slightly golden skinned Vampire. The air around him gained a heroic, noble presence, as if he was a wise, ancient warrior of old. Dorian felt his senses grow stronger, allowing him to see more of the world around him. His entire body seemed to become more attuned to itself, giving him a great sense of control.

At the same time, Dorian had several alerts go off as he gained several Abilities.

‘Bat Transformation, Blood Contract… meh.’ Dorian thought, tossing them to the side. The Bat Transformation allowed him to transform into a bat, an Ability he’d actually already had from his Wrath Vampire form. Blood Contract allowed him to Seal a Blood Contract with other Vampire or Vampire subspecies, an Ability he didn’t see himself using anytime soon.

One Ability, however, stood out to him. It was the main reason he had picked the Ancestral Vampire Bloodline up.

Ability: Exuberant Grace

Exuberant Grace, a natural Ability akin to many of the First Races that were born into existence at the start of the 30,000 Worlds. This passive Ability grants the user inborn grace, allowing them to move naturally with their physical form, no matter the injuries or obstructions one suffers. This Ability also boosts the reaction speed and natural agility of a being.

‘Nice.’ Dorian thought, nodding his head. He could feel the passive Ability at work, raising his reaction speed and prowess. It also seemed like this Ability would function like his Great Strength Ability, a passive one that applied to all his forms, not just a single one.

“Now for the main course…” He muttered, rubbing his hands together.

Dorian had gained two powerful Bloodlines recently. The Wise Jade Dragon Bloodline and the Lightsworn Fox Bloodline.

His recent addition of an Ancestral Vampire Bloodline would also affect combinations, to some degree, but the large similarities to Wrath Vampires, including the fact that he had all the base forms of that Bloodline, meant it wouldn’t do too much.

With all of this prepared… it was time to combine Bloodlines.

‘Ausra, run simulations on these Bloodlines. I want you to find the best combinations possible and list them for me.’ He mentally ordered, sitting back down on the ground.

‘Very well. Running simulations now…’ Ausra responded and then immediately set to work.

Time passed as Ausra calculated intensely, taking into account millions of contrasting variables. In that time, Dorian sat calmly, meditating.

‘I sensed two other mystical stores of energy, according to my memories.’ Dorian thought as he went over the intense battle inside the Ascension Ruins. His Jade Memory Ability would not allow him to forget anything.

‘Was that two other Laws?’ He mused as he focused back. As he was thinking about this, recalling the sensation, Ausra abruptly echoed out in his head.

‘Simulations complete.’ With the latest additions, higher Class Bloodlines were getting harder and harder to create, according to Ausra. As long as he kept adding powerful Bloodlines, it was still possible to find or create new forms. Eventually, however, some forms would no longer be able to Evolve any higher and he would have to find different paths.

‘3 Bloodlines created.’ Ausra promptly listed them.

Combining Human Bloodline, Wrath Vampire, Berserker Demon Bloodline, Lightsworn Fox Bloodline

Blood Render – Lord Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 60,919

Ability: Strong Constant Regeneration, Constant Rage, Moving Force, Blood Berserker

Blood Renders are an extinct and brutal race of Humanoids that have an insane thirst for blood. They hold incredible physical strength, able to match up against Dragons blow for blow. They stand roughly 2 and a half meters tall and have pitch black skin, with no visible facial features. Their arms are abnormally long, ending in long black claws.

Above their head rests a crown of light, a blood-colored crown that represents the infamous Ability of the Blood Render Race, Blood Berserker. When this Ability is active, every injury given to any other being will increase the physical might of the Blood Render proportional to the amount of blood absorbed. The longer a fight goes on, the stronger a Blood Render will become.

This race was hunted to extinction many years ago, according to legend.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/797eFzn.jpg )(Doesn’t Open In App)

Combining Wise Jade Dragon Bloodline, Black Scaled Rage Dragon Bloodline, Grakon Bloodline, Myyr Dragon Bloodline, Solar Rock Lizard Bloodline

Void Raptor – Lord Class (Late)

Maximum Energy Level: 78,336

Ability: Constant Regeneration, Void Shock, Mystic Armored Body, Great Strength

Void Raptors are a species of creatures related to various species of Dragons. These agile creatures are strong and durable, tough and compact. They stand roughly 5 meters tall and possess a unique Ability that allows them to create a powerful shockwave. This attack affects beings of all compositions and natures, shocking space itself, the fabric of creation.

Their durable body is complemented by the Mystic Armored Body Ability, an Ability that covers them in a thin, almost invisible network of energy that absorbs and lowers the power of anything impacting it.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/0baJbWr.jpg )(Doesn’t Open In App)

Combining Berserker Demon Bloodline, Wise Jade Dragon Bloodline, Lightsworn Fox, Grakon Bloodline, Lesser Throne Demon Bloodline, Ancestral Vampire Bloodline, Human Bloodline

Balance Demon – Lord Class (Late)

Maximum Energy Level: 84,331

Ability: Strong Constant Regeneration, Demonic Eyes, Body of Balance, Soul of Balance

A newly created race, Balance Demons are a unique type of being that are engineered to be a focus for balance. Their unique Abilities allows a Balance Demon to shrug off otherwise fatal attacks to the body or soul by balancing the attack out over their entire physical or soul form. They stand roughly 2 meters tall and have a natural shell of metallic and crystal armor, covering the entirety of their body.

Balance Demons are uniquely suited to control multiple Laws of opposing natures, making them one of the few races in the 30,000 Worlds that have a natural capacity to understand multiple Laws.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/zi2xvfD.jpg )(Doesn’t Open In App)

“Well now…” Dorian muttered as he went over the information, looking at each form intently.

