
Chapter 402 - 402. The Invisible Boy

Asher was still trying to wrap his head around the strange situation that the group had gotten themselves in. Not only had Jackson somehow known an old man named Ron that could teach them how to combat weapons, but this man had a grandson. A grandson that he had tasked the group to find and to that he could make sure his grandson was doing the chores assigned to him. But even more than all of that was the simple fact that the grandson had a super power that made him invisible. One of the hardest super powers to deal with when in all honesty it was weak compared to some others. But it was still tricky. 

"Asher, are you even on planet earth right now?" Jane was waving her hand in front of his face. He had been staring off in to the distance while thinking and had not even noticed that she had been trying to get his attention. 

"Sorry, just having some trouble catching on to what the heck we are doing." The slight laugh eased things over as Jane understood. 

"Yeah, we get in to some weird situations. I blame you." She stick her tongue out at him and looked at the bush nearby only to find do nothing. "So, where do you think he might be? Ron didn\'t even tell us his grandsons\' name. Not that I think he would answer us." Jane wanted to think that this would be easier than she believed. But the fact that this was a foreign garden to them was not helpful. 

"How about we walk the perimeter first. We can check areas a much as we want but we are only covering a small area. If we take a lap we might catch on to some of the better and worst places to hide." The idea was simple. It would allow them to get a bigger picture of how many places someone could hide. Especially someone that was smaller than them due to their younger age. 

"Hey, this is my spot. I am checking this zen garden." Sammy had made it to a large sand garden and was looking over and under the rocks. She was using the wind to jump from each carefully set up formation so that she wouldn\'t break the perfectly combed sand. However, there were some smaller footprints that had gone through a ruined the perfection. 

"Look, those have to be the grandsons\' footprints. I bet he ran away when he heard his grandfather tell us we had to find him." Jane was very excited to see that they were on a trail. Sammy on the other hand was jumping from rock to rock still trying to see if the boy was behind the rocks or the tall grasses. 

"We are just walking the perimeter. Good luck Sammy." Asher gave a wave which was ignored since Sammy had focused herself again. This was important to her since she didn\'t want to do the next math homework. Having the free time would go to her learning to better use her new gear to help her fly properly. Lately, she had been having more and more dreams of flying through the skies unimpeded. 

Asher and Jane followed the path through the zen garden. They could clearly follow the footprints without having to walk over the sand and instead stayed on the grass around it. "This is really an old school garden but it is perfect looking. I\'m pretty sure Jackson must be jealous." Just as Asher said this they found that Jackson was stopped in front of some red flowers. 

"Oh hey, I figure he isn\'t in these rose thorns but these are very hard to grow scarlet queen roses. They take ten years just to be able to bloom for the first time. It is considered the pride and joy of any gardener if they manage to get them through winters and bug infestations. They can\'t even be grown in a greenhouse because of how temperamental they are." 

"And Jackson is totally distracted by plants again." Jane teased Jackson and watched as he turned red. It was funny seeing him get so embarrassed by this. 

"Hey. Don\'t talk like I\'m not right here. I was just appreciating the hard work that goes in to things like this. It is truly worth an award. But back to the job. No grandson here. The thorns would tear any one of us up, let alone someone with invisibility." Jackson walked in to the garden a little more. Hie eyes seemed to be focusing on the smaller purple flowers next. 

"I think we leave him be. I don\'t think he will find him but the odds of Jackson scaring him toward the others or us is higher. Big guy like him walking through the flowers and plants would sure scare me out of my hiding place." Asher joked a little more as Jane and he turned to keep moving. The path through the gardens was very well maintained and it was clear that this was where someone would need to turn away after the zen garden. 

"Whoa…This is crazy." There was a set of statues that were perfectly lined up in rows so that people could walk between them and view them. There were plaques on each one with the date that they were made and where they were moved from. Asher was not surprised in the least to see the age. Many of them were older than the house that was built here. 

"I\'m pretty sure that Ron is a lot more in to antiques than he was letting on. But I doubt his grandson would be hiding here." Asher pointed to Cara and Laura who were searching the statue area. Laura was darting around each statue so that she could see every possible angle. Cara as carefully checking even the smallest corners for the grandson., She knew that invisibility would make seeing him impossible so she would use her hand to feel in front of her. If she did manage to find him then she might accidentally slap him. 

"Onward we go." Asher pulled Jane along and turned yet another corner. The last one they found searching was Art who was looking around as if he was waiting for someone to jump put. "What\'s going on with you? Afraid?"

"Ugh, Louis was looking over here before and scared me half to death. I was about to punch him out of instinct. But now I am looking for the grandson again. I keep wondering how he would think or where the best place to hide would be. I feel like I am stuck on where and not how." The idea to change the way of thinking was not the worst possible way to go about it. 

"Oh! Ooohhh!! I know I know I know!" Jane had an epiphany and started to stutter through her words. She grabbed both Asger and Art and ran right to Ron again. He was sitting there with an amused look on his face. 

"You know. When I was a child I would always use the best possible hiding place just like my grandson. My mother always knew but she pretended never to catch on." He looked like he was about to start laughing but also that he knew that Jane had caught on to what he was saying. 

"The best place to hide is right under someones\' nose. The best place to hide is where the person you are hiding from will never turn to look. The best place to hide is right behind them." Jane softly placed a hand down behind Ron and it stopped midair. 

The shape and colors started to return and under Jane\'s hand sat a boy with brown hair and white clothing. "I thought I would win this one. Grandpa, usually gives me an extra hour of television time if I win the game." It was clear that this was not a one time thing. 

"Ha! You are good. I never have anyone that wins. Usually, I offer my clients a chase to find him and they get a thirty percent discount. No one ever figured it out before. Well, one woman did because she had some super power called aura eyes. She said she can see someone\'s soul or something. I didn\'t buy it but she found him in just a second." Ron shook his head while he began to sit up. 

"So, you want to join us for some training. Do you want to use a weapon or just learn to combat them? I know heroes usually don\'t carry a weapon." Ron was looking a lot more serious now. The business man in him had taken control and he was going to need more information. 

"Louis will need to learn about throwing needles so he can use his super power. I just want to learn to beat someone with a weapon. Everyone else might have different ideas. But overall. We just need more knowledge.." This seemed to make Ron happier and he gave Asher a follow him wave. 

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