
Chapter 487 - 487

During the preparation of the medicine of the unique body, Elsa often glanced at Dick, but could not understand whether he was succeeding or not. Judging by the fact that he has been sitting and idling for 5 minutes, he is unsuccessful. Well, that\'s great!

Finally, Stone prepared the unique body medicine and laid it on the table. 75% purity suited her. She stared defiantly at her disgusting opponent: «I\'m done.»

Kyon coughed dryly: «Me too… Ten minutes ago.»

{You can\'t make it so fast! What nonsense did he make? Idiot…}

Master Feng compared the work of the young people and said in amazement: «There is no doubt that this is really the same medicine!»

«It can\'t be!» – Elsa exclaimed. – «Let me see!»

When the girl took the medicine in her hands, Kyon chuckled sarcastically: «The unique body of "Steel will". The choice is not bad, but this does not surprise me.»

Elsa burned the fat man with her gaze, gritting her teeth. Does he know everything?!

«We just have to compare the quality…» – master Feng took the device in his hands.

When the number 85 lit up above the device, the students gasped in amazement, and Elsa, stunned, swaying, plopped down on a chair. There was a bitter lump in her throat, and there were conflicting emotions on her face.

The students looked at each other in discouragement. Are they asleep? Some ugly fat man with one element surpassed Elsa and even master Feng? What a monster!

With a condescending smile, Kyon decided to finish off his little sister: «You know, the unique body of "Steel will" seemed mediocre to me, so I decided to improve it a little.» – he showed the alchemist another pill.

«Improve?!» – master Feng hissed excitedly.

Elsa stared at Dick as if he was an invincible evil demon who decided to destroy her life to the ground. She wanted to go over and wring his thick neck.

With trembling hands, the alchemist took the pill and froze to the spot: «I-impossible… I don\'t believe… No, it doesn\'t happen that way!» – it takes decades to improve medicine, but certainly not ten minutes. Common sense just broke down next to Dick.

Elsa asked the master to give her the pill to make sure of what she heard. After checking it, she realized that it was the same medicine as before, however, the energy density inside was much higher due to the more advanced core structure, which automatically transforms the medicine of "C" rank into at least "B" rank one!

{He can\'t be such a genius… It\'s absolutely impossible…} – Stone\'s ears were ringing. Finally, she closed her eyelids doomed, feeling morally destroyed. Even after the escape of "The Dark Baron", she did not feel so terrible.

Master Feng sympathized with the blonde. It is difficult to imagine how hard it must be for her to concede the title of «the best alchemist-disciple of the order» to someone else. On the other hand, she lost to a monster who, without a recipe and with a lousy alchemical kit, was able to repeat and improve the medicine in 10 minutes. Does it make sense to be offended?

«So did I win?» – Kyon asked dryly.

«Yes! Yes, and yes again, my boy!» – the master exclaimed excitedly.

«So, from now on I can address Lady Elsa informally?»

«Yes, it turns out so…» – the alchemist agreed, shifting his gaze to the blonde.

The girl glared at Baker with hatred and immediately turned away.

«In that case, I\'m waiting for your apology.» – Kyon demanded without the former respect in his voice.


«Miss Elsa…» – master Feng began.

«I\'m sorry…» – Stone whispered.

«I\'m sorry, what? I didn\'t hear you…» – Kyon put his palm to his ear in a mocking manner and bent down.

«I said: I\'m sorry!» – repeated Elsa louder and colder.

«What are you sorry for?»

«FOR… For calling you a crook.» – the lady said, gritting her teeth.

Kyon nodded satisfactorily: «So be it, I forgive you.»

The students shivered with tension. The practitioner of the superior phase, communicating informally with the best student of the order and the royal phaser, forced her to apologize! Incredible! And what will happen next? Will the world be swallowed up by darkness?

The master wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, handed the fat man the award and began the lesson.

The mere presence of Baker in the same room with her infuriated Elsa. She couldn\'t even find the strength to meet his gaze, he took her out very much. And his nasty raspy voice made her insides twist. The young man surpassed her not only in investigative work, but also in alchemy… How to live on after that?

