
Chapter 208: Babawi Empire Fleet Assemble

Whether it was in terms of the strength of the Energy Shields or the power contained in the weapons, these were bonafide Level 4 Civilization warships!

It seemed that the Sierra Empire did not lie before and that idiot Babaweiler was deceived by the Io Federation!

Barbarea instantly had a revelation, in regards to what had happened a few years ago.

Moreover, the Io Federation came straight to the Otto Empire. In this case, doesn’t that mean that the Io Federation had already occupied nearly 2,000 light-years of territory?

No, this couldn’t be, Civilizations that could threaten the Babawi Empire were absolutely not allowed on the Orion’s Arm Branch!

“Your Majesty Barbarea, what should we do? The Otto Empire will be finished if we let this continue!”

Murat was very anxious. Even if he didn’t know much about military affairs, he could see that his fleet would definitely not last long.

Babarea also saw this, but he couldn’t do anything about it. After all, even if the Babawi Empire immediately assembled a large army, it would take them at least 10 years to reach the Otto Empire.

“Find a way to escape, don’t take the Star Path. Just find a way to get to the void outside the Star System and then send me the coordinates. I will arrange a warship to pick you up!”

After Babarea finished speaking, he directly cut off the call.

After listening to Babarea’s words, Murat’s eyes lit up. There was hope.

As long as he could escape into the void, if the Level 4 Civilization wanted to find him, it would be akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. By then, he could just wait for the warship sent by His Majesty Barbarea to pick him up.

Although doing this requires hiding in the void for many years, it was better than staying here. As long as one was not a fool, one would know that staying here was akin to waiting for death.

As for the rest of the Empire, both the people and the army, Murat had long decided to leave them behind. How could these compare to his own life?


“Yes, Your Majesty, I will immediately arrange it!”

As Murat and Babarea talked, Matvey was listening on the side. He could naturally understand what Murat meant.

But even if he knew that His Majesty the Emperor was going to abandon everyone and run away, Matvey wasn’t going to do anything about it.

Matvey knew better than Murat, and that it was impossible to escape. Since Murat wanted to try, then he’ll let him try!

As for Matvey’s own choice, he would rather die on the battlefield.

“One formation is to withdraw from the 2nd Royal Legion (a formation is about 300 warships), and immediately come here to pick up His Majesty!”


“Matvey, you bastard. You’re just arranging a formation to protect me?!”

Hearing Matvey’s order, Murat was furious.

‘You only arranged 300 warships to protect me? Are you trying to kill me on purpose?’

“Your Majesty, in the current situation, if you bring more warships, you will not be able to hide and escape. Instead, you will attract the attention of the other party! However, with just a formation, it wouldn’t be as noticeable and the probability of success is much higher.”

Listening to Matvey’s explanation, Murat became a little sober, and had to admit that Matvey was right.

Escaping with a whole fleet or a legion, would be akin to having a target on your back. In this case, the fewer warships, the better the chances of escaping.

“Then we’ll do as you say. But before I can successfully evacuate, you must hold back the enemy, understand?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I understand!”

Ten minutes later, Matvey looked at a formation that was gradually retreating, not knowing what to say.

At the time of life and death for the empire, the Emperor immediately abandoned everyone, to save his own life!

However, Murat’s behavior was destined to be stupid. The 300 warships that were escaping had already been targeted by Liang Xingchen. They just didn’t have time to care about them for the time being.

On the frontal battlefield, the fleet of the Otto Empire held back the enemy ships according to Matvey’s order, trying to shorten the distance between the two sides.

Alas, no matter how they pursued the other, the other party could always maintain a distance of 3 million kilometers from themselves; continuing to rely on cover fire shots to weaken the Otto Empire’s fleet.

After all, the warships on Liang Xingchen’s side could reach a speed of more than 50,000 kilometers per second. While most of the warships in the Otto Empire could only travel less than 10,000 kilometers per second.

In the face of such a large speed difference, trying to shorten the distance between the two sides was merely a fool’s dream.

In fact, Liang Xingchen didn’t use any special tactics or strategies at all. He simply ordered all of the fleets to fly in an arc, moving around the opponent’s fleet formation, while maintaining a distance of 3 million kilometers from the enemy.

When the gap in technology was a whole level apart, no matter how much one struggled, it would be futile.

Seeing how things were turning out, Matvey sighed. He had tried his best. Alas, their ending couldn’t be changed.


At the same time, 20,000 light-years away, in the Capital Circle of the Babawi Empire, Lokas.

After hanging up the call with Murat, Babarea immediately summoned Marshal Barbanir.

“Your Majesty, you mean there is a Civilization on the Secondary Arm that has been promoted to Level 4 and has at least nearly 7 million Level 4 warships?”

After listening to Babarea describing the situation, Marshal Barbanir was very shocked. This was a very bad situation. A Civilization, that could threaten their Empire, had suddenly appeared on the Orion’s Arm Branch without any prior signs!

“That’s right, they’re pretty well hidden, and it’s only now that they have exposed themselves! Barbanir, I want you to assemble your army immediately and go to the Secondary Arm to clear this threat!”

“Yes, Your Majesty. However, due to the serious lack of information on the true strength of this Civilization, I hope to bring enough fleets to ensure success!”

After thinking about it for a while, Barbanir said to Babarea.

“Okay, I’ll give you 100 legions! Any more questions?”

“No, Your Majesty!”

100 legions was equal to 30 million warships, which was equivalent to half of the main fleet of the Babawi Empire!

At the same time, it was also the largest scale that they could mobilize in a short period of time.

“Okay, you assemble the fleet immediately and set off in a year!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

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