
Chapter 52 - Welcome

During those fleeting moments, Yoichi was implicitly giving Enatsu a chance to respond. The merchant\'s silence would have been worth a thousand words.

Visibly thoughtful, with the tip of his ears reddened from the tension, Enatsu nodded his head. He looked at Yoichi and confirmed his proposal. ​​

A spontaneous smile illuminated the young tamer\'s face. He came back serious moments later and looked at Takamori\'s outstretched hand.

"One last thing, " he added, knowing he could dare beyond.

"I hear you" Takamori snorted. The moustached man slightly narrowed his eyes as if preparing to receive a punch in the face.

"One of you will come with me to the Blackvault Mines. I have to complete a mission there, but as you know, it\'s not a dungeon that two people only can face," Yoichi explained, looking Takamori in the eye.

"It\'s a done deal. You in?" he interrupted, straining his arm to stay in place.

"Yes. From today, you can rely on us" Yoichi smiled, shaking Sada Takamori\'s hand and confirming their recruitment in the Nightblades guild.

"Hahaha! Great!" the guild chief laughed. Acting like someone who had just won a bet, Takamori got out of his chair and stretched his hand to Enatsu.

The merchant, who had not spoken all the time, got up and did the same. One last handshake sanctioned the end of the negotiation: Yoichi and Enatsu were finally part of a guild.

"A very warm welcome, boys!" the mighty Rinji timidly mumbled. The Nightblades giant approached the two adventurers from behind.

"Oh, thank you... urgh!" Yoichi uttered as soon as his feet came off the floor. Rinji squeezed the two companions on his chest with a mighty embrace, lifting them like toothpicks and sharing his joy with them.

"Haha! Don\'t pay attention to Rinji. He shows his affection spontaneously," Takamori chuckled. He urged the rest of the warriors sitting at the table to welcome their two new companions in a hand gesture.

In chorus, they greeted Yoichi and Enatsu, showing their enthusiasm. Although they did not expect the sudden recruitment of two other guild members, they seemed happy to welcome them to their team.

All excited, except for two of them: the red-haired girl and the pale man sat at the table. Their sharp looks framed that scene full of joy, creating imperceptible negative friction.

"Yoichi, Enatsu! Come on, a toast!" Takamori rejoiced, filling three cups of sakè. He delivered the little liquor-filled glasses into the hands of his two new followers, who, after a loud toast, drank their contents.

That sudden confusion unnerved Kenji. The little Nekage, to escape the eyes of those unknown people, sought shelter under the large wooden table.

"Where are your demons?" Yoichi asked, lowering himself to Kenji and urging it out of its hiding place.

"We usually try not to summon them during dinner. They would create a lot of confusion! My name is Yoshiko, by the way!" a female voice exclaimed.

A blue-haired woman sprang up in front of the two adventurers, enchanting them with her charm. A scent of wildflowers came from her long hair, adorned with braids and small green-lotus flowers.

"Nice to meet you, Yoshiko!" Yoichi greeted, lifting Kenji and holding it in his arms. The little Nekage\'s tail twisted on his bicep.

"Hello, little one! You have to be stronger than you look, right?" Yoshiko smiled again, closing her blue eyes in a charming smile.

"It\'s a... a real pleasure to meet you. I am Enatsu..." the merchant stammered, extending his hand towards the young woman. Her delicate beauty had bewitched so much that he seemed drunk.

"Hey, hi! Yes, I already know your name. Your friend told everyone a few minutes ago!" Yoshiko replied. Without knowing it, Enatsu looked like an idiot as every time he talked to beautiful women.

Judging by the impassive way he was addressing the blue-haired girl, the merchant was clearly attracted to her.

"Listen, Yoichi" Takamori called, stepping further. "If I may ask... what kind of mission do you have to complete at the Blackvault Mines? You know, it\'s not a dungeon for beginners."

"A man offered me a fat reward to recover an object dear to him. The Komoerus who live there accidentally stole a necklace belonging to his late wife. In addition, his best friend also lost his life in that accident," Yoichi explained, summarizing the whole thing.

"Mmh... I understand. It seems strange to me that a Komoeru has been interested in a glittering object like a jewel. Usually, bat demons loathe everything that reflects light. Well, anyway, I\'m going to keep my promise. I already know who of my warrior is right for you", Takamori spoke, showing off his knowledge.

"Really? Who are you talking about?"

"Shioko! Come, come closer," Takamori called aloud. His gaze was pointed towards the grumpy red-haired girl. She was still sitting at the table, intent on finishing her meal.

As if forced to execute that command, she got up from her chair and reached her master, complaining inside.

"Yoichi... she is Shioko, one of the strongest warriors of the Nightblades. When you\'re ready, she\'ll follow you to the Blackvault Mines and help you accomplish your mission, as agreed," the guild master ordered. The moustached man crossed his arms and waited for Shioko and Yoichi to interact to each other.

"Hi", she spoke coldly. Her green, piercing eyes remained focused on Yoichi\'s. Despite the small upturned nose and the gentle and delicate traits, the sulky expression on her face expressed her belligerence.

A row of freckles ran from one side of her cheekbones to the other, overcoming her nose.

Before answering the greeting, Yoichi slipped his hand back into his leather pouch. He pulled out Princess Sui\'s comb and handed it over to the red-haired girl.

Her sulking disappeared for a few moments, replaced by an astonished expression. "Hi, Shioko. So that\'s what I handed over to your guild master a little while ago," Yoichi remarked. Knowing that ordinary kind words would not work with her, the young tamer had thought of clarifying all her doubts before conversing.

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