
Volume 6, 4 When they say “three demon generals,” It feel somewhat lazy (2)

Volume 6, Chapter 4 When they say “three demon generals,” It feel somewhat lazy (2)

“I don’t understand why the youngster seems to be enjoying her breasts while I’m suffering!”

“I think it’s the most fun I’ve ever had in another world.”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with the other world.”

Tomochika had resigned herself to the fact that she had no choice but to stay close to him.

The reason was that if Momoko were to disappear because of this, there would be no way to get her back.

They were in a hurry, the three of them would have to ride together and Tomochika would have to steer the horses from behind Yogiri.

“Well, we’ll just keep running, and after we save Mokomoko-san, we’ll go straight to the port where we were headed. Isn’t that enough?”

The decisive battle between the heroes and the Demon Lord was taking place along a cliff.

They would go to the area, defeat something that was holding Mokomoko, and then escape.

It was a very haphazard plan.

“The question is, can I beat the guy who’s holding Mokomoko? We’ve only got one chance.“

“No!? I don’t care how often you have to try!”

“Mokomoko-san, Is there a way you can escape on your own if you stop controlling Enju-chan and get serious?”

“I would have been able to handle it before he grabbed me. Now I’m concentrating all my energy on defending myself to avoid annihilation.”

While she was saying this, the horse was running as fast as it could, and the cliff came into view.

At the same time, Tomochika’s excellent eyesight caught sight of Mokomoko and the demons.

They didn’t seem to have noticed them yet.

“I don’t think I can. I can see Mokomoko-san, but I can’t see the guy who’s grabbing her.”

After a while, Yogiri seemed to be able to see her.

“So what do we do? Leave Mokomoko-san alone?”

„Are you forgetting that you can’t go back to your world without me?”

“Let’s talk about it. If they are convinced, we might be able to free Mokomoko-san.”

“I’m not sure how this is going to work…”

As she was questioning Yogiri’s negotiation power, the earth shook instantly.


As expected, the invincible armored horse stopped moving at the unusual situation.

“It doesn’t feel like an attack …….”

If Yogiri said so, it must have been true.

“I’d rather not get close to them, to be honest.”

“I don’t know, there’s a lot of internal turmoil, so I feel like now is a good time.”

After a while the earthquake subsided.

Tomochika had a bad feeling about this, but still she went ahead with her horse again.


“So, now that the Demon Lord has fallen, you’ll accept me into the Demon Lord’s army as you promised, right?”

The demon race was a thoroughly hierarchical society, unable to harm its superiors directly.

Their restraint was a tribal trait, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t attack their superiors.

Even if they were stronger than the Demon Lord, they could not defeat and replace it.

That was why Yoshimasa was used.

A third party who had nothing to do with the demon race would fight the Demon Lord. As long as that was the case, no matter how many favors they gave to that third party, it didn’t violate the restrictions.

So, the demon tribe, which had some kind of agenda, had been encouraging the growth of the heroes by placing appropriate enemies according to their abilities and casually giving them legendary weapons.

If human heroes were a threat in the first place, they could easily be eradicated.

It was only at the mercy of the demons that vulnerable people such as the heroes were allowed to exist.

Many times in history, the Demon Lord has been defeated by people who call themselves heroes.

In most cases, it was for the purpose of overthrowing the king.

It was a coup d’etat by the three demon generals, and the purpose was to replace the Demon Lord.

“Yes. Just as promised.”

Yoshimasa did not feel any lie in Orifice’s words.

But it was not because he was sincere. It was because he didn’t care about Yoshimasa.

–You’ve been lied to.

Yoshimasa was not the original hero. It was Hellion who had received all the support and was wearing the legendary equipment.

It was Hellion who the demons were expecting, and Yoshimasa was just a substitute just in case.

If Mimiru hadn’t come to him, he wouldn’t have known about it.

It was thanks to Mimiru that Yoshimasa was able to do what he was doing right now.

There was no use for Yoshimasa, and there was no benefit to be gained by welcoming him into the demon army. The reason why they are willing to accept Yoshimasa is because they recognize that he was like a lapdog for Mimiru.

The Yoshimasa of a while ago would have accepted this situation even after knowing all of this.

As long as he was pampered by Mimiru, he could lead a good life and there was no other way.

But the Yoshimasa of now was different.

He was no longer storing most of his power to return home, and was now able to display his true power.

Now, he would be able to defeat even the Demon Lord, and he felt annoyed that he was being looked down upon by a demon general.

“Hey, Mimiru. How old is Orifice?”

“Yes, about 500 years old.”

“Well, I’ll take 500 years.”

