
Chapter 94

He had smoky blonde hair that hangs over his shoulders . His eyes were the color of purple crystal amethyst, giving a cool impression . You can find a lot of people who are looking for the best way to get the most out of their life .

This is definitely the minstrel he met in the past at the Elf’s Rest Pavilion .

The bard ── Taland turned to Tatsumi, lifted his face, and opened his eyes wide .

You are ...... .

I’m not sure what to make of it .

His eyes were wide open seem to have forgotten to blink .

I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I’m not the only one who has a problem with this .

“... I would like you to let go?”

Calcedonia told Taland in an unpleasant voice .

I’m sorry, beautiful one . I would love to spend all night singing songs to praise your beauty and making love with you, but ... unfortunately I have more important things to do today .

Taland let go of Calcedonia’s hand with a look of deep regret on his face . He then turned his sharp gaze to Tatsumi .

You remember me from ......?

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten you . You’re the guy who made a pass at Calce and Elle and made them feel uncomfortable .

Taland’s was staring at Tatsumi as if he was looking at an enemy . But Tatsumi’s eyes were just as stern as those of Taland .

For Tatsumi, Calcedonia is the woman he loves the most . Elle is also important to Tatsumi in a different way than Calcedonia .

Elle is the only “Japanese” other than Tatsumi who knows Japan, Tatsumi’s homeland, well . As such, she is one of the emotional supports for Tatsumi living in another world, different from Calcedonia .

There is no way that Tatsumi would feel good about this bard named Taland, who has been so rude to Calcedonia and Elle .

In addition, Tatsumi is drunk, albeit slightly . This is probably one of the reasons why he reacted in an uncharacteristically extreme manner .

“If you remember me, then we can talk quickly . I hope you haven’t forgotten what you did to me the last time we met .

I won’t apologize for stripping you naked and throwing you out on the street outside the store . That was your fault .

Tatsumi’s gaze clashed with Taland’s, sending invisible sparks flying all over the place .

A silent battle where neither side takes a step back .

As Calcedonia and Jolt, as well as Yerimao and the innkeeper, watch them in silence, an ending no one could have predicted would come .

Because .

I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I’m not the only one who’s a fan of your work .

I’m not sure what to call you . ......Master!

“........................... .............................. What about ...............?

Tatsumi’s mind went blank at Taland’s speech, which was so unexpected .

“That day ...... with you ......, no, that day when I first met you, that music that you played, it shook my soul ...... .

This is the first time I’ve ever seen such a thing .

I’m not sure what to make of that .

Of course, I’ve managed to play the piece that Master played in front of me that day, though I’ve made some changes to it . But I must know something else! I want to know more about that ...... completely new and incomparable music ...... that I’ve never heard before! I want to play it more and more with my own hands! And eventually, I want to spread that music to the world! Please, Master! I want to be your disciple! And please teach me more about that music!

He dropped to one knee, both fists on the floor, and bowed deeply . It was the equivalent of getting down on one’s knees in Japan .

I think the bard I met before, Taland, was a man of great pride . He must have been very impressed with the Japanese music that Tatsumi had played before, because he went to such lengths and bowed in front of these people .

Of course, I will do anything if you take me as your apprentice! I will live in the master’s house and do whatever chores you ask me to do!

“No, no, I really don’t want you to live in my house . ......

The house that Tatsumi and Calcedonia live in is a private space for the two of them .

It’s a good idea to have a friend or two visit or stay for a day or two, but Tatsumi has no intention of letting a third party live there .

Incidentally, there is also a spirit in the house, but both Tatsumi and Calcedonia have already recognized that spirit as a member of the family .

If you look at Taland again, he seems to be quite serious .

I’m not sure what to make of this, but I think it’s a good idea .

I’m not going to take any disciples, ...... .

I’m not going to take an apprentice .

Please, please, please make me your apprentice!

You can strip me naked just like that time .

I told you that was because you were bad!

“That’s right! The only person you can undress is me, your wife!

“Oh, Calce! Calcedonia has a strange rivalry with you .

I was really curious about what they were saying . But that’s not the point right now .

