
Chapter 478

Chapter 478: The Emperor’s Daughter 478

“Ferdel, you didn’t say that Ahin was coming!”

After a series of envoys, I went right to Foder Palace, right into the main office.

Since I entered the palace, no one stopped me, yet I ran into the office only to be shocked.

I felt a little sad. He was like my dad...

However, unlike me, Ferdel looked up and smiled. As always.

Aw, it sucked.

As I decided to tidy up the documents without looking at him, Ferdel seemed surprised.

‘That guy!’

‘Wah, stupid thing!’

He didn’t seem upset about annoying me.

“You knew?”

Fardel shrugged.

“I knew a big shot was coming, but I didn’t know that it was Ahin.”



“Sounds like a lie.”

Strangely, I couldn’t get myself to trust him.

As I continued to doubt him, Ferdel smiled. Did he think I wouldn’t spit on him because he

was smiling? The impulse to do it was taking over me, but I had a personality to maintain. Anyway, I hated him.

“What do we do?”

After considering what to do, I asked.

Ahhh! What to do!

I couldn’t do anything against Ahin. I didn’t know why, but Ahin’s smiling face was harder to reject that Caitel’s.

I had no idea what had to be done. Ah, stupid! All because I never had such a person around me since childhood!

“Just do what you normally do. Since I will do the talks, the princess will only have to concern herself with treating them and sending off.”


How.? Assisi would only return after the war ended. That was it. People of the south who were suffering because of the war would always enjoy freedom, and my dad won’t speak about war anymore.

I pouted while looking at Ferdel, but such things never worked on my teacher.

“Ah, even then you did agree to it, didn’t you say you would take up the task?” said Ferdel

... every time he had come to visit me, Ferdel would only talk about me.

I was pretty annoyed with what he said, but I sighed, wanting to refuse and flee.

Still, Ferdel looked salty. The man who used to be gentle with me hadn’t been able to go home and was obsessed with work.

For that reason, I asked another person to share work. Even then, he was still under stress.

‘Ehh, right. Should I sign a few documents?’

Eventually, Ferdel smiled while staying in the seat.

‘Feeling good?’

“Decided on replacement?”

The piled-up documents were too huge for my arms, and he started to sign them as I asked.

Ferdel’s pen would come to a halt once in a while.

Why was Ferdel being fired? I had no idea.

I did know that Ferdel wouldn’t be Prime Minister ever again. I didn’t know what went down between dad and him, but it was sad that such a thing happened.

Fardel was the best at what he did. He wasn’t the driving force for the country for nothing.

“Hm, well. I planned on retiring, but I was fired, so I don’t know how things would go.”

“Then, how about I recommend you?”

Caitel would definitely accept it.

It wasn’t a huge thing, but I wanted to do that. That was the only thing I could do.

Ferdel smiled faintly at my words.

“I resolved the minor diplomatic problems which occurred with Caitel’s move. Not perfect, but at least there won’t be noise for a while. And the other forces of the sixth prince are under strong surveillance. Even the sixth prince won’t take a chance and come to Agrigent.”

“No. he will come when we get weak.”

“Although he is reckless, he isn’t stupid, so that he won’t come.”

Even then, it seemed like the same thing could happen again. I did run away once, but I decided to spend my coming years well.

I was never worried about such things.

Why? Was it because of my dad?

“In the future, the princess has to do well.”

“I am doing pretty good now.”

“More than now. When my stand-in comes, there will be slight confusion in state affairs. No matter how competent the next Prime Minister could be, it would be hard for even a genius to catch up.”

Ah yes.

Seeing Ferdel smile made me annoyed. Stupid. I knew I should be feeling like that, but I was annoyed.

I knew he was great, but he didn’t have to say that. Luckily, Ferdel added something.

“It’s been twenty years since I got this position, so it will be difficult for a new person to establish stability overnight. Thus, I think about putting Jero and leave. Anyway, when the new ones come, the princess will have to help a lot.”

I knew what he meant.

“Because dad won’t help?”

“Yes, on point.”

That was the kind of person my dad was. I could always relate to it.

Fardel laughed as I nodded. The same laugh as always, but it felt different for some reason. Not having Ferdel in that room would be a huge loss for my dad.

18 years. The time I knew Ferdel, the man who welcomed me.

“It is all good, princess. I’m not getting kicked out. I also want to retire, so this is a good turn of events.”