The students noticed that master Feng devotes a lot of time to Dick. It seemed that the alchemist, asking him questions, wanted to find out the answers himself, as if he was a student and Baker was his master. The degree of absurdity went off scale.

The alchemist himself soon noticed this, and it spoiled his mood pretty much.

Two hours flew by unnoticed.

«The lesson is over. Dick, what do you say about my instructions?» – the alchemist asked insinuatingly. Baker\'s opinion meant a lot to him now.

«I like it! I learned something new!»

«I\'m very glad that I can teach such a genius at least something, hehe…»

«Master, thank you for not judging me like a book by the cover, like many others.» – he meaningfully looked at the dazzlingly beautiful blonde, which made her cross her arms in irritation. – «Unfortunately, I will not be able to come to the next lesson… There is a high probability that I will be hospitalized indefinitely because I insulted someone…»

«Someone dares to bully my student?!» – master Feng was furious. – «My disciples, I am giving you an important task: you must inform everyone that from now on Dick is my student! And anyone who harms him will have to deal with me!»

«Oh, master…» – Kyon shed tears.

«And you, Miss Elsa, take care of Baker!»

«But I don\'t want to!» – the indignant Elsa immediately protested.

«You shouldn\'t hold a grudge against Dick for surpassing you. Be above it. Alchemists should help each other.» – master Feng spoke convincingly.

Elsa couldn \'t find the words. Today she had the most terrible day in recent years, and all because of the damn fat man! She\'s already sick of him. As soon as he appears anywhere, the whole world seems to go crazy and begins to revolve around him, succumbing to madness.

As the disciples headed for the exit, master Feng suddenly grabbed Baker by the shoulder and whispered: «I may be wrong, but are you by any chance "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron"?»

«His skill is the moon to me…» – Lovr smiled sourly.

«I see… I heard you.» – the alchemist winked meaningfully.

{And he\'s not a fool.} – Kyon was convinced of this once again.

Near the gate, Elsa was joyfully greeted by a crowd of fans: «Hello, Lady Elsa! How are you doing?» … «How was the alchemy class?» … «When will you give us lectures on alchemy and formacy? I can\'t wait for them to start!»

«Do you teach alchemy classes? Can I sign up for your classes?» – catching up with the girl, Kyon asked shyly.

«NO!» – Stone said categorically.

«I see… Apparently, I am not worthy to learn from such a genius as you…» – he grinned knowingly.

The girl trembled with the desire to strangle Dick right now.

Meanwhile, fifty fans looked as if they had received a blow: «H-how dare you talk so familiarly with Lady Elsa, pig?!» … «The fat guy dared to insult our lady!» … «DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!» … «You\'re already dead!» … «COME OUT!»

A crowd of Elsa\'s crazy fans drilled the fat man with hateful glances, but they did not dare to cross the fence dividing the territory of master Feng\'s dwelling (although there is no protective barrier there, because amber bees must somehow cross it).

«The master asked you to protect me… His words are important to you, aren\'t they?»

«I didn\'t say "yes" to him, okay? So deal with it yourself.» – Stone hissed maliciously and was about to cross the gate, but she was stopped by the following words of Baker:

«I will give you the medicine of "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron" in exchange for fulfilling two conditions: first, you will still fulfill master Feng\'s request to protect me; secondly, now you will take me to the market and at your own expense you will buy me the ingredients that I ask for, for a total of about ten thousand points.»

The girl was interested in the young man\'s proposal. Somehow, in one day, Dick managed to surprise her more times than Rose in all the time since they met.

«Are you seriously going to give it to me?» – Elsa asked incredulously. The pill could fix Dick\'s crooked spine, or even help in alchemy. It would be a big mistake on his part to give medicine away so simply, almost for nothing.

«Sure. I give you my word.» – Kyon assured her.

«But what\'s the stupid second condition? You can buy yourself anything… Why should I buy something for you? And in front of everyone… I will be misunderstood.»

«I\'m out of points. Look…» – Kyon held out his wrist.

Elsa checked the formation of the young man and made sure of the truthfulness of his words. What a spender?! Yesterday he earned at least 100 thousand!

