
Chapter 433 - Are You Disputing That?

Chapter 433 Are You Disputing That?

The outpouring aura that came with the strength and force of a broken dam awed the warriors into silence.

In their bewilderment, they realized how they needed to reassess their reception of this enigmatic young leader of the Lost Races’ Crusade against Chu Xun.

“That’s enough talking for now,” said Wu Kejin easily, still as pompous as ever.

This time, notwithstanding their chagrin and resentment, none of the warriors dared to contradict him.

He who wields the sword wields absolute power.

Immensely conceited, Kong Ying strutted around like a self-important peacock. Only, she really was one in her true form and she was certainly proud of it.

“Mr. Wu, the live broadcast is ready,” she reported.

Wu Kejin gave her a wordless nod.

“Well, now. So the whole world shall now be able to watch this Crusade live,” remarked Wu Kejin.

Eyes from all around Earth kept their eyes peeled at their computer and cell phone screens.

The camera panned at Wu Kejin.

All around the world, the same question loomed: Who is this fellow anyway?

“Friends now watching this broadcast live, my name is Wu Kejin. In this Crusade today, I shall slay the Devil and rid this world of this scourge. I only ask that you bear witness to this spectacle – and don’t blink.”

Wu Kejin could hardly shed his egoistic outlook even before all eyes from all around the world and with every syllable he spoke, he spoke with the voice of arrogance and disdain.

“And don’t blink?! Is he saying that he would defeat Chu Xun in mere seconds?!”

“From which bunghole did this fool come from?!”

“Looks like this guy is thinking on riding on Chu Xun’s fame instead.”

“Where are the champions of the alien races? They call themselves the Lost Races, no? Is this the best they can do? A bumbling fool like this?”

Netizens from all around the world hurled insults at him.

Wu Kejin merely simpered even as Kong Ying reported every word they said to him. He said only this:

“The world will know who I am after today.”

Barely ten words, but they sent the whole world into an uproar.

“This idiot is a glutton for fame!”

“Just wait till we see how the Devil will swat him to death like a fly!”

More affront and outrage came his way.

But Wu Kejin never felt the need to respond to those people.

Time passed quickly; the mid-day sun was nearing its highest point.

“Has the Devil come?”

Kong Ying cried on behalf of Wu Kejin.

Chu Xun hardly made a move; he maintained his guise, still staying within the crowd, and watched with an unfriendly glare.

Kong Ying scoffed sarcastically when no reply came, “Are you afraid, Devil?”

“Never knew him to be afraid before, I dare say.”

“Perhaps you should be praying that he comes later so that you can have more time to enjoy your final breaths.”

“Are you so anxious to meet your maker?”

Many within the thronging crowd of the Brotherhood yelled.

Kong Ying withdrew with a scowl on her face.

Another hour passed.

Kong Ying stood out again and called for Chu Xun.

Still, not a reply came.

“Wretched craven. Is he chickening out of coming?”

A disgusted Kong Ying uttered loudly.

“I’d suggest that you have more care in your speech and tone, you little Peacock. Or else, you might wet your pants later when the Devil arrives.”

“The Wingeds were routed like beaten dogs the last time they challenged Chu Xun and the Zombies like a rented mule by the time he was done with them. So what do you think will be the fate of your race when Chu Xun comes?”

“Humans understand humility and modesty. The Peacocks might call themselves one of the greatest of the Lost Races, but they seem to be lacking in those qualities.”

The warriors lampooned her viciously.

Wu Kejin might be powerful, but Chu Xun was not hailed as the Devil for nothing.

And since they now called themselves the Humanist Brotherhood, they could never allow Chu Xun’s name to tolerate any disrespect before he appeared.

Kong Ying’s face was a myriad of colors as she seethed with indignation.

“Everyone. I extended my invitation for you to come to witness the Crusade, not to fling insults at us.”

Wu Kejin spoke at last. He had no choice; he needed to, for any disrespect aimed towards Kong Ying was also an insult to him by extension.

“So what? You’re gonna beat us up? I knew it. All that promises that this little Peacock gave earlier just now about how we’re not going to be harmed is just a load of crap,” cried a warrior.

