一路向西 粤语

Chapter 618: Chief

Chapter 618: Chief

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Just as Zhang Zian, Old Time Tea and Famous were at their wits end on what they could do for Pi, a sudden friend request surprised him.

Feather of the Specter?

Zhang Zian found the name very familiar. Could this be the internet celebrity in the Qidian reading list community?

While helping Pi advertise, Zhang Zian had seen Feather of the Specter’s reading list. It was a super deluxe reading list, almost every book came with a thousand word review, and almost every book had immense popularity. What’s even more terrifying, is that Feather of the Specter is also one of the chiefs for most of the books on the list!

People who send in a reward of 1,000 Yuan to the books they like, will then be considered a chief of that book.

Back in his college days, 1,000 Yuan could last Zhang Zian’s a month, with enough left over for him to save some of it as funds for when he had a girlfriend. Of course, those funds would still be quietly lying within a bank.

Sob story aside, Feather of the Specter had been casually rewarding books and becoming one of their chiefs. Could he be a tall, rich hunk or could she be a fair, wealthy beauty? Daughter of a coal mine owner or young master of an oil tycoon family?

Zhang Zian had selected two reading lists as his target for advertising, one with over 10,000 followers and another with over 3,000 followers. Feather of the Specter’s reading list was in the top ranks of the reading list community and had over 50,000 followers.

Books that were added by Feather of the Specter’s reading list, immediately welcomed a large increase of adds, the effects comparable to having a recommendation on the homepage.

Saying that Feather of the Specter was Qidian’s underground monarch wasn’t an understatement. So, why was this person looking for Pi?

Could it be that he wants to strike a secret deal? Zhang Zian trembled at the thought.

After some hesitation, he accepted the request, no point brooding if it was a blessing. If it was trouble, we wouldn’t be able to avoid it. Just like Old Time Tea said, “evil never prevailed over good.”

Although Pi was the author, Zhang Zian didn’t want to make it worry unnecessarily while the other party’s intention was still unclear. He planned to solve Pi’s issues, so that Pi can focus on his novel. Whatever the other party wanted, they could talk to him first.

So he calmed himself down and typed away.

[Jie Po]: I’m the author, is there something you need?

This message was sent out after much deliberation, as he couldn’t be too arrogant nor too humble. Even if the other party was Qidian’s underground monarch, who had the ability to easily crush Pi’s novel, he had to try.

After Zhang Zian explained who the other party was, Old Time Tea supported his approach.

[Feather of the Specter]: I’ve always wanted to chat with you, but couldn’t find the time.

Zhang Zian wasn’t able to make an image of the person. He decided to put things out into the open, to make things clear, so he continued typing.

[Jie Po]: What did you want to talk about?

[Feather of the Specter]: I saw you getting attacked in the book review section, feels bad right?

[Jie Po]: Actually I was just about to delete the posts. Just so you know, I didn’t hack into anyone’s account to rig votes, but it’s fine if you don’t believe me.

[Feather of the Specter]: I know, lots of books face these issues before they explode with popularity. Let me rephrase that, congratulations, you’re going to be on fire.

Zhang Zian coughed out of confusion. What kind of freak logic was that?

[Feather of the Specter]: I’ve been on Qidian for so long, I’m able to know if a book is going to be popular or not. If you don’t believe me, go take a look at the homepage new novel rankings.

The homepage new novel rankings is for newcomers who’ve made their debut with new novels around the same period, it’s based on the number of recommendations, adds and view counts a book has. Competition within the new novel rankings is very fierce because making it to the top three is like getting a free recommendation.

Zhang Zian doubtfully logged into the Qidian homepage with his phone, dragged the page all the way down to the bottom and there it was, Pi’s novel occupying the top spot of the new novel rankings!

How was this possible? When did this happen?

Zian had once noticed the new novel ranking, but felt that it had nothing to do with Pi’s novel. Only phenomenal novels will make a name for themselves out of the ranking, so he didn’t pay it any further attention.

[Feather of the Specter]: Understand now? You made your way up and pushed others down, so they got jealous, but it’s okay. If you’re not making others jealous, that means you’re doing something wrong.

Finally, Zhang Zian found out why the posts happened. However, it was just the first step, what’s the next step to take care of the situation?

[Feather of the Specter]: I’ve noticed your novel for a while now. I didn’t add it to the reading list because it was still new, now, with this opportunity, let me give you a hand.

Give you a hand? You mean push me down a cliff?

Before Zhang Zian could understand what Feather of the Spector meant, he saw Pi rush down the stairs and almost fall.

“Zhi zhi! Zhi zhi!”

Pi waved its arms, its eyes wide open, like something terrifying just happened. Thank goodness the curtains weren’t open and Zhang Zian was the only human in the shop, so they didn’t need to worry about Pi being seen by anyone.

“Slow down, Pi! What happened?” Zhang Zian’s heart felt like it was being squeezed.

Pi frantically pulled Zian into the bedroom, trembling as it stretched out its arm to point to its author platform on the computer.

The usually empty reward list had a new name.

Reward value: 1,000 Yuan!

In an instant, a line of red words flashed across the book review section, getting rid of all the horrid posts.

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