
Chapter 110 - Shorn Soul Repair Pill

Chapter 110: Shorn Soul Repair Pill

“A Yanna Herb, Bullwoth Leaf, Tamda Stem, Gollarthin Flower…” Lord Ru’s voice was filled with excitement as he ran over several of the ingredients in Dorian’s Spatial Ring.

“You have a veritable Alchemist’s dream collection! So many rare or powerful Magic Herbs!” His voice rang out.

They were currently in Dorian’s rented cabin on board. The cabin was richly decorated, with a large red bed and several nice paintings of various forests or oceans hanging on the walls.

The ship had lifted off smoothly and set sail. It was powered by Magic, as well as a quartet of Wizards manipulating the wind. The huge ship cut through the air with abandon, soaring at a very fast speed.

Those on board the ship didn’t feel any of the thunderous winds that kept it aloft and pushed it forward, however. For Dorian and the others, it was a smooth, gentle ride. Well worth the price of admission.

The Skycrosser Travel Company was well respected not only for its speed and comfort, but also for its safety. According to the info Dorian had gathered when he was searching for transport, the Skycrosser Travel Company was the second highest rated company for international transport on Paxital.

The number one ranked company, the Smooth Wing Transportation Ships, didn’t have any ships available today. Dorian had been in a rush, so he went with the Skycrosser one.

It would take them the rest of the day and night to reach Pashal. They would arrive around noon tomorrow, near the Northern side of the continent. The ship they were on would make several stops, eventually dropping Dorian and Leader off in the traveler’s city of Toko. Toko was located in the Kingdom of Jamm, a land ruled by a Lord Class Wizard.

From there, it was only a short journey to the World Bridge that would take them off-world to the planet Lansc, and an even shorter journey to the World Bridge to Magmor from there.

“And? Are there any relevant recipes you know?” Dorian looked at the Alchemist inquisitively.

The Aeth Vampire smiled warmly.

“Yes, yes there are! I have two such recipes that I have been commissioned to create, in my many years of experience as a Lord Class Alchemists.”

According to Lord Ru, Alchemists were ranked according to their skill, not purely their strength. One could be a Lord Class Alchemist without being at the Lord Class. That said, a stronger soul generally made for stronger skill or concentration, and most high-level Alchemists were powerful in strength as well.

“A Warm Soul Healing Pill and a Shorn Soul Repair Pill.” The Alchemist listed off two different Pills.

Pills, in the 30,000 Worlds, were the magical medicine most used for a variety of things. Dorian had won several unique Pills, each with magical effects and powers. Pills were like Artifacts in that way, but their effects only lasted for a short period of time.

“What’s the difference between the two?” He queried, rubbing his chin.

“A Warm Soul Healing Pill is suited for slowly repairing any damage a soul has taken. This can soothe injuries and stop soul dissolution. This type of Pill is expensive and difficult to make, but will usually have great effect if given time and a calm, peaceful place to rest while the process is underway.”

“A Shorn Soul Repair Pill is much more immediate than the Warm Soul Healing Pill. This Pill draws heavily on the energy of the surrounding world, forcibly healing a soul that has been split or injured. This can have negative side effects, and will not heal as completely as a Warm Soul Healing Pill, but it acts far faster.”

Lord Ru listed the effects of both Pills from memory, his voice sounding almost as if he was speaking by rote. When he talked about medicine, the air about him changed slightly. It felt more professional, more forward and direct.

“Hmm. And I have the ingredients for both?” He responded, eyeing the Aeth Vampire.

“Correct. The Fire-Aspected Golden Leaf is the key point, while the various rare Magic Herbs you own can make up for the rest with room to spare.” Lord Ru returned.

“What are your chances of success? Is there any chance you fail?” Dorian responded.

“Hmph.” Lord Ru’s eyes drew together as he sniffed,

“I am quite the accomplished Alchemist, Savior Dorian. I won’t hold your doubt against you since you rescued me, but I have had recruitment offers from every Major Power, including even the Draconic Tribes who don’t really like anyone.” The Vampire paused for a moment before continuing, taking a peek at Dorian to see if he had been sufficiently impressed,

“There is no chance of failure for either Pill, as long as I am given a safe environment to work.”

Dorian held up his hands apologetically,

“My bad, my bad. I’m super grateful for your offering to help. One last question,” He began, waving his hand,

“If you were to make one right now, how long would it take?”

“Approximately 8 hours of intense concentration.” Lord Ru responded almost immediately, nodding his head,

“Each Pill is a Lord Class Pill, further they are both what would be classified as “Late” Lord Class Pills. The difficulty in creating a Pill increases with each stage jump. Even for someone as skilled as me, I will need a large amount of time to successfully forge either Pill.”

Lord Ru had given Dorian a bit of an explanation on how Alchemy and Pillcrafting worked earlier.

According to him, he needed to combine all the ingredients in a specific order inside of a ‘Pill Furnace,’ a large, metal Magic Artifact that looked very similar to a slow cooker or crock-pot from Earth. The Alchemist would send in slivers of energy, guiding the ingredients as they slowly began to meld and combine.

At the same time, they would add engravings or magic symbols to the Pill, slowly forming the magic creation and power that held the Pill together. It was a long, drawn-out process that sounded incredibly complex to Dorian.

Dorian’s eyes flashed,

“Alright, perfect.” He smiled,

“Then, please make me a Shorn Soul Repair Pill.”

