
Chapter 759 - Let Us Begin

Chapter 759: Let Us Begin

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yuan Zhengzong was surprised to find Yuan Shawu not only helping out, but actually preparing a few home-cooked, delicious-looking dishes by herself.

Yuan Zhengzong and Qiu Yuting helped themselves to her cooking. Yuan Zhengzong often cooked for his sister, and was surprised to find her as the far better cook!

Qiu Yuting was shocked. These days, it was rare to find a girl who could cook. Their numbers have fallen far behind men who could cook...

Making Qiu Yuting cook would be impossible. She thought highly of herself, even going far as to treat herself as the pop queen of the future. She was certain that in her future, money would endlessly flow into her possession. Why bother herself with something that a hired cook could provide?

Nevertheless, Qiu Yuting had to admit Yuan Shawa could cook pretty well. Men would always give her additional marks for it. Fortunately, Yuan Shawu was just Yuan Zhengzong’s sister. Otherwise, wouldn’t she be a deadly competitor?

At that moment, Qiu Yuting was most cautious about Liu Shan, the editor responsible for Yuan Zhengzong work. She was excellent in housekeeping and caretaking. Bit by bit she had slipped into Yuan Zhengzong’s life, becoming the gentle and elegant editor that he held dear in his heart.

After that “happy meal,” Yuan Zhengzong had been courteous enough to send Qiu Yuting home. He was so ignorant, not realizing how she knew about him having a sister, even knowing her name. His instincts had convinced him that the beautiful Qiu Yuting could never mean any ill...

Well, Qiu Yuting was not really a bad person. People would salute her for her righteous character. Perhaps she had been suppressed in the entertainment industry before her rebirth. Now that she had been granted a second chance, she swore to become someone who mattered in that industry!

Hence, upon her return, she edited and plagiarized several songs from memory. After filling in the lyrics, she had asked her trusted friend who had studied in music to transcribe the notes. At the same time, she had registered her account at the largest, original music website in the source world, prepared to upload her original songs there as soon as possible.

In the cultural and entertainment source world, copyright protection was almost flawless. Piracy did not exist. All websites for music, novels, comic books, and other original websites had been fully developed. It was a perfect world for any talented composer or author!

As a result, such a world was a “cultural desert,” a world with no obvious trends that stood out. They were forced to copy other world’s advanced cultures to fill in that one thing which was impossible for their world to create. It was almost appropriate to assume that piracy played a big role in shaping the culture of a civilization!

Of course, the entire paragraph up there was an overgeneralized, blanket statement. This source world was a pain in the ass. Anyone could plagiarize anything. Therefore, they had to make sure that there was zero piracy, giving their top priority on copyright protection. The “cultural desert” was merely an unintended side effect.

As Qiu Yuting was busy making her songs famous, other plagiarists such as Yuan Shawu’s classmate Luo Chen, did not sit idly by.

Like Yuan Shawu, Luo Chen was a fringe figure in the class. He was born in an environment that was harsher than Yuan Shawu. At least Yuan Shawu had a brother who she can depend on. Luo Chen grew up in an orphanage, having lost both parents, and was extremely poor.

He was not very popular at school either. He had even been beaten unconscious a few times. Eventually, Luo Chen became possessed by a young literary and artistic youth from Planet Aqua Blue, also known as “Luo Chen.” The first of his radical changes would be an eidetic memory that contained all the information about his other world. All he had to do was focus on his thoughts, and he could search through Planet Aqua Blue’s wide range of iconic pieces of literature.

The youth from Planet Aqua Blue, Luo Chen, was not as weak as the orphan who lost his parents in this source world. He had impressive characteristics such as his solidarity, his high levels self-respect, and his determination to become a great literary magnate. However, he was only good enough to be a web novelist — not even being eligible for a contract.

Luo Chen was the kind of young scholar who could only write a few beautiful paragraphs, and that was it. Fortunately, he had read many books, their beautiful sentences deeply engraved in his mind. They were now his most powerful writing tools in this source world.

Luo Chen was currently short of money. The school was even threatening to expel him, if he could not pay the fees. Of course, such a thing was a little too ridiculous in the real world. However, we needed such plotline to force a character to write novels and earn a living. This was the cliche source world of culture and recreation. How else could one “force” plagiarists to copy and take the easy path?

The cash-starved Luo Chen decided to make his first barrel-load of money by copying various online novels. The network of the source world was rather well developed. The Internet still provided a 100 percent genuine reader rate. They only read from the China Literature Chinese Novel Platform. [1] It may have monopolized the entire industry, but it possessed enough goodwill to treat its writers humanely. Other than electronic copyright, everything was decided by the authors themselves.

Luo Chen had used his pirated smartphone to access the China Literature Chinese Novel Platform. Interestingly, this entertainment world was not 100 percent authentic, except for the cultural industry.

Luo Chen was impressed with the favorable treatment from China Literature Chinese Novel Platform. It gave writers much breathing room. Unfortunately, the popular novels would all be considered pieces of trash in his Planet Aqua Blue. They were outdated by at least 20 years!

The online novels on Planet Aqua Blue were vibrant and lively. Various authors had fully exploited every genre.

Any online novels from Planet Aqua Blue would definitely surpass the rubbish level of the current world. Hence, the first online novel he chose to copy was “I Am The Great Magician.” [2]

This simple online novel was well-known throughout Aqua Blue. It even had a meme of its own that involved how eating one sweet potato would grant anyone the next level of magical power!

As a highly capable plagiarist, not even one hundred thousand words a day was a challenge to him. All he had to do was to copy every word from the original text. He ignored the importance of developing a personalized writing style. Little did he know that remarkable authors always developed unique writing styles of their own.

Luo Chen decided on a pseudonym — ” Planet Aqua Blue,” in memory of his world.

Translation Note:

[1] China Literature Chinese Novel Platform 阅文中文网. China Literature Limited(阅文集团) was the original name of the current company, Tencent Literature.

[2] “I Am The Great Magician (我是大魔导师) is a short novel written by Ben Jita ( 笨吉他)

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