«As for "misunderstanding", don\'t you care? After all, I\'m "just" Dick, not a genius and a handsome man like Rose. Just tell everyone that master Feng asked you to do this.»

Elsa thought about the offer a little and summed up: «I can promise to protect you for only one month. And, okay, I\'ll fulfill the second condition…» – she hesitated, then held out her hand. – «If you agree, then give the medicine now.»

«Deal.» – Kyon handed his sister a box with the medicine.

{And he gave it without hesitation…} – the blonde noticed.

«I trust you.» – Kyon smiled slightly and crossed the line of the gate, thereby giving himself into the clutches of angry fans eager to tear him into small pieces.

{Does he trust me?} – complex emotions flashed across Elsa\'s beautiful face, but suddenly she came to her senses and shouted. – «Wait!»

The fifty students stopped a moment before their fists collided with the fat man\'s body.

«Dick is under my protection. You are all forbidden to touch him. Moreover, you have to protect him from any bullies. I will be very grateful to you for that.» – Stone addressed the students affectionately and tenderly as always.

The fans of the blonde nodded with surprise on their faces: «If Lady Elsa asks, then how can we refuse her…» … «There must be a reason why Baker is allowed to talk to her informally!» … «Lady, your will is the law for us!»

Inwardly, Kyon shook his head in disappointment: how low should a man\'s self-esteem be to voluntarily obey any word of a woman, especially the one who does not even have real power and title? What are they counting on? For Elsa, they are no more than stooges, although outwardly she does not show this in any way.

But in general, Lovr was not surprised by this state of affairs. In a world where physical beauty has no boundaries, and a person\'s status is largely determined by his strength and talent, such phenomena are natural. So, for example, Kara, Juno and Elsa have their own circle of fans, just like Rose has a crowd of girls chasing him.

When Dick and Elsa went somewhere side by side, the fans, to put it mildly, were stunned.

Soon a crowd of young people approached the order\'s market: tents fenced with a low wall. Something obviously unique is sold in each of the tents.

«Elsa, bunny, hello!» – Rose met the girl at the market. In front of ten jealous girls-fans, he hugged and kissed his betrothed on the cheek.

«What are you doing here?» – Stone asked excitedly. The last thing in the world she wanted was to meet her boyfriend here… At such a blatant moment of buying ingredients to Baker.

«I decided to buy a couple of things.» – noticing Dick, the blond shuddered, and his face twisted in a grimace of disgust. – «What the…»

«Greetings, sir.» – with a beaming smile on his lips, Kyon held out his hand in greeting.

Rose abruptly grabbed the fat man: «Aren\'t you afraid of me at all?! Did you think you\'d complain to my father and I wouldn\'t make a chop out of you?!»

The audience, consisting mainly of fans of Rose and Elsa, looked forward to the massacre of the fat innocent.

«Let him go…»

«Eh?!» – Rose couldn\'t believe his ears. He looked at the beautiful girl in a daze.

«Let him go, please…» – Elsa repeated reluctantly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

«A-are you seriously defending this mummer pig?!» – Valentine was amazed.

«The master asked me. I can\'t disobey.»

«The master, then… Okay then.» – Rose disgustedly threw the fat man aside.

After listening to the conversation of the lovebirds for a minute, Kyon reminded of himself: «Elsa, how long do I have to wait? My time is too expensive, and you can\'t afford to waste it!»

{What an idiot?! Stupid, stupid idiot!} – thought Elsa, clenching her fists and closing her eyelids dejectedly. Is Dick physically incapable of not running into trouble?!

The fans of Elsa and Rose held their breath. Now the fat man is definitely finished!

Rose\'s eyes were clouded with a veil of rage from what he heard. They seemed to glow with a scarlet light, like the eyes of a bull before throwing: «Pig, if you are in such a hurry to the next world, then die!»

A moment later, the blond man rushed forward, raising his fist in Baker\'s face. Such a powerful attack would surely kill even a lord phaser.

Elsa easily caught up with Rose and pulled him by the hand: «Darling, please, don\'t…»

«Eh?! What does "don\'t" mean?!» – Rose was taken aback by what he heard.

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