
Chapter 697 - An Invitation

Chapter 697: An Invitation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Other than Foltest, the ruler of a mighty nation and the most renowned leader among the Northern countries, Emperor Emhyr of the Nilfgaardian Empire from the South also expressed his surprise upon learning that Olivia and Cirilla had killed Vilgefortz.

Most assumed that Emperor Emhyr would be furious. After all, Vilgefortz was a well-known superweapon of Nilfgaard. Vilgefortz and Emperor Emhyr were very close. He had done the Emperor great services, contributing the most in the nation’s first battle in the North. However, Emperor Emhyr’s reaction had been most unexpected. He continued treating Olivia and Cirilla with unparalleled leniency.

Emperor Emhyr immediately took control of the situation, further disheartening some of his most loyal officials. The emperor then unexpectedly announced Vilgefortz as a criminal, stating that he had been plotting against the emperor. Justice had been served, plain and simple.

Undeniably, the charges the emperor made against Vilgefortz were true. Witnesses and evidence backed them. One such witness was the reputable dark knight, Cahir. However, Emperor Emhyr’s cold heart truly shone this incident. Many were disheartened. It was said that this paved the way towards those who would rebel sometime after.

Only Emperor Emhyr’s continued pattern of victories could temporarily subdue the rebels. However, a single setback would be enough for a rebellion to commence. They wanted nothing more than to slay the emperor who rejoiced in the downfall of others.

Emperor Emhyr did not have any male heirs. Naturally, he placed his love on both of his princesses, Olivia and Cirilla. Emperor Emhyr was content with the victory of his two princesses against Vilgefortz. They have finally grown up and were ready to take their father’s place.

Emhyr favored Olivia more. In fact, he had looked up to her since birth. It may just be his instincts, but he believed Olivia was a natural born leader. She had the vision and strategic battle sense. She had demonstrated all these traits since young.

Emperor Emhyr did not place importance on royal lineage. In this land, there was an absence of a power great enough to destroy another nation. Therefore, true power still lay within the army, or more specifically, the leader who commanded them.

Foltest was a good example. As an iconic leader of the northern region, he was a highly proficient commander who specialized in siege warfare. Apart from mentioning that men falling in love with their sisters was natural and wonderful, he also mentioned that he trusted his soldiers more than advisors and their battle plans.

His leadership was greatly known across the land. In the Gwent Card Game, one of the Foltest Gwent cards in Northern Card deck had recorded his words as “Dammit, I rule this land, and I refuse to creep around its corners.” [1]

He may be a control freak over his younger sister, but he was an excellent ruler and commander. He had even more charisma than the ungrateful Emperor Emhyr.

Right after announcing Vilgefortz’s crimes, Emperor Emhyr finally voiced his desire to meet his youngest princess, the designated successor to his throne. He first rewarded Olivia, addressing to the nation that she was the heroine who had eliminated the threat to the nation. The emperor would recognize the contributions and good deeds of the nation’s heroine and intended to meet her in person.

Therefore an unprecedented event had taken place. Two Cintra Princesses had joined forces in eliminating the strongest lord of the land. Both rivaling nations of the North and The Nilfgaardian Empire respected them, and had almost simultaneously invited both princesses over.

Poor Vilgefortze. When he was alive, he was highly respected among rulers of nations and feared by his peers. Now, many rejoiced his death, it was just like the head of a mountain being removed!

Vilgefortz’s fate, like many other tales in wuxia, showed that the ruler feared the mightiest martial artists. Even if he seemed to be serving them, he had the capacity for disaster, should he choose. Emperor Emhyr hated nothing more than such a turncoat, and Vilgefortz topped the list of his turncoats.

The emperor relished in the death of this formidable being, even more so when it had been in the hands of his princesses. He deemed this as the arrangement of the Gods. He might have set fate in motion the moment he assigned Vilgefortz as Olivia’s mentor.

The Princesses of Cintra had to respond to both invitations. After all, these were powerful, formidable parties.

On the other hand, Yennefer was released as a token of respect from the leader of Scoia’tael, Francesca. She had not been coerced to join the Lodge of Sorceresses. Yennefer now belonged to the Kaer Morhen.

With Olivia around, Francesca of the Lodge of Sorceresses had been losing sleep. Since the revolution on Thanedd Island, several helpless sorceresses were taken into Kaer Morhen to be part of the industrial system, vastly improving the magical technology in Kaer Morhen.

The Lodge of Sorceress couldn’t match the facilities that Olivia provided, such as large-scale magical research and application centers which enabled them to increase production through the use of magic. The advancement of the latter was far beyond that of the former.

Olivia couldn’t bring herself to respect Francesca. The forces of Scoia’tael were weak in the Gwent Card Game and reality was no different!

Yes, Olivia had started playing Gwent. She had built herself a mighty deck, formed from the Nilfgaardian Empire. On the other hand, Cirilla was different, she had made herself a strong, Northern deck. Both of them possessed an equal number of rare cards. Whenever they played against each other, it was a 50-50 rate.

Olivia decided to meet up with her king father who she had not met for years, Emperor Emhyr. On the other hand, Cirilla would meet up with Foltest, with Geralt accompanying her. They were witchers — they might as well help Foltest undo the curse that birthed the Striga.

Foltest would prefer meeting Geralt and Cirilla — they were more forthcoming and easier to read. On the other hand, Olivia was a terrifying force. She was a perfect match for her dad. They both would rejoice from one another’s downfall.

Who knows, Emhyr might simply appoint Olivia as his heir on impulse!

Translation note:

[1] This sentence came from “Foltest: Son of Medell,” one of five possible Gwent leader cards for the Northern Realms deck, having been added on with the Hearts of Stone expansion.

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