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

“Breathe in… breathe out…” Dorian talked to himself as he exhaled, his eyes calm and relaxed.

Several hours had passed. Leader was off resting while Lord Ru had returned to his own cabin and was in the process of creating a Shorn Soul Repair Pill. Dorian had offloaded all the ingredients the Aeth Vampire had requested, trusting his word.

The stability of the Skycrosser Travel Company meant there would be no real issues with operating the delicate Pill creation while traveling. They’d already flown hundreds of miles, yet Dorian had failed to feel even the slightest hint of turbulence.

“Breathe in… breathe out…” He took several more breaths, calming himself down fully.

He mentally brought up the information on the Perfect Body Ability.

Ability: Perfect Body

An Incomplete Divine Ability, the Perfect Body Ability is the unique active Ability of the Six Armed Deva. By drawing heavily on the energy in one’s Soul Spell Matrix as well as the natural energy in the surrounding environment, this Ability allows the Six Armed Deva to temporarily enrich and enhance every single cell in their physique. Their defensive prowess, offensive strength, and physical speed are vastly enhanced. Further, this enrichment affects their mental state, allowing them to perceive the world around them at a slower pace while empowering their senses.

“I need to test this.” He couldn’t risk just blindly using the Ability in combat without knowing fully how it worked.

“Status.” He said aloud, calling up another mental picture,

Dorian – Soul Status

Soul Stage: Lord Class (Middle)

Health: Perfect

Energy: 40,012/40,012

(Important Author’s Note: I originally listed the Wrath Vampire with the wrong Energy Level. It was supposed to be, in pure Energy Level, just barely weaker than the Black-Scaled Rage Dragon. I went back and corrected this mistake.)

“I’m in a perfect condition now.” He nodded his head, feeling some nervous jitters. This was, per the Ability description, an ‘incomplete Divine Ability.’

He took a few more deep breaths.

“Let’s get it over with.”

“Perfect Body, activate!”


Immediately, the world around Dorian seemed to shiver, ever so slightly.

He blinked.

When he opened his eyes, the world around him had transformed.

Color itself seemed to have faded slightly. Everything around him had taken on grey undertones, any bright or warm colors fading.

The red blanket that covered his bed transformed into a far drabber, pale red. Color leeched off of the paintings on the walls, giving them a dreary appearance.

At the same time, Dorian felt as if the world around him was moving in slow motion.

Inspiration struck him. He reached over to a dresser that stood next to his bed, where the Spatial Pouch that had carried the Golden Leaf lay resting. He picked the Spatial Pouch up and, with only a second’s pause, tossed it into the air.


Dorian watched in awe as the pouch slowly fell down, descending at a visibly slowed pace. It was literally falling in slow motion.

“What? Wow!” His perception of time had been increased so much so that the world around him seemed to be operating in slow motion. It was incredible.

Dorian also noticed that he felt drained after staying in this state for only a few seconds.

Dorian – Soul Status

Soul Stage: Lord Class (Middle)

Health: Perfect

Energy: 35,882/40,012

“What?! More than 4,000 points?!” His eyes widened in shock as he released the Ability. Immediately, color returned to the world around him, his eyesight becoming normal.

He had only stayed in it for a few seconds, yet the drain had already been enormous.

‘Ausra, can you explain this? Why did it cost so much energy?!’ He sat down on his bed, returning to take several deep breaths.

‘Divine Abilities are unique, and while the Perfect Body Ability is only an incomplete Divine Ability, it still has several of the unique functions. The mental image you raise when you activate the Ability, as well as how you move or draw upon the energy of your Soul Spell Matrix, can greatly affect the energy expended.’ Ausra gave him an actually useful reply for once.

‘So how can I make it cheaper, then?’ He responded, frowning.

‘The best solution is to keep practicing. Over time, the mental image you form will adapt naturally, and the expenditure will decrease.’ Ausra returned.

‘Form a mental image and keep practicing, huh?’ He thought, rubbing his eyes.

‘Alright. I can do that.’

“Perfect Body, activate!”

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Meanwhile, several hundred miles away…




Two leviathans soared high in the sky, far over a seemingly endless ocean. The sound of these great beasts flying thundered methodically in the fading evening light.

One stood roughly 35 meters in height and was covered in brilliant golden scales. Its body was lean and powerful, gleaming with a dim light that gave off a feeling of masculine power. Its wings were huge and covered in the same golden scales. A rich, Kingly Aura rolled off this beast in waves.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/pvhcchQ.jpg ) (Doesn’t open in App)

Flying next to the enormous golden scaled dragon was a smaller, more prim dragon.

Standing only 20 or so meters in height, a dragon covered in faded jade scales cut through the air beside the much larger gold dragon. Its body and face were vaguely feminine, as was the air it carried itself with. Despite its smaller stature, the dragon gave off its own unique and powerful Kingly Aura, sliding around it.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/9n2hU9B.jpg ) (Doesn’t open in App)

The huge, towering gold dragon spoke out loud, its voice a mighty roar.

“How much longer?” He directed his eyes towards his smaller companion.

The small, jade scaled dragon turned its head,

“At our current rate and the rate it’s fleeing… less than 12 hours.”

Her eyes gleamed, a flash of green light shooting from them,

“We’ll make contact then.”

The two dragons turned and looked forward, their wings flapping powerfully as they shot into the distance.

In the direction of the ship Dorian was flying in.

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