Yoshimasa, who had heard that demon tribes live for about a thousand years, carelessly took the life span from Orifece.

If he took away all of his life span, he would die, but there was nothing he could do about it.


Orifice’s face, which was relaxed until now, twisted in surprise.

He probably didn’t think that he would be the target of his ability and that it would work.

“It works against demons, even demon generals.”

A shining sphere was floating on Yoshimasa’s palm.

He had just taken 70 years from Rimlet, so the sphere had a total of 570 years of life inside it.

The appearance of the sphere was not so different, but Yoshimasa felt that the energy contained within it was different.

“As for what to do with it, since I can’t use magic, I can’t use it as magic power. But what happens if I do this?“

Yoshimasa threw the light ball at random.

It flew in a parabola, and when it touched the ground, it sank into the earth.

Immediately, the earth shook.

Then, the ground began to rise.

Countless small mountains were formed all over the place, and naked people emerged from inside.

“Ha-ha-ha! How about that! Not only can I take away lifespan, I can also give it! I can create a human from a clod of earth! That’s amazing! I can control lifespan… no, I mean I can control life and death. So, if I can do this, does that mean I’m a god?

“I love how Yoshimasa-san suddenly gained power and instantly grew up.”

Mimiru gazed at Yoshimasa in fascination.



Before Orifice could do anything, Yoshimasa took all his Lifespan.

If he’s dead, he wouldn’t get any lifespan, but if he just wanted to kill, it was the quickest way.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha! Awesome! A cheat! Instant death cheat! Isn’t that illegal? No one can beat me, right?”

Looking down at the fallen Orifice, Yoshimasa was immersed in a feeling of omnipotence.

“Mimiru…. you knew this was going to happen ……”

“Yes. I could foresee this happening when Yoshimasa woke up, but I didn’t tell anyone about it.”

Exia, who had so far remained silent, asked and Mimiru answered.

“Oh, I don’t kill women, you know. So I’m going to let you live. Unless, of course, you do something stupid!

“Yes. I’m a High Priestess and I can sense the spirits of the dead, so please don’t try anything stupid on me.”

Exia just said something about spirits, so he guess she uses that kind of ability.

But Mimiru had a way to deal with this.

“I know you’ve got the power. So what are you going to do with it?”

Exia asked cautiously.

“It’s not bad to become a Demon Lord. But you didn’t intend me to? But you’re fine with it, right?”

“That’s not fair! I’m not going to allow you to take his place!”

“Oh, it’s wonderful! It’s a rare talent to be able to get so carried away when you don’t even know the full extent of your powers yet!”

It is true that he does not know how much use he will get out of this power.

But Yoshimasa knew something about it.

No enemy could stand against this power. No one could stand against it.

“…someone, there’s a human approaching. Isn’t that one of yours?”

Yoshimasa also looked at the direction Exia was looking at.

Indeed, a horse with someone on it was coming their way.

“Hmm? It’s true. They don’t look like they’re surviving soldiers… Mimiru, what do you think we should do?”

“It’s a hassle, let’s just get rid of them.”

“I think it’s a good idea for my first mission as a Demon Lord. It’s a good way to say goodbye to the humans!” 


“How did this happen?”

『It’s business as usual. 』

“They’re too fond of fighting in this world. Why do they always attack without question?”

When he looked around from their horse, he saw a lot of dead people.

He wasn’t sure why there were so many naked people lying around.

Both the demon general and Yoshimasa had fallen, and the only one alive in the room was the wizard woman, Rimlet.

In the end, it wasn’t much of a negotiation, but when the demon general Exia fell, the king of the dead spirits disappeared, and Mokomoko was saved.

“What the hell! Who the hell are you people!”

Rimlet was confused.

From her point of view, the situation must have been too confusing.

But Yogiri couldn’t give a detailed explanation either.

“We just happened to be passing by.”

That was true, but he guessed that was not the answer she was looking for.

However, Yogiri did not want to get involved in the events of this moment any further.

He was about to walk away, but she wanted to say something.

“You shouldn’t invite people from other worlds so easily. It’s really annoying.

“Sometimes people like Takato-kun come here.“

Tomochika said sincerely.

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I finally reached the 10 chapters Milestone. This time Yoshimasa has a half assed Instant Death Ability aaaand he’s dead.

rambling: I also got Ads active now to cover my Server costs, but there should be only an ad at the top and bottom of the site, if there are any problems with the ads please tell me. Also should i keep using the wrong Chapter number that were used by Asian Hobbyist or should I change to the Authors numbering like “Vol. 5 Ch. 1”?

I wish everyone a happy New Year, hope it doesn’t go downhill even further.

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