I couldn’t hold it in. I was curious about it.

At my question, Ferdel responded kindly as if talking to a student.

“Because I can’t live forever.”

I knew that, but...

I understood that Agrigent would stand even after Ferdel’s exit. That was a future everyone knew.


As I hesitated, Ferdel smiled.

“Even the country needs to prepare. A future without Caitel and me.”

Would that time ever come?

That was what I thought, but I knew the people weren’t eternal. I hated it.

Right, I had to admit it.

That was life. I felt bitter at the truth before turning to the other side and pouted.

“You know, fardel.”


“When dad came to pick me up, he brought a woman who was the mother of the sixth prince. I thought that the sixth prince would ignore his mother, but he changed. He released me; did you know that? How did dad know about her?”

Without even thinking, Ferdel replied.

“Ask Caitel.”

... dad would never answer.

However, hearing his answer, I knew Ferdel didn’t want to talk about it.

Did that have anything to do with Ferdel being fired? I don’t know.

I shut up and signed documents. Although Ferdel did well, he was still reading every paper and doing his work most perfectly till the end.

Ha, to sign without reading the terms and signing.



“This post-war process would be the last thing I would do as Prime Minister.”

Huh? what?

I tilted my head; Ferdel said what was on his mind.

“When I retire, the princess should dismiss me.”

“Huh? why?”

“I want to leave at the hands of a princess.”

Was that supposed to be a reason?

I felt irritated. Not because he held a position in my dad’s court, but I respected him because he was my teacher.

And my relative.

“Do I need to do it? Can’t dad do it?”

“I want it to end by the princess’s hand.”

... what was he, a pervert?

There were other people he could have chosen; did he have to choose me, that pervert! As I frowned, Ferdel nodded.

Look at him! What was with his confidence?

“More than anything else, it would look better to get dismissed by your hand than Caitel. I mean, I have been with Caitel for 20 years.”

Uhm, it made sense.

I didn’t understand everything, but I got the rough content.

Right, it wasn’t a short time; he had been with the nation for 20 years and fought for it. It could seem like dad used him and threw him away after use.

Actually, that was more right.

“Okay. Would that be all?”

“You will have to choose the replacement as well.”


The next one Bonamana Jero. He would do well as he had spent time under Ferdel. Ferdel did choose him as his own secretary.

Still, I didn’t like dismissing Ferdel.



As if shocked by my answer, Ferdel’s eyes opened wide.

“Uh, really?”

I was a little sorry for showing him my sadness. No matter what I felt, he was still the Ferdel I knew.

An unimaginable feeling of loss about a person who always stood by my side since childhood, the place would change overnight.

“In the future, I will come to Foder and the office but will miss not seeing Ferdel seated on his seat.”

Forever that would stay on my mind.

The vacancy would leave me void, and I would miss him. Elene too. How long do I get to see Ferdel?

Fardel nodded at my words.

My nose wrinkled; I felt like a kid.

“You aren’t far from our palace. Come over and visit us anytime. Our princess is always welcomed.”


“Don’t be sad cause I’ll come to the capital often. I am not leaving right away.”


I felt like crying, so I kept my answers short and nodded. Many words popped into my mind, but I couldn’t say them. Fardel would know even if he didn’t say it. He wouldn’t die somewhere, right?

I thought for a second when Ferdel opened his mouth in a low voice.

“Before becoming a Prime Minister, I promised Silvia something.”



I guess he promised her before marriage. They married after my birth, and my memory was correct.

Ferdel smiled at my gaze. Like it was a secret only we were supposed to know, I had no idea what that promise was. I was quite envious of the smile Ferdel had on his face.

“I am stepping back to keep that promise. So don’t be too sad. Dismissal doesn’t mean I am being kicked out with force.”

... right, I knew that.

I nodded and smiled.

“Ah, you need to leave now?”

“I need to.”

It didn’t feel like I sat for long, but it was already twilight. I was free, but not Ferdel.

I couldn’t hold onto a busy person, so I got up from my seat.

“Hope your meeting goes well.”

“Sorry for not being able to send you off.”

Fardel bowed, saying sorry, but that didn’t matter. It was the same palace I walked every day; he didn’t have to see me off.

Seeing him in the office was a scene I would never see again. No, something I would miss forever.

Thinking so, I felt sorry for it.

It would have been nice if I could keep that moment stand still forever.

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