
Chapter 278: Interlude (3)

Chapter 278: Interlude (3)

Sweet-inducing episode, but there’s some depressing stuff to counter it in the end.

Terms used in this episode:

The bough that bears most bends most – A Japanese saying which means that the greater you are as a person, the more modest you become. It’s a bit similar to the English idiom ‘Don’t blow your own trumpet.’ Example is a self-made very rich person wearing simple and cheap clothes despite being able to afford expensive ones.

The right hand knows what the left hand is doing, and so does the feet – This is based on a bible verse from Matthew 6:3, and it originally says that ‘the left hand should not know what the right hand is doing.’ It means that when you do charitable acts, you must not brag about it or let others know of what you’ve done. But Jude changed its wording and interpretation in this episode, so it now means that as a lord, he should know everything that’s happening in his territory.

Three months was by no means a short time.

Jude and Cordelia’s fief had undergone a lot of changes in the past three months, and the biggest change was in the vicinity of Mount Damos.

The fact that the land was virtually abandoned because of the monsters was now just a thing of the past.

In truth, it had now become the heart of the territory.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Clanging noises were heard near Mount Damos. The sounds came from Black Town – the Black Horn Guild’s residential area that was revived after hundreds of years.

The sounds were quick and light but sometimes heavy.

And it was the same with the wagons going up and down the main roads.

Day after day, dozens of wagons went to and from Mount Damos.

The wagons transported the quality equipment made by the dwarves, as well as the underground resources that lied in Mount Damos.

People would gather when a new industry is established, and when people gathered, commerce becomes active, prompting more people to gather again.

Only three months had obviously passed, so the changes were only to the extent that a small village became a large village, but even that was a great transformation for those who spent their entire lives near Mount Damos. Moreover, it would still take some time for that virtuous cycle to reach its limit.

“Aren’t the new lords amazing?”

“They aren’t just amazing. Who else made Mount Damos to change like this? Sooner or later, the entire territory will probably undergo a huge development.”

It was still early in the day, but the market was crowded.

Two men were having a conversation in front of simple bar. One looked like a resident while the other appeared to be a peddler.

“Are they very different from other lords?”

When the young man sitting next to the peddler and eating chicken skewers suddenly asked, the peddler nodded his head as if he had been waiting for that question and began to speak.

“They’re different, different. I mean, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard of a good lord. Normally, when rapid development like this takes place, taxes go up a lot, right? They also charge you unusual taxes that you’ve only heard for the first time in your life. In the place where I came, if the weather was sunny, they charge you sunny day tax, and when it rains, they charge you rainy day tax, and it was truly outrageous.”

“What… There’s a place like that?”

“Of course. There’s lots of money-obsessed people – no, seriously crazy people everywhere. Even the tolls are ridiculous. They only allow you to pass when you cross the bridge, but after that, you have to pay a toll every time you pass through a gate, and there’s not just one or two gates. I’ve seen cases where they built useless gates just for the purpose of collecting tolls.”


The residents of Mount Damos blinked their eyes in surprise and the peddler continued even more in excitement.

“On the other hand, what about this place? They do collect tolls, but it’s very cheap and the town…no, it’s a city now. Anyway, you only pay once you enter and leave the city. This is why people gather here. If you pay high tolls from the very beginning, you will not much have left, so why will you want to go there? It’s thanks to the skill of the new lords that this place has developed to this extent in just three months, so praise them to your heart’s content.”

At the words of the peddler, those around him only smiled and laughed without anyone protesting.

There was no one who openly praised the new lords like this peddler, but everyone was satisfied with their new lords.

“I’ve heard that all the monsters in Mount Damos are gone because of the new lords. Is that true?”

When the young man asked again, the residents of Mount Damos nodded this time.

“It’s true. Thanks to them, we’re really living well. I couldn’t even get close to Mount Damos before, but I can go inside now and pick up firewood.”

Since all the mountain resources belonged to the lord, even getting firewood needed permission, but the new lords temporarily let anyone enter Mount Damos.

Perhaps it was to show off that the monsters were really gone.