Wu Kejin growled darkly, “I am a man of my word. But my promise is limited only to Nether Mountain. What happens after you step away from Nether Mountain shall be no fault of mine.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. We’ll gladly march down and away once the Devil is done with all of you. No need to trouble you there.”

“But what if this Devil, which you clearly worship so much, fails to arrive?” smirked Wu Kejin.

“Horseshit. The Devil goes wherever he wishes to and nothing you do will stop him!”

“Then pray. Pray that he arrives quickly, for my patience inches near to its limit.”

“Oh, he’ll be here. Don’t you ever doubt that. Just you wait. He’ll be here.”

Both sides fell into an uneasy stalemate.

For everyone knew, they could bandy words all they want and nothing would come out of it.

Another hour passed, and the sun was glaring bright and round overhead.

“It would appear that the Devil understands nothing about punctuality,” hissed Kong Ying derisively, immensely irritated.

More than half the day had gone by and even amongst the warriors, some were beginning to feel restless and doubtful. “Is the Devil really not coming?”

“Have patience. I daresay he’s on the way here.”

“Daresay?” Kong Ying uttered, finding her chance to retort back at last with a wicked grin.

“What a nuisance, that snobbish bird,” scowled one of the warriors.

Time fleeted by quickly as another two hours drifted past. The sun was already in its downward progression and still, Chu Xun was nowhere to be found.

The Lost Races mutants were looking prouder and smugger by the second.

While the frowns on the faces of the warriors of the Brotherhood creased deeper.

“It’ll be sundown soon enough. Where is this Devil, I wonder?” Kong Ying muttered sarcastically, “Not hiding and cowering in some hole, I hope?”

“Just shaddup, you damned bird. If the Devil says he’s coming, he’s coming.”

“Then let us wait and see then. Let’s see if the Devil is true to his word,” said Kong Ying, her chin rising up ever more so slightly.

But Wu Kejin was none too happy either. After waiting so many hours for nothing, he was beginning to feel as if he had been taken for a fool.

“What do you think? Why is the Devil not here?” some of the warriors began to whisper amongst themselves.

“He might be delayed. The Devil has never broken his word before.”

Luo Yuan peered at Chu Xun, “What do you think, friend? Do you think the Devil’s not coming at all?”

“Nope. He’s coming,” said Chu Xun flatly.

“Huh? Why?” gasped a nonplussed Luo Yuan who did not know why.

The little exchange made every head around them turned their way. “Does this young man know something?”

“It’s simple. Because he’s here already,” chuckled Chu Xun.

“He’ here already?!”

Shocked, the warriors of the Brotherhood began craning their necks and jerking their heads left and right, but still, no one found Chu Xun.

“You must be seeing things, friend. Where is he?”

“Right in front of you,” Chu Xun grinned.

The words barely slipped his tongue when Chu Xun’s facial muscles began recoiling and convulsing violently with his bones began twisting and cracking morbidly.

The warriors were so aghast with a shock that their eyes grew bigger than light bulbs.

In mere seconds, Chu Xun turned back to his original appearance.

“The Devil.”

Those words escaped their mouths even before they knew it.


And every man within a meter from him leaped backward in fright to give him a wide berth as if Chu Xun was exuding a miasma of Death.

But one could hardly blame them; after all, Chu Xun’s name commanded enough fear and terror that those men ducked inadvertently and irrationally.

Luo Yuan was reeling with such fright that he could not even move his feet as if his legs had been rooted to the ground.

“I thank you for your faith in me,” smiled Chu Xun, patting Luo Yuan’s shoulders casually.

That was the last straw; the latter collapsed with his knees failing him out of amazement and awe.

Chu Xun withdrew his hand sheepishly, genuinely surprised at Luo Yuan’s involuntary reaction, and scratched his nose, “Are they really so terrified of me so much?”

The commotion drew the attention of not only the rest of the human warriors, but also the Lost Races mutants.

Chu Xun stepped out of the crowd and stood toe to toe against Wu Kejin.

“The Devil,” gasped Kong Ying in panic, staggering backward in a couple of steps.

The Lost Races mutants – especially the Wingeds and the Zombies – cowered backward, the fresh of Chu Xun’s carnage and brutality still fresh in their minds.

Only Wu Kejin remained unfazed, watching Chu Xun with an amused expression.

