
Chapter 394 - 394. Speed

"Bro, how did you even survive that trigonometry test? I swear we have never learned any of that in our lives." The test that the group had just survived had been the most brutal yet. 

"Well, we just got to trigonometry ad out math level. We have been pushing to a higher level of everything ad since we did that we are actually on the same level as the classes we were moved in. It will be hard because we haven\'t put the same dedication and learning in to it as the past classes." Cara had also thought things were harder but knew that this was exactly where she would have been whether the rest of the group was there or not. From her point of view, she could rationalize how it would seem like a large jump for the others. 

"Huh, well. She\'s right. I was studying English the other day and we were doing fictional essays in our classes. Now we need five sources and we are doing nonfiction fact based essays. It was a big change but all the sped up lessons we took and studied would bring us to the same place. It feels so different because we have rushed through things." This was a fact that Louis had caught while he was looking through some of his old English notes for a grammar lesson. 

"And all of that means we should study more and update the flash cards again." Since Jane was the best at it so far, she would be the one updating everyone\'s flash cards and study materials on the academic app. "Actually, have you seen the other student using the app too? Not everyone does  but the higher grading students do." This was something that she had caught on to in the first class since they got back. 

"Now that you say it, yes! There was a boy that was using it to study for advanced physics while in English class today. It was cool because he was writing an outline for his next essay with one hand and then flipping through the cards with the other. I kind of wish I got the multi task pro super power. I feel like he is going to be one of those crazy stock sellers one day." This was the fantastical job that she had decided the boy with that super power would get. However, in all realistic ideal the super power gave a lot of possibilities. 

"Well, super powers aside. I think we should have more study sessions. But today was a work out day right? Should we change it?" Since Jackson was the only one that didn\'t really need to do the basic work outs he was willing to change things up a little. 

"If we want to study but keep our schedule why don\'t we take a rotation in our circuits to add in self testing or someone on break to test us. We will do as many circuits as there are academics to tests on. Then we can split off and do our personal work." Asher made the final call and knew that the circuits would take a little longer but that it wouldn\'t be too much of an issue. 

"Then what are we waiting on. We should get to is." Jane tightened the straps on her backpack and flashed them a smile before she started off on a jog ahead. The only person that hadn\'t spoken up was Laura who had been unusually quiet the entire day. 

The jog was just enough for them to warm up and lucky for them, they found the park empty and waiting for them to start their circuit. "Hey, did you notice that laura didn\'t even rush ahead of everyone today?" The near silent whisper to Art was met with a slight nod. Both he and Asher were catching on to the obvious distraction that Laura had to the entire situation. She wasn\'t even snacking on some crackers instead of the normally popular snacks that came out of nowhere. 

"Stop staring at her. Cara and I will handle it." Jane noticed that Asher and Art had caught on and decided to step in and silence them before they went and made a mess of things. Asher may be lucky, but he was a boy who could cause problems without realizing it. 

"Hey, Laura, can you help me stretch a little? I need someone to anchor my legs." Jane grabbed Laura by the arm and pulled her along with her away from the others who were stretching. Cara started to walk but saw that Jane had it all under control and it wasn\'t necessary for her to jump in. 

"Hey, Laura?" Even though Jane had managed to pull Laura over she was still not focused. "Laura, what\'s wrong?" 

After the third time saying her name, Jane managed to get Laura to pay attention to her. There was a look of confusion on her face and she was still not fully there. But she was thinking and it was clear that it would take a moment to focus up. While she thought they stretched and eventually Laura came to her conclusion. 

"No one can keep up with me. I\'m faster and I can\'t even keep up with myself. If I make my mind move faster and match my body, then I will be completely alone. I started to test my limits the other day and I didn\'t have the chance t see what it was completely. But…I\'m part of the group and still feel this way." 

This was something that everyone struggled with when they got their super powers. Some people didn\'t have much of a changed life at all. Others would have a major witch in their life. For Laura, it had been a major change. Just forgetting to eat something could lead to her being hospitalized or dying. It was a scary reality. 

What truly ate away at Laura was the fact that she didn\'t feel like anyone was standing beside her. She would outpace her entire family at breakfast and found that she would have trouble listening and focusing on people who were moving slower than herself. There was also the fact that the more she let her mind catch up to her physical speed, then the slower the world seemed to turn. 

"I\'m not ever going to get to the speed at which you can push yourself. You have a body that processed everything faster. But I think that there are people out there with similar powers. There is even that guy who is faster than light. Their super powers might be different but they can help you find a way to deal with it all. You aren\'t alone." Jane was sure that it was hard at home and everywhere else of r Laura. But she was also sure that there was someone who would be able to help more. 

"But you don\'t have to try and impress the person you like by slowing down and trying to stay at their pace. Let alone be able to actually touch them." Jane saw that Laura\'s eyebrows furled in annoyance while she said this. There was a frustrated and angry tone to her voice that showed just how much she had been thinking about this. 

Since Jane had the inside information on just who Laura was talking about she couldn\'t help but glance over at Louis. However, she also knew something that Sammy had been telling her just earlier in the day. "You know Sammy has been training with Louis. And even the police have had to come and talk to them about their late night training. Apparently, lighting is bright. Especially when it is wrapped around someones\' body so that they can use it to make their muscles move faster. According to Sammy, Louis is learning about the brain and how the electrical pulses can change how a body moves." 

This was not something that Louis was ready to show off to everyone The idea that he could force his body and brain to function faster with better controlled lightning. The simple explanation of what Sammy had been bragging to Jane about was enough to make Laura deflate and start thinking again. "Sammy even said that Louis is able to make his legs move faster than my speed now. I was going to challenge him to a sparring match tomorrow when we do move training." 

"I…I can wait a little bit then." The situation had been blown up in Lauras\' head the longer she had thought about it. Before she knew it she had dug herself in to a hopeless hole that she felt would drag her in to the darkness. It was a simple lesson for her that having friends there to talk her down was better than anything she could ever ask for. 

It was only a short talk and the two girls joined the rest of the group. Jane was glaring at Louis which made him wonder what had just happened but it would just have to remain a secret forever.. Laura on the other hand started to move about at her normal pace and was breezing through curl ups faster than anyone else ever could. 

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