“There’s also a lot of new jobs, so it’s a good place to live.”

“When the village grew, the nonsense of those young people who said that they would leave for a new place are now gone.”

As he said this and that, the young man nodded again and said.

“By the way, I’ve heard that the new lord is really handsome.”

“Oh, he definitely is. He’s really handsome. It’s difficult to find a handsome man like the lord even in the royal capital… no, even in the entire S?len Kingdom.”

“I’ve heard that the lady is also incredibly beautiful.”

“That’s right! There aren’t just one or two youngsters in the village who have suffered from lovesickness.”

The mood got better than when they talked about taxes.

And this was natural.

After all, this was about their lord and lady.

Their lord and lady being handsome and beautiful was something they could brag about when going to other areas as it made them feel better.

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard that new lord is very strong. I’ve also heard that the lady is an angel like Holy Angel Lena.”

“You’re heard the best of the rumors then. It’s all true. There’s also a rumor in the royal capital that the lord will soon become one of the Ten Great Swordmasters.”

“Ten Great Swordmasters? Isn’t our lord still a teenager?”

“He is, and that is why he’s amazing. He definitely is a genius.”

“And he has an angel too.”

“I’m envious.”

“Hahaha, look at this guy talk. Be careful. The lord may hear you.”

“Ahem, ahem.”

“I still can’t help but be envious.”

“I agree.”

“Yes, I agree too.”

The residents reached a consensus and burst into laughter again, and the young man spoke a few more words amidst the friendly atmosphere before standing up.

“I really enjoyed hearing good stories. Let me treat you all to a drink.”


“This youngster is really nice!”

“What a great treat!”

The young man responded appropriately to the random compliments, and left the bar after paying for everyone’s drinks.

And a few steps later.

A cold voice echoed in the young man’s head.

[My successor, how dirty.]

Spreading rumors that praise yourself out of your own mouth.

But Jude shamelessly answered like usual after confirming that the magic was working properly.

‘I’m just adding a little spice to the public sentiment. They’re not lies anyway.’

Because everything he said was true.

Jude himself was handsome, and Cordelia was incredibly beautiful and an angel too.

The rumor about the Ten Great Swordmasters was also true.

[My successor, don’t you know the saying ‘The bough that bears most bends most?’]

‘But it’s necessary… Moreover, since we came from an unfamiliar place, we have to control public opinion. Becoming friends with the locals also makes our work easier. It’s something that even the peddlers can’t solve.’

Valencia blinked her eyes inside Jude’s mind upon hearing his words.

Because she thought that she had just heard something strange.

[Wait. Wait a second, my successor. Something the peddlers can’t solve?]

‘Yes, I hired a few people to spread the word. Through the proper routes, of course.’

The peddler who came to do business didn’t just sit in the bar and praised the lord for no reason.

‘The right hand knows what the left hand is doing, and so does the feet.’

Valencia blinked again when Jude randomly talked nonsense.

She thought that she had adjusted well in the last 3 months, but Jude was a formidable person.

[My successor, you’re really as sly as a fox.]

‘So you don’t like it?’

[What the heck are you saying?]

Valencia laughed as she found it ridiculous, and Jude laughed along with her, but only for a moment. Because he remembered something.

‘I love it!’

If Cordelia had been here, she would have definitely responded that way.

[My successor, hang in there. Aren’t you supposed to meet her today?]

‘Yes, that’s why I’m doing my best to be patient.’

In fact, he wanted to meet her outside the city – no, at the mansion where Cordelia was staying, but he couldn’t. Even on Cordelia’s birthday that had already passed, he couldn’t go.

‘She must have been very sad.’

Unlike now when he could roam around the city, he was struggling and cooped up in a small room at Cordelia’s birthday 2 months ago, so he couldn’t go out.

It was also strange for him that he only remembered Cordelia’s birthday after it had passed.

[Still, I’ve become much stronger thanks to you. Sword Origin has also grown beyond what I expected. The dwarves of the Black Horn Guild will be surprised to see the current Sword Origin.]

‘Thank you for saying that.’