...... I’m a priest and a hunter of magical beasts, not a bard or a musician . I can’t get a bard as an apprentice .

I’m not going to be able to get a bard’s apprentice,” Tatsumi said with a sigh .

I’m sure you’re not the only one who has a problem with this .

Taland’s two eyes widened again . It seems that the bard thought that Tatsumi was a competitor .

I’m not sure what to make of this . The bard’s eyes casually flicked to Tatsumi’s right hand, and when he saw what was there – the Amaryllis – his mouth quirked up .

If you take me as your apprentice, I will provide you with information that will be useful to you as a demon hunter .

“Information useful to hunting demons: ......?

When Tatsumi instinctively said so, Taland nodded . Then, speak with a lower tone of voice than before .

“That’s right, I’m dealing with none other than the master, so let me tell you a little bit . The song I was singing earlier, that is the song that depicts the activity of the now rumored dragon slayer” Tensho “, is the master .

He stopped speaking for a moment and looked around at the faces of not only Tatsumi, but also Calcedonia, Jolt, and Yerimao .

“I’m sure you’re aware of that . In fact, I have become friends with him for some reason . I’m sure Master is interested in the other demon beast hunter . After all, he has a chain wrapped around his right hand like that . How about it? If you take me as your disciple, I can provide you with a place where you can meet and talk with the rumored “Tensho” in person . ”

Taland said with a confident look .

Meanwhile, Tatsumi and the other four looked at each other without thinking .

Now, Tatsumi, Taland, and the rest of the group were walking through the town .

According to Taland, who is a bard, there is another person in the town who calls himself “Tensho” .

If it was just another name like “Saint” Calcedonia or Morgannik’s “Free Knight”, it was quite possible that it was just another person who happened to have the same name .

However, Tatsumi’s 《Tensho》 is different . Tatsumi’s 《Tensho》 is an official title given by the king, so no one but Tatsumi is allowed to use it . And as the official recipient of the title of “Tensho”, Tatsumi also has the legitimate right to punish imposters and deceivers .

However, there is a possibility that someone had already been given the title of “Tensho” before it was given to Tatsumi, so at this point, we cannot say for sure...

So, in Jolt’s opinion, we decided to actually meet the other “Tensho” .

In exchange for arranging a meeting with the other “Tenshō,” Tatsumi agreed to teach Taland some Japanese music he knew, but did not make him his official apprentice .

Taland accepted the condition and thus guided Tatsumi and his friends to the other “Tensho” .

“Well, Master... This is where the other Tensho is staying . But I didn’t know that this beautiful lady was Master’s wife . ...... As expected of Master, he has great taste in women!

I told you, I am not your master . ......

“No, no, even if I am not your direct disciple, you are nothing but a master to me! I will continue to respect you as my master! Of course, I will never be disrespectful to you again!

I’m not going to do anything rude to Chalcedonia in the future . If I do anything rude to Chalcedonia in the future, I’ll give up my name as your apprentice .

I’m not sure what to make of this .

“Oh, you thought so too, Yerimao-sensei?

In fact, I thought so too .

In the meantime, Jolt and Yerimao were looking at the innkeeper that Taland had pointed out .

The inn seemed to be much lower class compared to the one they were staying at .

As for Jolt and Yerimão, they had thought that whoever was using the name Tensho would’ve stayed at a higher class inn .

If the people who are using the name “Tensho,” like Jolt says, then it can be assumed that they will use the name in order to get a better inn, a discount or even for free .

I’m going to go in and talk to Tensho-dono, so I apologize for the wait .

After saying that to Tatsumi and the others, Taland walked into the inn in front of them by himself .

As Tatsumi watched him disappear into the inn, he unconsciously put his hand on the sword he wore at his waist .

Since he had come here to discuss the matter, he was not wearing any armor . Even so, he had equipped his sword just in case . And the Amaryllis, which stood out more than necessary, now had a cloth wrapped around it .

“Sir? You seem to be nervous about something, what’s wrong?

Calcedonia nodded her head as she placed her hand over Tatsumi’s hand on the sword .

When Calcedonia asked, Tatsumi told her what he had been thinking about the whole way here .

If the person Taland was referring to was indeed a fake Tensho, then Tatsumi would have to punish that person .

