
Chapter 115 – The assassin is begged by his little sister

Chapter 115 - The assassin is begged by his little sister

Translator: VALIANT

After the storm passed, I flew under the clear sky and arrived in Milteu.

Since I was there to meet up with Maha, I was dressed not as Lugh Tuatha Dé, but as Illig Balor.

As soon as I arrived in Milteu, I walked up to the spot where the local communication device was buried, accessed it with my console, and switched the channel to Dia, Tarte, and Maha’s. I set it to the one I had created for their personal use and activated it.

It was to let them know that I was safe.

But Tarte and Dia wouldn’t hear this transmission until tomorrow.

The communication device in the main residence of Tuatha Dé was top secret, and the portable devices I gave them could only access the block that was located in the mountain behind.

So unless they were right next to it, they probably wouldn’t hear my audio recording until tomorrow or so.

It would’ve been better if I had sent my transmission from the royal capital, but due to certain restrictions, the place where I managed to install the communication device was rather peculiar, and if I approached it right now, it could become a problem.

That was why I entrusted one of my operatives with a letter.

[It’s me, Lugh. The trial ended successfully, and I was acquitted. I plan to work in Milteu today and go home tomorrow.] (Lugh)

I tried to hang up after saying just that when someone else accessed the network, then voices emerged from the communication device.

[I’m so glad you’re safe! I will be awaiting your return to cook your favorite meal!] (Tarte)

[Ahh, gosh! Took you long enough to call us. We were so worried about you!] (Dia)

[Girls, I told you yesterday that he was okay, didn’t I?] (Maha)

[But I can’t relax unless I hear it from him in person!] (Tarte)

[Like she said. Because of that, I’m drowsy from staying up all night, and I was so worried I couldn’t get any magic development done.] (Dia)

Aside from Maha, who could receive the transmissions in her room, but Dia and strate had to have gone to the mountain to receive this call with their portable devices.

They must’ve been worried sick about me, and stayed by the communication device in the mountain since yesterday or so.

[I’m sorry for making you worry. I’ve bought you some souvenirs to look forward to. …And Maha, I’ll see you in a couple of hours or so.] (Lugh)

[I’m all set to welcome you. I’ve adjusted my workload so I could have some time for you after the trial. Today, I get to spend my time with you, Lugh-niisan.] (Maha)

[Urgh… I’m so jealous. I wish I could also go on a date with Lugh.] (Dia)

[You say that even though you are the one who gets to live with him?] (Maha)

[Fair point. Sorry. Say, Maha, what do you say we meet sometime? It’s weird that you and I still have yet to meet, don’t you agree?] (Dia)

[True, I’ll make time for us to meet eventually. I have so many questions and topics to talk about with you. Let’s decide on a place to meet.] (Maha)

[Is it okay with you if we leave Lugh out of it?] (Dia)

[Yes, of course.] (Maha)

[Now you’re kinda scaring me.] (Lugh)

Just what exactly are those two going to talk about while I’m not around?

[There are some things girls can only talk about in private.] (Dia)

[Indeed. Don’t worry, Lugh-niisan. It’s not like I’m looking for a fight. I would never do anything that would make you hate me. I’ve heard more than enough about your love for Dia-san. I’m not foolish enough to hurt someone precious to you.] (Maha)

[I simply want to get along with you. Because I can really feel the distance between us just from having this conversation with you.] (Dia)

Anyway, doesn’t look like it’ll get messy, so that’s a relief.

I’m just gonna quietly let the two of them have their girls’ talk.

[I’m going to hang up. Just so you know, everything we say here is recorded, so keep that in mind.] (Lugh)

Based on this course of events, I gave a warning to the girls since they were about to go into chatty mode.

Knowing their nature, they wouldn’t say anything offensive, but they might accidentally blurt out all kinds of things that I, as a man, didn’t want to hear.

[Understood. Though I can’t believe I failed to realize I could chat with you anytime, Maha-chan!] (Tarte)

[I see you’re the same as always, Tarte. …But hearing your voice is such a relief.] (Maha)

[Oh right! You should come along with us, Tarte! And having a mutual friend around can help begin conversations.] (Dia)

[Though I may be inadequate, I, Tarte, vow to be your devoted mediator!] (Tarte)

Well, looks like I have nothing to worry about.

I was aware that they all had nothing but affection for me, but I didn’t want things to get awkward between them because of me.

