
Chapter 552 - Lets Start Ourselves a Club

Chapter 552: Let’s Start Ourselves a Club

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The ‘Kingly way’ was, of course, respectable, upright, and excellent. It might even be the most foolproof route. Many capable and ambitious university freshmen had relied on this pathway, first joining a popular department that had a good standing in the Student Council. While several departments were financially sound, one of the most outstanding departments would be the Disciplinary Department.

They would start off as lackeys, performing typical errands like dormitory inspections. The best scenario would be a promotion in just a semester. They could work harder in the next semester, possibly even getting promoted to a Secretariat position. Getting promoted to Assistant Department Head as a sophomore was most likely the threshold.

Most students might remain as Assistant Department Heads for their entire four years in university. Otherwise, they could technically promote themselves by stepping down as Assistant Department Head of a powerful department in exchange for the Department Head position of unpopular, poorly funded departments. Not many Assistant Department Heads would take this path. They would rather stay on as the Assistant Department Head of a respectable department. Going to an unpopular department was like being ‘kicked upstairs’ [1], leaving their positions for the taking of others.

Being an Assistant Department Head of a powerful department was impressive enough. Take a look at the Disciplinary Department. You could help your junior deal with anyone they want, isn’t it beautiful? Sensible students knew that they had to take the initiative and shower the Disciplinary Department with gifts, especially if they could not afford to be checked on. Without treating their comrades from their Disciplinary Department to scrumptious meals, would they still have a right to weave around the rules?

The Department Head of the Disciplinary Department would be occupied with more significant things in mind like – Campaigning for the Student Council President election, for one!

Even if the Department Head knew that being a Student Council President would only amount to a short moment of elation, it would be enough of an accomplishment. Whenever a Student Council meeting was held, they often got the witness the Student Council President eloquently getting his points across while controlling the movement of fundings in colossal volumes. They could even use their identity as Jiangnan University’s Student Council President to participate in all sorts of activities and exchange blows with Student Council Presidents from other top universities. How fun was that?

This was the taste of power, as short-lived as it was.

Further, as Jiangnan University was the ‘big brother’ of Jiangnan Province, Jiangnan University’s Student Council President was more or less the ‘Sect Master’ as they co-organized activities like School Carnivals and Cultural Festivals in conjunction with other universities. They even had some power over the affairs of other top universities. Quite a ridiculously dominant position, wasn’t it?

The moment they got into the Student Council, their mind would be lost on the thought of sitting at the head of the table in the luxurious meeting room. They could exercise its authority to the fullest while overlooking the entire university. At that moment, they would be the center of the entire university.

It wouldn’t take long for reality to smack them in the face. Only experts, prodigies, or cheaters would seize the throne effectively. An example of such a person was Huang Zongchao, the elite scholar of Zhao Youyue’s high school. He had applied for an ‘early decision’ [2] and was promptly accepted by the Tokyo Metropolitan University. Knowing him, it would be no surprise if he immediately started vying for a spot in the Student Council President of the Tokyo Metropolitan University. Of course, that was a tall order. Tokyo Metropolitan University would, of course, be occupied by several Tokyo natives. Huang Zongchao, a hardworking genius elite scholar from a small town would have a lot of ground to cover.

Experts belonged to a category of their own. Students from prominent families would be another, and they had their own methods. They would throw money into the Student Council and get the ball running for the most extravagant of events and activities. This would garner support from more clubs and keep their ratings up. So what if their capabilities were mediocre?

Money was the key to everything!

Some past Student Council Presidents of Jiangnan University had once used such methods to satisfy their cravings. With this experience below their belts, they quickly found a path into officialdom after graduating from university, rising up the ranks at lightning speed.

You could be set for life!

Which big company would not hunt for a past Student Council President from Jiangnan University? The company’s senior management considered someone who had fought through a most arduous gauntlet and finally sat on the throne to be exceptional. Student Council Presidents who seemed mediocre also had their own forte. Perhaps they were rich, or they had powerful families. If the Student Council President had neither of the two and was just as mediocre, it only meant that they had a way with people. It was brilliant leadership in play...

Student Council Presidents in this world had so many perks, powers, and promising futures.

What of Chinese Student Council Presidents from the other world? The heck are those? The students might never even learn the name of the reigning Student Council President during the time. One did gain online notoriety by cheating with someone else’s girlfriend...

Would the Student Council President of this world lack any chicks? Of course not. He would definitely be the winner in life. The power in his hands had enough charm to make any girls fall in love with him!

Of course, the President must cherish his own reputation and act appropriately, if he wanted to remain on his seat for more than half a semester. If their competitors ever dig out an ugly past, the school would learn of it in no time, and that was it. Becoming a garbage stud when elected as President. Hurry up and resign. Do not make a fool of yourself in front of others.

Zhao Youyue fully understood the ‘Kingly way,’ but she also fully understood that it did not suit her. Walking down such a path would only earn her the Student Council President when she is in her junior year. That was slow, way too slow!

Being elected as a sophomore was almost out of the question. She should be the Student Council President as a freshman, and then be re-elected as many times as necessary until she graduated!

If anyone gained access to such thoughts, she would be treated like a delusional idiot.

Zhao Youyue did not find the idea remotely far-fetched. The other world had Donald Trump. Everyone thought that he was in it for a prank, and to split the existing votes. How the heck did he end up winning the entire thing?

That only goes to show that factors like qualifications, track records, they were all a lie. They only deceived the masses below into working their souls off for a cause they were shown.

The Student Council President would be elected by the majority decision of the entire student body. Those who were eligible to run for elections had to at least be an Assistant Department Head in a Student Council department.

It was, simple, right?

First, Zhao Youyue had to be an Assistant Department Head of any department in the Student Council. It would not matter, even if the department was meager and neglected. She just needed the ‘Assistant Department Head’ title.

She wanted to make herself known to the entire student body and smother them with her presence. A Student Council President had to be a heroine! That would be the time to shed her side character wrappings!

Many members of the Student Council were bound by things known as ‘conventions’ and ‘unspoken rules.’ They insisted that only Department Heads from powerful departments were qualified to run for elections. An Assistant Department Head running for the election was only asking for abuse. Moreover, they most certainly lacked the experience to hold any sway over the masses...

That was not a problem for Zhao Youyue. If she could not convince the masses, she simply had to sack the ones who stuck out. The majority would most certainly bow to her.

The more pertinent issue now was becoming an Assistant Department Head, which was no easy task in itself.

And so, Zhao Youyue decided to start a club of her own and claim be her own President. That was enough to put her in the running for a spot in the Student Council!

Translation note:

[1] “Kicked upstairs” (明升暗降) means to promote someone to a higher rank or position, especially one that carries less power.

[2] “Early decision” (提前录取) is a common policy used in college admissions for admitting freshmen to undergraduate programs. It is used to indicate to the university or college that the candidate considers that institution to be his or her top choice.

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