Although it still needed a period of adjustment, the Dragon Sword had now been upgraded into an Awakening Myth-rank – no, it was more correct to say that Sword Origin had evolved.

[Your proficiency of Twelve Snowflake Sword Art has risen. It’s a new but really interesting swordsmanship style, if I may say so.]

What Jude had learned was to adapt the Twelve Snowflake Art to fit Sword Origin’s style.

The process of changing a sword art into Taijutsu was very much fun for Valencia that she always talked about the Twelve Snowflake Sword Art whenever she had the time recently.

[My successor, we’ll meet Kamael again, right?]

‘Yes, we’ll meet again.’

Actually, it wasn’t just Kamael.

Landius and Lena had also left the territory.

In Kamael’s case, he had work as a member of the Guardians of the Holy Cross, and as for Landius and Lena, they resumed what they had been doing so far – pursuing Archbishop Manuela.

[Let’s go, my successor. We have to hurry back. It’s time for Cassius to check us. We need to get checked if you want to see Cordelia quickly.]

‘Yes, yes. I understand.’

In martial arts, one’s master was like a parent, so Valencia had been nagging at him at some point in time.

[My successor, were you thinking of something rude just now?]

‘No, not at all.’

Jude snickered before he hurried towards the mansion built on the mountainside of Mount Damos.

And an hour later.

As a carriage passed the main road, Jude stood at the front door of the mansion and swallowed hard.

For no reason, he fixed his clothes, shook his shoes, checked the things in his pockets, and fixed his clothes again.

Valencia would have normally said something, but she was silent this time. Because she knew well why he was doing that.

[Looks like she’s almost here.]

At Valencia’s words, Jude took a deep breath and looked straight ahead.

Indeed, a carriage was running at a fast speed.

A carriage bearing the emblem of Countess August Chase.

Jude waited as he struggled to suppress his legs that wanted to kick the ground right away, and the door of the carriage that finally arrived suddenly opened.

And one girl came out running.

A girl with striking pinkish-red hair.

She raised her head and looked at Jude.

Jude also looked at her and they stared at each other after a long time.

“Ahem, ahem.”

The girl tried to stay calm and maintain her posture as she gracefully stepped forward.

She originally should have waited for Maja and Dahlia to get off the carriage, but it was too much for her at that point.

So did Jude. He had to stand still and wait, but that was difficult to do since he was itching to go.

And at some point.

It was Cordelia who moved first in the end.

In her impatience, she clenched her fists and instantly run as she widely spread her wings. She shouted as she tried to get closer to him, even for a second faster.


It really took less than a second.

Cordelia had reached Jude even before she finished calling him. She jumped right into Jude’s arms, and Jude tightly embraced Cordelia. He held her waist and lifted her up high, and even turned themselves round and round.

“My beast!”

“Rawr! Rawr!”

Their exchange was embarrassing for all those who watched, but not for the two.

They weren’t in a situation where they could see their surroundings in the first place.

After having spun around Cordelia several times, Jude tightly hugged her again, and Cordelia sniffed him as she embraced him too. She wanted to enjoy the smell of Jude after a long time.

“It’s real, it’s real.”

It’s not a dream or a fake. It’s the real Jude.

The moment she thought of that, Cordelia unconsciously burst into tears.

Because of her strangely intense emotions.


But Cordelia didn’t respond to his call as she buried her face in Jude’s chest. She sniffled and expressed into short words the feelings she had suppressed for three months.

“I like you.”

She felt like her heart would burst because of her intense feelings.

Jude tightly hugged Cordelia. It was hard to keep his composure because his heart was pounding too fast, but he tried his best.

A year and a few months ago.

What would their past selves, who had just remembered their previous lives, say when they see themselves now?

Or rather, what would the past Cordelia say if he told her about themselves a year later?

‘What is this crazy b*stard talking about?’

Jude imagined Cordelia saying that with an uninterested expression, and he suddenly laughed. The crying Cordelia raised her head from his chest, and blinked her eyes, wondering what was going on as she looked at Jude.


