
Chapter 368 - 368. Secret Training

"Come on! Ten more seconds! Hold that plank!" Catra shouted out as she struggled to hold the plank herself. The three had only made int two miles in to the fitness course and were feeling tired enough as it was. They were quizzing each other in between the different work out stops but it proved to be getting harder and harder to keep up. 

"Why is it that this trail seems to go on forever. I know we won\'t do all twenty miles of it but even just trying to do five feels impossible." The feeling in Asher\'s abs and arms was only of numbness. He had not at all expected so many of the workouts to affect the smaller muscle groups in his body and completely throw him off. 

Technically we are doing ten miles. We go out five miles then come back five miles. It\'s better for us to do a little more than a little less. But Jane, this spot is really great. I wish I have known about this sooner. The entire group should come here and stay in one of those camps nearby. The entire forest is a nature preserve." Cara pointed out the camping spots set up for nature lovers alike. 

"I didn\'t know it would be so good. If we do a small camping trip, Jackson may just stay here forever." As much as they wanted to argue with Janes\' joke, they knew that it could actually happen. Every single one of the group had once imagined Jackson becoming some kind of mountain man when he grew up. Now that Cara and Asher were looking at the woods, the imaginary image was brought back even stronger. 

Once the three regained their dignified appearance, they continued on to the next work out, However, Jane stopped and was staring at something on the trail ahead. "Wjay\'s wrong? Are you alright?" Asher was worried that she had become dehydrated or pulled a muscle. But when he noticed that Jane was removing her sunglasses he diverted his eyes and looked toward the place Jane was staring. 

"Bear. That\'s a huge brown bear. What do we do? Jackson never told us what do dop if we came face to face with a freaking brown bear." This was a rare time where Cara had lost her cool. She had never seen a bear outside of a zoo and knew they were very dangerous in the wrong situations. 

"Shhh, Jane has this." Asher decided to let it all go to Jane. She was the one acting the most calm and appeared to have a plan. As kong as Asher trusted her, he knew that everything would work out fine. He had faith. 

The two watched as Jane whistled slightly and the brown bear looked at her. It was instantly frozen in place upon catching her gaze. Cara was about to say something since she knew that stopping the bear in place would get nothing done. "Jackson told me that most big predators will leave something alone if they think it\'s already dead. Tghey know it might had rotted. But he told me that I could be different. Some shifters cause animals to be naturally afraid after seeing or being influenced by their super power." 

The theory seemed to have a good base and Asher decided to continue to stand firm. "Since I am stopping it, the bear might panic but is unable to move. When it regains control, it will have p[assed the fight or flight reflex and been caught in a life or death fear. It should run." Jane looked away then back at the bear. 

The reaction was dramatic. The bear would have stood up on its\'; hind legs and tried to intimidate the three. However, it had found itself frozen under Janes\' glare. This was a stronger fear than it had ever had against any other opponent. Mostly because it couldn\'t understand why it couldn\'t move when it tried to match its\' opponents\' gaze. Thus, it turned and ran in to the woods as fast as possible. It would not give up its\' life here.

"I can\'t believe that worked. Having a shifter in the group is perfect. I can\'t imagine what we would have done without you. Asher and I may have fought a real life bear. And by Asher and I, I mean Asher would be bear food while I got out of here." 

"Hey, you\'re supposed to be my older sister that protects me. Not throws me to the bears for a snack on the go!" The two siblings started to argue before they ever had a chance to thank Jane again. This gave Jane enough time to hide the sigh of relief that came with her crazy plan working. Unknown to the other two, she had made it up on the spot. 

While the two siblings were arguing, a familiar pair was arguing too. 

Seriously Louis. You have fried the kitchen light like ten times since you got your super powers. We both know that you can hold it back a lot better now. Why do you keep doing this!?" Sammy had smelled the same electrical burning smell in the kitchen as the last time that Louis had groggily flipped the switch of the kitchen light  bulb with too much electricity. 

"I can\'t help it. It\'s like the middle of the night and I\'m tired." Louis tried to justify himself based on his tired demeanor.

"I know you just woke up from an after work out nap. It\'s the middle of the day. You can\'t use that as an excuse unless you woke up from a full nights\' sleep." Sammy stomped her foot causing a small breeze in the kitchen causing napkins to fly all over the place. 

"And this is why we can\'t have napkins or paper towels in either of our houses. Someone blouse them around the whole house." The rebuttal was enough to cause Sammy to be even more angry than before. 

"Fine! Outside. Now! We are having a sparring match and I am going to put you in your place." This time, Sammy was dead set on beating Louis and making sure that he was more careful with the things in the houses and just in general. 

"The last time you lost of I remember right. What are your crazy rules now? Hmmmm?" Louis was instantly awake. It was as if he had just received a shot of pure caffeine to push him on to a fighting mood. 

"No rules. Super powers and martial arts. No weapons. Let\'s see how much better I am than you." There was a surprising amount of confidence in Sammys\' voice which put Louis on edge. Normally when Sammy and he would train together she would look for some advantage over him since he could touch her and she would be incapacitated. 

While they walked to the backyard, their grandfather watched from the kitchen table and out the window. The pair had been too busy arguing to even notice he was there. Instead of stopping the kids from battling it out, he had decided to become the audience and step in if things got too crazy. "Kids need to live a little after all. Now, where\'s my popcorn." 

Louis was already stretched and ready while Sammy took deep breaths to prepare. The sound of a passing car set the two off. Neither used their super powers at first and just used their foot work skills to get around looking for a break in the defenses they had. The stances they took also lent their strength to their movements. 

Louis had developed a zig zagging and unpredictable footwork that matched his lightning which was also hard to predict. 

Sammy was different. Er movements were more fluid and qucik. They seemed to follow the drawing of a breeze. It was a variation of the basic foot work that she had been practicing in secret when she knew that no one was paying attention. She had the goal to unveil it and a new move when she saw everyone for the next days\' training session. 

"Bring it on fancy feet!" Louis saw the new movements and knew it was foolish for him to rush in to them. If he did he could end up in a trap and be defeated before he knew what had happened. Letting Sammy come to him was better. He could use his own movements with his new speed burst move to get away and attack in an instant.

The two had been hiding away from each other for the last few days to train themselves and their new ideas for moves. Since they happened to train a the same time in different sides of the houses, they did not see a thing. Therefore, they thought that they had hidden trump card to beat the other in this battle of family. 

Lighting crackled around Louis\'s legs while the wind rotated around Sammy\'s feet. They were ready to give it their all at any moment.. It was about to make a good show for the audience. 

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