When I asked Jolt and Yerimao how much of a crime it was to fraudulently claim a title, they said that there was no clearly defined law .

However, it seems that fraudulently claiming an official title is similar to claiming nobility . Misrepresenting one’s nobility is a felony, and in the worst case scenario, it could even result in death .

Such a serious decision depends on Tatsumi’s judgment alone .

Tatsumi thought that ──── .

You know what? It’s not necessary for Tatsumi to condemn the fake here at all . In the event that you’re not sure what to do, you can always ask for help . And then the lord will take care of the rest .

“You’re right . Even if he were to cut down the impostor here, he would not be charged with a crime . But you don’t necessarily have to judge the impostor with your own hands, do you?

Tatsumi finally realized that he had made a mistake when Jolt and Calcedonia told him that .

They were right, Tatsumi had the right to judge the imposters . But it’s not necessarily a duty .

I’ve always assumed that I had to deal with my own imposters . ......

Tatsumi’s shoulders slumped and he let out a huge sigh of relief .

I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I’m not the only one who’s a little nervous about this .

When they finally felt comfortable, Taland came back from inside the inn .

Master, I heard that Tensho-dono is going to meet with you .

Nodding silently to Taland, Tatsumi looked around at Calcedonia and the others again .

Then, nodding to reassure his wive, he followed Taland into the inn .

The inside of the inn was dimly lit .

The inn where Tatsumi and his friends were staying used a lot of candles and lamps to light up the inside .

This one, however, was quite dark . Perhaps it was because they were not making enough money . The cost of lighting for a night is not cheap .

The inn was filled with a variety of smells and sounds .

The smells were of cheap liquor and food, as well as the cheap cosmetics used by prostitutes that could be found everywhere in the inn .

The sounds were the talking and singing of the customers, and sometimes the high-pitched laughter of the prostitutes . In one corner, there were shouts of joy, as if they were gambling on something .

It seemed that the main customers were demon beast hunters and mercenaries, who formed small groups here and there in the tavern and dining room on the first floor .

They gave Tatsumi and the others a disturbed look as they entered the inn . However, when they spotted Calcedonia among them, their gaze immediately changed .

Some of them whistled or threw obvious vulgarities at him, but he ignored all of them .

But in his heart, Tatsumi secretly patted his chest, glad that he hadn’t brought Jolt and the others into the store .

He was afraid to bring them into the store with him, as they were his guards, just in case it might turn into a rough situation . As a precaution, I asked Jolt and Yerimao to wait in a busy area a little far from the store .

Perhaps we might need the cooperation of the guards of this town . In such a case, the title of Yerimao, a senior official of the country, would come in handy .

With this in mind, Tatsumi followed Taland through the store, protecting Calcedonia from the gaze of the customers .

Eventually, he sees a man drinking quietly ahead of him .

He looks to be in his forties or so . He was tall and sturdy, and just sitting there drinking gave off a unique sense of intimidation .

His hair and eyes are dark brown . His hair and eyes are dark brown, but in the dimly lit store, they look jet black, just like Tatsumi’s .

His well-trained, steel-like body is wrapped in armor made of a material I’ve never seen before . The armor was probably made from some kind of magical beast material .

It’s also a great way to make sure you don’t end up in a situation where you can’t get out of it .

“...... Is that the “Tensho” from ......?

“Yes, Master . That person is the famous flying dragon slayer, Lord Tensho .

I’m not sure what to make of it .

I’m not sure if he heard me, but he put the mug of wine on the table and glared at Tatsumi .

‘Comrade Taland . I’ve told you many times that it wasn’t the flying dragon that I killed .

Suddenly, a man stands up .

And in his hands, there was a chain that made a cracking sound . You can find a lot of people who are looking for a way to make their lives easier .

The dragon I killed was not a flying dragon, but a sword dragon! And the certain person’s name is ──── .

Tatsumi felt that the man’s eyes shone a sharp light .

“──── The one who defeated the sword dragon as a user of the unrivaled powerful... Is Tarts Mill!!!”

It goes without saying that Tatsumi and Calcedonia lost their words at that moment .

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