Instead of answering, Jude kissed Cordelia’s slightly parted lips. So instead of asking further, Cordelia slowly closed her eyes and received Jude after 3 months.

And everyone except for the two looked at each other as they coughed or had a bitter smile.

“They look nice, right?”

“They do.”

Nothing more needed to be said.

Maja and Dahlia shrugged and waited for the two to break up, and finally gave up waiting after 30 minutes or so.

They forcibly broke apart the two who were still stuck with each other, and entered the mansion.


Jude held Cordelia in his arms.

He cuddled her still warm body but said nothing.

But Jude was aware of his surroundings like always. It was the effect of Ninth Heaven’s Nine Doors that had reached its highest point.

After opening the seventh door, Jude became aware of his surroundings even if he didn’t want it.

Jude slowly lifted his head. Rather than speaking out with his dry and cracked voice, he just stared at the door of the church some distance away.

The footsteps sounded familiar.

As he mentally counted the numbers like a habit, the door of the church opened, revealing a familiar face.


It was Lucas who opened the church door and appeared.

The heir to the Sage King’s Cross Sword, he became a one-armed man due to his fierce battle against Red Wind, but he had become stronger than in the past.

Instead of answering, Jude lowered his head again to look at Cordelia, and Lucas gritted his teeth.

Because he knew the relationship of the two better than anyone else.


Lucas called Jude again.

‘Is Cordelia dead?’, ‘Is it finally over?’, ‘Did she return to a human at the last moment?’ – he didn’t ask those things. Those were things that should not be asked.

“Jude, Kajsa is seriously injured. Scarlet broke through the western front.”

The Crimson Witch.

One of the new 7 major calamities.

Only Jude from the Guardians of the Holy Cross could be assured of victory if he fought her.

That was why Lucas was standing here now. As a rival and friend, he wanted to give Jude time to mourn, but they had to stop Scarlet.

Jude didn’t close his eyes. He wanted to look at Cordelia for a longer time even for a moment. He said in a low voice as he recalled her smiling face.

“Adelaide is…”

“She’s stopping Leon. But that is not enough too.”

Leon Gadreel.

A sword monster who reached the level of Maximilian in the field of swordsmanship.

Now that Maximilian died, he was the strongest swordsman in the continent. Even Jude could not be sure of victory if he fought Leon.

Jude was silent for a moment.

In fact, he already knew what Adelaide was doing.

He also knew well that the situation was hopeless, and that their actions were just meaningless struggles.

Mankind would eventually perish.

The fate of the world had already been decided when they failed to stop the Great Summons.



Jude spoke quietly. He forced himself to smile, but eventually continued to talk with strange expression.

“Please wait for a while. Let us be alone for a minute.”

The Guardians of the Holy Cross’ general.

Humanity’s strongest swordsman.

The world’s last hope.

He wasn’t that. He wasn’t that great person. What stood in front of Lucas now was a small and fragile person who was about to burst into tears at any moment, on the verge of breaking down after losing his other half.

So Lucas shut his mouth. He turned around and left the church instead of continuing to speak.

The door was closed. Eventually, Jude burst out crying as he held Cordelia and wailed. He shed his last tears as he touched her engagement ring which she still had in her finger even after she became a demonic human, something that made Jude unwilling to give up on her until the very end.


He breathed divine power into her body stained with evil. He shared his last kiss with her as she turned to ashes little by little and scattered.

The world would perish.

In the battle between the demons of hell and the angels of heaven, nothing would be left on earth.

Their struggles would only end as struggles.

Her ashes scattered.

Cordelia no longer existed. And Jude clenched his teeth at that moment. He suffered from fear and emptiness as he embraced the empty space. He despaired that he would never see Cordelia’s face that had scattered into ashes. He hated himself for killing Cordelia and burning her body.

How did it become like this?

Why did it have to be like this?

Jude picked up Cordelia’s ring.

He prayed to a goddess who had already disappeared. He did not stop despite knowing that his prayer would go unanswered.

I wish to see you again someday.

I wish that we can be together again.


Jude grasped the ring and stood up.

He took a weary step as he now faced the truly gray world.

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