I had decided in advance to drop by Milteu, so I had had my agents order various stuff for me.

Milteu really was a great town.

As the largest port town in the Kingdom of Alvan, you could find practically any products there.

I was done buying one thing after another and got souvenirs for Maha, in addition to what I needed.

I had already bought her long-lasting cookies from the royal capital, but I also bought her a bouquet of flowers.

Maha’s favorite purple flowers were in season.

Tarte and Dia weren’t fond of flowers. The former liked food, and the latter liked books. Out of the three, Maha was the most feminine.

And so, after shopping, I went to Orna’s main store.

I sent my greetings from the familiar reception desk, then I headed for the room where Maha was waiting for me.

When I entered the room, Maha, who was staring at her documents, slowly raised her head.

This composure was typical of her.

If it had been Tarte or Dia instead, they would’ve probably jumped at me.

[Long time no see, Maha.] (Lugh)

[Yes. It’s been a while. I see you’ve come here as Illig-niisan today.] (Maha)

[Yeah. You prefer it when I assume this identity, right?] (Lugh)

[I see you’ve gotten better at treating girls. Normally, you would’ve just replied that this appearance is more convenient for you.] (Maha)

Maha showed a bitter smile and stood up.

It seemed she was brewing tea for me like she usually did.

The herbal tea Maha made was so tasty, it soothed me.

[Could you please make it a bit more acidic today? I brought you a souvenir from the royal capital, Marlana’s raisin cookies. You say you found them delicious, right?] (Lugh)

[I’m so glad! I’ve liked them since I first received them as a gift. I used to think that the goods from the royal capital were of high quality, yet way too expensive, but these are well worth the price.] (Maha)

I put the flowers I bought in a vase as Maha brewed the tea.

[Oh my! Flowers from Melna. To think you would come over with my favorite snacks and flowers. With all this attention you’re giving me, I may have to brace myself.] (Maha)

She couldn’t help but grin as she said that.

I was relieved to see that she was enjoying my gifts.

[I wanted to show you my gratitude for all the efforts you’ve made for me.] (Lugh)

[I… I see, that was your intention. Perfect timing then. I had a favor to ask you.] (Maha)

Maha sat in front of me with a cup of herbal tea.

[If it’s anything I can do for you, I’m all ears.] (Lugh)

[It’s something only you can do. Once we’re done eating the snacks, I’ll tell you.] (Maha)

[Alright then. It would be a waste to let your herbal tea get cold.] (Lugh)

Maha’s herbal tea was made in a logical fashion. The temperature, the extraction time, the amount of tea leaves, and the quality of the water.

Maha was probably the only one who used different water depending on the tea leaves.

And that’s what made her tea taste so good.

This herbal tea did wonders for my tired body.

When I opened the box of raisin cookies I had bought as a souvenir, the aroma of liquor and raisin filled the room.

These cookies were soft and elegant, and the key factor of their taste were the delicious raisins soaked in high-grade brandy, and the spices kneaded into the dough to accentuate the flavor.

It gave off an air of luxury with its complex taste. Maha enjoyed this kind of classy stuff.

[These cookies are truly delightful. I wonder if we could make them ourselves.]

[It would be difficult. I heard they use a kind of brandy made specially to pickle the raisins. They sell those cookies for a ridiculously high price, but their attention to detail is on a whole different level. It’s not something that can be copied overnight.] (Lugh)

Creating liquor from scratch simply to soak some raisins in it was no small feat of tenacity.

And going through with it meant that they were obsessively devoted to everything else.

[You’re right, it takes time and dedication. They’re our polar opposite.] (Maha)

[With our innovative ideas, our technological and financial strengths, and our distinctive distribution network, Orna has the advantage, but our business isn’t old enough and doesn’t have the talent to perfect such a mundane thing to the utmost limit. This is not what we should strive for.] (Lugh)

In business, not being able to do something wasn’t such a big problem.

What mattered was what you could do, and how you could exploit it to win.

[I agree. …Still, I would love to do something like this someday. It would be as a hobby, though.] (Maha)

[Orna has grown more than big enough. In fact, any more than this and we’ll be dead in the water, so maybe it would be nice to open a hobby store while staying on the defensive from now on.] (Lugh)

Orna continued to expand, and although it gathered equipment and personnel to keep up with its growth rate, the situation was getting desperate.

