
Chapter 90.1

C90 Part 1

Several days after the wedding of Berth, Tatsumi, who was training as an Exorcist at the Temple Training Center, received a call from the Supreme Priest.

Priests, who belong to the Temple of Savaive, usually become nervous when they are called by the Supreme Priest.

However, Tatsumi is different.

When Giuseppe orders him to do something, all Tatsumi can think of is “not again.”

▽ For Tatsumi, Giuseppe is not a person who is above others, but a family member and a teacher. Moreover, Giuseppe often calls Tatsumi to do something for him.

While walking along the corridor to the office of the Supreme Priest, who was completely familiar with him, Tatsumi was wondering what the business was today.

Do you want to get some new magic seal and brag about it? Or is it some kind of class?

Since I got the title of “Tensho”, I have also increased the number of relationships with aristocrats, so I’ve been learning about manners among aristocrats from Giuseppe recently. I’m very busy.

Tatsumi, who has come to the front of Giuseppe’s office, knocks on the door as usual and a sound came from the inside.

“Its me. Tatsumi. Did you call me?”

“Oh, son-in-law. Enter it.”

Tatsumi, who got permission from Giuseppe’s voice, opens the door in a familiar manner.

By the way, there are two “Yamagata priests”: Tatsumi and Calcedonia, so it is not possible to call them by their full names or by calling them “priests” in the temple.

However, Tatsumi, who opened the door, suddenly stopped on the spot.

Because a person, whom he didn’t expect, was waiting in Giuseppe’s office.

“Hi, Tatsumi”

It was definitely Giortorion Resor Largofili, the direct grandson of the king of this country, who smiled and raised his hands.

“Hey, Jolt ...? Why is Jolt here ...?”

“Yeah, actually I need something from Tatsumi. So I came to the Temple of Savaiv today.”

Jolt smiles brightly.

Why is he here? I heard a familiar voice behind him from Tatsumi, who leaned himself into the office of Giuseppe.

“Oh, sir? Did you call my husband as well?”

Tatsumi turned around to the voice, and his wife was there.

“I don’t think it’s Giuseppe-san that we have a business for”

“Eh? ... Mr. Jolt ...? Why is Jolt here ...?”

Calcedonia, who saw Jolt in the office, often compared her grandson with her husband.

“You guys shouldn’t be standing outside. Why don’t you guys come in first?”

Urged by Giuseppe, Tatsumi and Chalcedonia entered the room and sat down facing the chaise lounge where Jolt was sitting.

“Well, the reason I called you guys is that, as Jolt said earlier, this guy has something to do with us.”

Giuseppe, sitting beside Jolt, said.

“The point is that I want you guys to escort him.”

“Escort ...?”

Tatsumi and Chalcedonia leaned their heads in the same way as they looked at each other.

This Largofili Kingdom is made up of aristocrats governing their respective territories, and the kings gathering the aristocrats.

However, instead of the aristocrats dividing and controlling the whole country, there are also a number of directly-controlled areas under the direct control of the king, also known as the kingdom.

However, there is no time for a king, who is usually busy in government affairs, to control these places. Therefore, a deputy officer is dispatched to the directly controlled area and governs the area on behalf of the king.

“... But it can be fraudulent or corrupt in such places. Sometimes, an inspector goes unannounced to investigate at the order of the King.”

“I see. That would lead to the request of the escort, so would Jort accompany the inspection?”

“Good answer. My grandpa told me to hide my identity and follow the inspection for future studies.”

Listening to him, it seems that both Jorlt’s grandfather and father attended such inspections many times before becoming the king or crown prince.

“But then, why should I be an escort and why not use knights?”

Calcedonia had the same question. But Jolt shook his hand, laughing and smiling.

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