
Chapter 384 - 384. New Classes

"Oh honey, you and your little group are the pride of the school you know. I swear I have saved and watched the compilation of you all getting your medals seven times." The woman in the office was still talking about the group and their performance at the Riktor tournament. She hadn\'t even let them hand in the paperwork that they had with them for their class selections. 

"Linda, that mother is calling again about the school lunches. Something about wanting to know if the chicken nuggets are vegan and if the orange juice had red dye in it" Another of the office secretaries called for the woman currently talking the groups\' ears off. 

"Ugh, you know how duty calls. Let me take those papers for you. That printer there will print out your schedules so just wait one moment. I hope you can all stick together and face academia head on!" She was overly peppy and the group snatched up the papers as they printed and rushed out. 

"I feel like we were saved by an angel. An evil controlling parent who doesn\'t know that the chicken nuggets aren\'t vegan, but still our angel." Louis would have been broken the moment someone asked him if chicken was vegan. But he thankfully was not the person that needed to answer such questions. 

"Crazy and bubbly people aside. I can\'t believe they just let us all be in the same classes at the same time. I really thought they would split us up to avoid the whole friends fooling around thing." The reason Art was so stuck on this was that he was thinking of the potential to slack off. They could share their answers and get thongs done much faster giving them time to do whatever they wanted. 

"What\'s our favorite class? It has to be something good. Right?" Everyone ignored Art as Asher handed out everyone a copy of the schedule. "Oh, it says that it was approved by the principal. I bet that\'s why we were able to all be in the same classes. I bet he wanted us to stay as a group since that is how we operate anyways.\' The piece of paper in Sammy\'s hand was being read faster and faster until she felt that she had already memorized it. 

"Advanced survival and rescue. I think that will be the class I am going to be the most excited for. Ever since you were taking it and told me about it I have wanted to join it. And now we can take the advanced version!" If Jackson wasn\'t such a big person. Asher thought that he might be skipping down the halls in joy. 

"I feel like we are going to have to rely on Jackson a lot in that class. He just ordered another set of rescue for dummies books. He got the whole mountain series." Sammy had teased Jackson about this but was sure that they would prove to have a lot of useful knowledge. 

"I saw that giant bookshelf when he invited the entire group over for dinner. He has like every botany book on the planet!" Louis overheard Sammy talking to Laura and had remembered the massive full wall bookcase full of similar botany and survival books. 

"Wait, why are we taking targeted biology? Is that really going to help us?" This was not one of the choices that Asher had chosen. He knew that everyone had their say in the classes they would take and some people had the one class that they absolutely wanted to take no matter what. 

"That one was my must take class. I signed everyone up for it. I am a shifter so my body changed when I shift, right? Well, my theory is that the better we learn how our body works the better we can use it. Targeted biology class works on how each part of our body works and why. We will learn how our muscles move to produce the results we see." Jane was making a lot of sense and Louis thought that this class was also ideal for him since he had to figure out better ways to control his lighting body super power. He couldn\'t always rely on his basic knowledge. The more he understood the higher his potential to be able to control the lighting exactly the way he wanted to. 

"I can see how that would help us. But I think the life one O one class I set us up to take will be better. It usually was a small presentation made by students. But after the last three years, it was turned in to a real class. It is literally all about life skills. Changing a tire, how to cook a basic meal, how to follow bike safety laws and a ton of other things." Cara had the maid goal of learning the small heroic deeds that everyone needed in life from this class. No one could argue with the logic since they knew that most of the newer heroes would end up doing the small jobs for a year at least. 

" I kind of like the sound of never knowing what we will learn. It really fits the kind of life I live." Asher would be lying if the class didn\'t sound like it was meant for him. He always ended up in a situation he didn\'t expect and sometimes a little extra knowledge would be good. Especially since his super power could literally mean he ended up in odd situations. 

"You guys were right. We did make it in to the modern technology class again. I didn\'t know if we would. If we didn\'t then we would lose out on testing everything the others made." Laura had feared that she would miss out and have to find time after school to go and visit the class. She really wanted to keep the class since it was her favorite lately. 

"I think we needed to keep it or else we would lose all the progress on our hero gear. We have a lot of things that are only possible because of the dedication in that class." Asher couldn\'t have learned to appreciate the student in the class more. He still hated the hot head teacher but since he had figured out how to avoid them, he didn\'t have any issues. 

"I didn\'t think I would want to go to a room full of machines and circuits, but you have all made me curious. Plus, I have seen the things they make there and it blows my mind." The feeling of curiosity was very strong for Jackson since he had never explored the option of technology. He preferred books and the outdoors instead. 

"I\'m telling you, you need to buy a new computer for your house. You can\'t even email your homework assignments in." No one had been giving Jackson and his family a hard time about not having an up to date and properly working computer but after this class, he was sure to need one. 

"Guys, we just got the schedule. Let\'s take a lap through all the classes so we will be able to make it on time tomorrow. I want to know how much extra work out we get the whole day." Cara had decided that it was time to move. Her goals were simple, see if she could increase the distance she traveled every day. If she could do that without really noticing it then she would get even stronger than before. 

"Stop running!" Coach Winters\'s voice echoed through the hall stopping the group dead in their tracks. " I come in to set up for the next classes I will be teaching and  find that you are all here running around like it\'s your job to break the school before you leave." The fake drama in her voice made everyone feel like she was about to turn around and tell them to start running laps. 

"That\'s the schedule? Let me see. I want to know how tired you will be when you come to the after school training sessions we organized for the advanced class." "Don\'t look at me like that. You would all know about this if you had paid attention more."

The only person that seemed to be alright and excited about this was Jane. She liked the intense training and was sure to be able to figure out more about the combinations her group could do. However, she did want to speak with coach Winters about something. "I was wondering if you had any moves that you think would work with my style? I know the last time we let us borrow those videos of moves but I wasn\'t sure if you would have something that fit me." It was a risky question but a good one. 

"I have just the moves you might need. Come over to the gym and we can all sit and try them out for a while. I wanted to clean the closet out anyway.." Jane had ended the group in a chore at the school. 

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