…And we were about to reach a point where no matter how efficiently we managed it, we wouldn’t have a grasp on every book and cranny of our business.

That would be dangerous.

Orna could go off the rails while we weren’t watching.

In business, going on standby could be another important decision to make.

[I’m of the same opinion. I was hoping to discuss that with you, but you brought up the topic first anyway.] (Maha)

[I’m surprised you had the same point of view.] (Lugh)

[Could you please not underestimate me? How long do you think it’s been since you put me in charge of Orna? In terms of business skills, I might already be better than you, you know?] (Maha)

[Maybe so.] (Lugh)

Concretely, I was now no more than her advisor. Though I was the one who launched Orna as a company, it was Maha’s talent that made it grow so influential.

We enjoyed the raisin cookies and herbal tea as we chatted about Orna, and in the blink of an eye, we had finished them all.

After that, Maha suddenly started fidgeting.

This is surely because of that favor she wanted to ask me after eating the cookies.

Is she going to ask me for something so embarrassing it makes her that nervous?

Maha deliberately cleared her throat and began to speak.

[You see… I came to think that Tarte had changed a little while ago. When she and I exchanged letters, she sounded happier and more confident than ever before, even though she was always so timid.] (Maha)

[Now that you mention it, I guess she does.] (Lugh)

Tarte had always suffered from a lack of self-confidence, even though she was one of the strongest people in the country.

But recently, she had changed a bit. She had become more confident. It also showed in our earlier conversation on the network. The Tarte I knew from a few years ago would’ve never spoken with such assurance.

[I asked her what caused that change… And she replied that… Um… you two… did it… After hearing that, I started to think about how unfair it was… that you only did it with Tarte… then I had many other unpleasant thoughts… Say, Illig-niisan… Won’t you do it with me as well? I’m in love with you. I know you think of me as your sister, and I’m glad for it. But I don’t want to settle for that. I’m worried that you don’t love me as much as Dia-san or Tarte, and that I’m the girl you care about the least… And the fact that I’m the only one you won’t sleep with… gives me confidence issues.] (Maha)

Her face was flushed, her eyes were moist, and she looked up at me like she was scanning my face.

She looked really cute and charming.

[…*Sigh*. Looks like you’re dead serious about me. Such a waste of that proposal from the distinguished son of the Balor family.] (Lugh)

When I said that in a teasing manner, Maha puffed out her cheeks.

It was rare of her to make such a childish gesture.

[The power of the Balor Trading Company may be attractive, but I find you much more attractive than that, Illig-niisan. …Besides, I’m sure you and I could make Orna even more successful than the Balor Trading Company, right?] (Maha)

I chuckled.

If any other merchants heard her declaration, they would probably snicker at her.

But in my case, I was confident that Maha and I could pull it off.

[Yeah, we’re capable of that. …Just so you know, I can’t devote my love to you only.] (Lugh)

[I know. But even so, I’m fine with it.] (Maha)

Maha got up and sat next to me.

Then, she locked eyes with me.

That’s when I knew that what she wanted was…

[Mmmm…! Haaa… Unlike our last kiss, this one felt really lewd.] (Maha)

[That’s because I’ve always treated you as family until now.] (Lugh)

[You can continue seeing me as such. But from now on, I want you to see me as your lover as well.] (Maha)

This time, I was the one who let Maha kiss me.

And that was how after starting a relationship with Tarte, I started one with Maha too.

I went as far as to use my mind-controlling and brainwashing techniques from my previous life to boost their loyalty to me so that they would never betray me.

But it only affected their loyalty, with no influence on their affection for me.

The reason why I didn’t exploit their romantic feelings to brainwash them was because those kinds of feelings were much too volatile to be used as a foundation.

But the fact that this happened in spite of it meant that both my feelings for Tarte and Maha and their feelings for me were the result of something unintentional.

Even though I felt like questioning this incalculable and illogical phenomenon, I was happy that I couldn’t explain it.

[Shall we go somewhere else?] (Lugh)

[Yes. I got everything ready for us.] (Maha)

[You sure are well-prepared.] (Lugh)

[I’m a merchant, after all.] (Maha)

No doubt about it.

After that, we got dressed up and left the main store.

Maha smiled and took my hand.

I was in awe.

I realized once again that this girl had truly grown up to be a beautiful woman.

I wanted to make her happy. At first, I took her in because I needed her as a tool. But now, I really thought of her as an important member of my family.

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