The first form, the Blood Render, was incredibly creepy to look at. It was similar to his Berserker Demon form in that it had the downside of the Constant Rage Ability, meaning it would be hard to use the form at all. However, its upside was its powerful physical strength and its Blood Berserker Ability.

It was a powerful form, especially if Dorian needed to go all out and could afford to lose himself in his anger.

But Dorian ultimately put it on hold because of that.

“Its Abilities are unique to itself and can’t be used in other forms, or they are ones I already have. It’s a strong form… but I really can’t stand not being in control of myself. Also, it’s way too freaky.” He shook his head. The impression the Berserker Demon form had left on him was not a very pleasant one.

“Void Raptor…” He looked at the second form, nodding his head. It was an agile as well as extremely tanky creature, even coming with an Ability designed to enhance a creature’s defense.

“Oh? Mystic Armored Body is an Ability I can use in any form?” Dorian smiled when he saw this.

Some Abilities could only be used on certain forms. For example, the Blood Berserker Ability was unique to the Blood Render and could not be used on any of his other forms.

The Mystic Armored Body Ability from the Void Raptor, however, could be used on any of his forms and wasn’t locked down to just the Void Raptor. The other signature Ability, Void Shock, was restricted to only the Void Raptor.

Ability: Mystic Armored Body

A powerful defensive Ability, the Mystic Armored Body Ability creates a network of nearly invisible energy that draws on the surrounding environment, including the natural Laws of the Universe, to lessen the impact of energy or physical attacks.

The description of the Ability was rather short and didn’t mention how effective it was, but Dorian could already judge that it was worth at least something.

“I need a stronger defense, across all my forms. This is exactly what I need.” He immediately decided he would gain this form.

“As for the last form… The Balance Demon.” The form seemed almost custom made for Dorian, as if Fate itself was helping him out.

Dorian’s Berserker Demon form was an incredibly unstable one. When it combined with the calm and peaceful Wise Jade Dragon, the interaction of the two Bloodlines seemed to balance each other out. With a few other Bloodlines added to solidify the combination, the Balance Demon was born.

“It’s definitely strong and its unique Abilities will help with the two Laws I’m studying…” He said aloud, rubbing his chin. His Law of Valor and Law of Wrath definitely were closer to opposing than not.

The Balance Demon was also a very defensively focused form. He had just been complaining about how he needed to up his defense. A body like this seemed perfect in many ways.

There was only one issue.

As Dorian looked at the form, he realized something.

Just faintly, Dorian could see a slight resemblance between the Balance Demon and the physical form he had held in the future. The resemblance on the surface wasn’t too strong, but deeper, in a sort of Magical connection, Dorian could see that the two forms were definitely similar.

His Balance Demon form and the form that he had used when he was destroying the 30,000 Worlds were related.

Just the idea of this made him hesitate.

“No. I have faith that I will not fall to that future. It is not a certain one, just a possibility. I will stand on my own and not give in to evil.” Dorian’s eyes flashed as he renewed his determination, pushing aside any fears or worries she held.

“Ausra. Evolve me into the Balance Demon and Void Raptor forms.”

‘As you command.’


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

“You have already made a move, Duke Orbit?” A cool voice echoed out in the study as a masked figure crossed eyes with the fat, slothful Duke Orbit.

(Reference Image for Duke Orbit – https://i.imgur.com/PS6lB47.jpg )(Doesn’t Open In App)

The figure was humanoid, with glowing blue eyes and a gold mask that had an almost samurai-like head adornment atop it. The bottom half of the gold mask was made up of some type of jagged blue crystal that matched the color of the man’s eyes. He wore a set of loose, dark green leather armor, with a curved blade resting horizontally across his lower back.

The man’s hands glowed, blue essence floating and gleaming a few millimeters off of them, fluttering up and down his hand and forearms. He wore a set of gauntlets and gloves that helped contain this chaotic energy, but failed to hold it fully.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/GDf4K6g.jpg )(Doesn’t Open In App)

“Yes, Hallow. The Wrath Inheritor must’ve landed somewhere in the easternmost portion of my territory. I’ve already set my Hunters to find and locate at least the world the Inheritor landed on. To apprehend him if possible, to open communication if not.” Orbit replied, stretching his arms languidly as he looked at the threatening figure.

“It has been many years since a Wrath Inheritor appeared. If you are to chase him away, it would serve no one. The Destroyer has returned, as the prophecies foretold. We must prepare to annihilate him; you know as well as I that he will hunt us down and kill us all if we don’t.” Hallow responded, the air around him almost electric with tension.

Orbit ignored this air of danger entirely, still resting on the plush leather couch as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

“Yes, I’m aware. The so-called ‘Anomalies’ right? Still, remember our last altercation with that Inheritor of Pride? He refused to join the Council and nearly killed the envoy we sent.” Orbit replied, shrugging as he looked down at a sheaf of papers, a report from the other members of the Council.

“I know. The sheer arrogance of that man, Leader, to ignore us and declare he was going to conquer his own World alone.” Hallow shook his head. Faint particles of blue energy drifted off his arms as he spoke, dissipating into the air. He continued,

“That is why the rest of the Council has agreed to send me. There will be no mistakes this time.”

Orbit snorted, his eyes flashing as he grinned,

“Of course, of course, if you say so. Just don’t let your Envy get the best of yo-”

“My Envy is saved for the Heavens. Worry for yourself, Orbit. It’s a wonder you aren’t an Inheritor of Gluttony as well.” Hallow cut him off, his voice as cool as ever as he stared at the fat Duke disdainfully.

Duke Orbit glanced up at Hallow askance. He looked as if he was about to rebuke him before he decided it was too much effort and laid back down on the couch, simply giving the warrior a low-effort glare.

“Now, tell me, Orbit, before I leave.” Hallow continued, his eyes narrowing,

“Where exactly did you last detect the Wrath Inheritor’s presence?”




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