
Chapter 235: Revelations at the Bottom of the Earth Part 1

Chapter 235: Revelations at the Bottom of the Earth Part 1

This is bad. No, even worse. This is REALLY bad.

It is not even about the content of the video file. No, the content of the video file was obviously quite bad, but why do I only notice that right about now? I turn my head to the side and look a little bit further ahead, towards a certain object that managed to escape my attention earlier when we came down here…… The Abyss Alarm Bell. In that video, the bell must have rang and alarmed the scientist that something was coming for him. And that something really did come for the guy, most probably appearing from inside of that hole and dragging the guy inside of it, but not before munching on him and turning him into a bloody pulp.

B-But wait…… No, no, no, that cannot be. Surely I am not trapped in here, right? I have come here only guided by the quest marker that I have received from Weissash, so since it is all part of a quest there should be a way for me to somehow activate the dormant elevator and reach the surface level of the ruins, right? …… Wait a second. Could it be that restarting the power and getting the elevator back to being fully operational is also part of the quest? Is it just its later part? I sure hope it is like that.

「No, no, no, no, no…… I know that you should always keep an open mind about things and expect the unexpected, but no matter how you look at it, this is just a little bit too much.

There are times in video games when miraculous things can happen all on their own, and they would not even be classified as bugs. For example, like being able to defeat an opponent whose level is bigger than your own by the whopping number of one hundred. Or being able to wall run for more than three hundred meters without the assist of any skills, while the appropriate skills would only allow you to do that for no longer than a few seconds. There are bugs out there, and there are miracles like that out there, but…… Safety through specifications! There should always be a possibility of being safe from all sorts of danger as long as you are within the limits of the established specifications!

「Well, I mean, you know, what was it again……? Say now, Emul? What is your opinion on that guy now that we have the full picture? Was he bad, or was he good? Please give me your evaluation.」

「Yes, umm, about that…… After all, I think that I still do not like that person. That being said, there was something in his last words and actions that made me feel the tiniest embers of Vorpal Soul burning inside of him……」

Really now? Maybe Emul felt that way, but for me there was absolutely nothing in the scientist’s actions and words that would exhibit any shred of Vorpal Soul. However, it may only be for me, since I have played many sh*tty games before and I have seen a patter like that more times than I could possibly count. It was so called “Karma End”, when usually bad things tend to happen to bad sub characters. However, it would be really rude and inappropriate of me to be pretentious like that here, so I decided to keep my mouth shut for now.

And let’s face it: if it was not for this here scientist’s efforts, I would never be able to get my hands on those Delta devices. So as reluctant as I am, you need to give people credit where credit is due.

「For the time being, it seems that this place is way more dangerous than we would have thought originally. We should withdraw from here as soon as possible.」

There was something unnerving about this place. Or to be more precise, what was unnerving was the presence of this Abyss Alarm Bell on the wall. I recall the description of this particular item from my inventory. An item warning about the “enemies” what shall appear upon finishing the third part of the World Quest and transitioning into fourth part…… A transition triggered by the defeat of yet another Unique Monster…… There was really something unnerving about this whole place and situation.

Judging from that fact alone I think that we are not in any immediate danger…… at least not for now and the near future. However, it is good to know that something like this exist in such a place. After all, upon defeating another Unique Monster, something is probably going to emerge from inside of here, and swarm the places in the close vicinity of this area, which sees a whole lot of traffic from beginners and mid-tier players.

「Emul, no matter what, I want you to be ready to make a run towards the elevator’s shaft at any moment, you understand?」

「Y-Yes! As you wish, Sanraku-san……」

Please do not let anything bad happen…… Please do not let anything bad happen…… Ahh, god damn it, Amu Namida Butsu!!!

Saying a quick prayer in my mind, I quickly yank out one of the Delta devices from the socket that it was inserted into. At the same time, I also equipped my new shield Dis Patel on my left arm and was keeping it at the ready at all times. I was also surveilling our surroundings for even the slightest sign of danger or movement, especially coming from the direction of that huge hole.

I let about ten seconds past in complete silence. Only when I have confirmed that nothing strange or bad was starting to happen, I allowed myself to relax and stop being on full alert. Then, I carefully recovered the rest of the Delta devices from their respective sockets.

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