
Chapter 385 Perhaps Depression Is A Medicine(Chapter Preview)

"They used to be like this," Lily muttered as the brown-haired girl beside her nodded. That was indeed true that Kai and Sahara had always doubted words before.

To them, actions were more important and that was why they had punched each other. Now looking at Lily and Mila, the duo started moving forward until they were standing right in front of Mila and Lily.

Kai and Sahara then touched the two sins\' faces with their hands and pinched them hard. The two sins were taken by complete surprise and raised their eyebrows.

"SO this is what you meant by that. You don\'t trust our words but you instead trust your actions." The red-haired sin muttered as Kai and Sahara stepped back and gazed into the duo\'s eyes.

"What\'s the next step to making sure that they are real?" Sahara asked as Kai shook his head.

"The last step is something that only I can do." He said and raised both of his arms in a serious manner.

He then placed both of them on the two girls\' right breasts. Both of them raised their eyebrows at once and sighed but didn\'t do anything.

Kai on the other hand reached out to his harem mark and the two women felt something burning on top of their nipples. But they remained calm and waited for Kai to finish what he was doing.

​ "The connection has been reestablished." He spoke and brought his hands away from the two girls\' breasts. The two of them stared at him while raising their eyebrows and turned to look at Sahara.

"We had to make sure that you were absolutely real and not just some illusions or some undercover spy. And we are satisfied now." The sin of pride replied as the sin of envy and gluttony exchanged glances.

"Looks like a lot of things happened when we were gone," Lily muttered as they heard Kai chuckle. But they knew that it was a dark chuckle indicating that they were indeed right.

"Mind catching us up to how things are going and what we missed?" Mila asked as Kai sighed and raised his right hand.

"Instead of telling you everything myself and boring you out, let me just show you everything," Kai replied and snapped his fingers.

All four of them suddenly went inside Kai\'s memories as he started showing the two sins everything from the beginning.


"That was a lot of things…" Lily muttered as Kai\'s memories stropped playing an hour later. He had still not shown some really personal scenes from his memories but excluding those, he had shown them everything that he could.

Now thinking about that, he realized how long he had come from falling on the mortal cultivation world and now sitting in one of the rooms in death\'s library and showing two of the scenes everything he had gone through.

It was indeed a lot of things though he had to admit that if not for his ability to keep things going, he might have given up the moment Mia was taken or perhaps the moment he found out that Sierra, his dear friend, had died.

But despite all those things, he kept going forward. Though he had to admit, he was getting a little depressed nowadays.

\'I wonder what happened to that lucky-go-happy version of myself who had everything he wanted and was never like this.\' The purple-haired man thought as he looked at Lily and Mila.

There were a few more girls like that waiting for him to find them and perhaps kill them. Or perhaps they were instead living their lives happily and had never expected someone to come and wreck their lives just so that he could meet the people he used to know.

\'Shall I just leave them like that?\' He thought with a sigh but when he looked at the three sins, he knew that he could never do that and leave on without any regret.

Or perhaps he should just go trash the Darkness\'s hideout and die fighting it. All the hopes people had on him would be gone then.

\'I told Mia that revenge is a drug. Perhaps depression is a medicine. The more depressed I get, the better I might feel after it is over.\'

But nobody knew when it would end and perhaps, he might just die with the depression. But for the time being, he was going to live and enjoy what he had.

"So, what are your thoughts on all that you saw?" Kai asked, acting as though he had given them time to get their thoughts together.

"I want to meet Lilith," Mila announced as Kai raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Lily. The red-haired girl gave him a small smile and placed an index finger on his chest.

"I want to feel pleasure." She winked. "I want to feel the pleasure of meeting my mother."

"You could have said that in a much simpler way," Sahara said while rolling her eyes as Lily pouted.

"Where is the fun it that? I will just become boring like Mila then."

"Since when was I boring?" The brown-haired girl asked as she clenched her fists and a vein popped in her forehead.

"Who said you were ever exciting?" The red-haired girl formed fists with her hands and the two girls looked as though they were ready to jump at each other.

"Ok guys, we have better things to do," Sahara said with a sigh as she stood in between the two sins who looked like murders on the run.

Kai on the other hand smiled. That was a reminder why he was still living. It was for moments like this, as cringy as it might be sometimes, that he lived.

"You guys, we have a lot of work left to do. But if you want to meet Lilith, we will do that first." Kai said with a smile as he summoned Hellbringer again.

And while grabbing the sword, he teleported all of them inside the sword to meet Lilith.

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