The whole world had been waiting for the Devil to arrive, not knowing that the Devil had long been in their midst.

“Are you the one they called the Devil?” asked Wu Kejin as serene as ever.

“Long have you been waiting, I see,” observed Chu Xun dryly.

“Long have you arrived,” replied Wu Kejin sardonically.

“Damn, you look like a clown,” teased Chu Xun.

Wu Kejin’s eyes flashed with a keen gleam of malice.

“What is that supposed to mean?!”

“If I arrive earlier, I would not have the chance to see how you’ve been looking like a fool here, trying to woo and work your charm over everyone?”

“You really are as the rumors say, Devil,” growled Wu Kejin darkly, “But I am not amused at being used for amusement.”

Chu Xun shrugged nonchalantly, “And what if I were?”

The entire crowd around them drew their breaths all at once. “It really is the Devil! No one else could have spoken with such brashness and bravado!”

“You do understand that you’re only expediting your death?” returned Wu Kejin spitefully with rage and rancor blazing in his eyes.

Chu Xun chuckled, lackadaisically keep an eye on his enemy.

“I’m curious though,” he said, “We’ve not met, so what gives you such hatred that you want to kill me?”

Whatever anger and malice radiating off Wu Kejin immediately died down and he went back to his calm and still self. Quietly, he said, “Because of what you said.”

“What did I say?” Chu Xun’s eyes quivered slightly, perturbed that Wu Kejin exhibited full control of his aura and presence and that made him a difficult enemy.

Of the people he knew, only Emperor Ao and Jing Hong could do that.

“You said before that humans are the rightful rulers of Earth,” uttered Wu Kejin.

That came as a surprise that Chu Xun paused a beat. “Indeed, that’s what I said. Humans are the true rulers of Earth, are you disputing that?”

“I say humans are only fit to be lowly slaves, are you disputing that?” Wu Kejin parried.

“And just because of this, you wish for my death?” Chu Xun’s glare turned frosty at once.

“Certainly. Earth is under the dominion of the Assembly of Immortals, and its inhabitants, you humans, are mere slaves to us.”

“You are a member of the Assembly of Immortals?”

Wu Kejin shook his head, then he said proudly, “I’m a progeny of the Assembly of Immortals.”

“Progeny?!” Chu Xun reeled with astonishment before he smirked, “An orphan.”

Wu Kejin’s face turned dark with anger, “Do you love death so much that you wish to experience it?”

“Stay easy. In fact, I’d like to know: how many orphaned offspring of Immortals like you are there on Earth?”

“Why? Wu Kejin glowered wickedly, “Are you afraid?”

“Hardly. It’s just so that I can hunt you all down one by one after this,” said Chu Xun casually.

“Enough talk, Devil,” Wu Kejin’s aura shot high as an incredible power radiated off him like a nuclear bomb. “Rebel slaves like you deserve death for defying the great Assembly of Immortals!”


Chu Xun took one step forward and vanished. With speeds comparable to a lightning bolt, he reappeared right in front of Wu Kejin with his fists on the ready and he attacked, blasting a tremendous burst of energy with his blow.

Wu Kejin’s lips curled into a disdainful scoff and he raised his hand to fire a jet of death ray at Chu Xun, a white ray of light bursting out like a spray.


A deafening and shaking collision of both attacks tossed up winds that thrashed wildly like a beast, blasting the Lost Races mutants off their feet and they crashed to the ground, each spewing blood from their mouths because of the shock.

In the thick of the pandemonium, two figures too were launched backward by the resultant explosion.

By the time he regained his steadiness, Wu Kejin stared at Chu Xun with disbelief.

Vice versa, Chu Xun beheld him with amazement. It has been long since he encountered such a formidable foe.

“You really are a bag of surprises, Devil,” commented Wu Kejin.

Chu Xun’s mouth twisted into a wry grin. He gave no answer to that remark. Not when a fist to his enemy’s face seemed the best brand of response that suited him.


Clenching his fists, Chu Xun summoned his powers. Every part of him bathed in the glow of the churning Hong Meng Immortal Qi and he lunged at Wu Kejin.

The enemy boldly threw himself forward to meet Chu Xun, leaving trails of mirages in his wake.

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