
Chapter 353 - 353. Why The Plane Crashed

"Why do you need it? I thought that your card was to be the leader?" Asher was a little skeptical at the moment since he thought that the cards would force people to go against each other. 

"Actually, my card is to find the on board computer." 

"And mine is to investigate the reason we crashed." 

The two that had come with James at first had returned and were holding their cards to Asher so that he could see. "I see, we already have it and are investigating it. We will share it when the shelter is built. Right now we need to think about a place to settle because there are a lot of people with survival based cards." Asher was trying to make sure that they were all set up for the quickly approaching night. It had already gotten through most of the day and the sund had only one place to go; down. 

"Fine by me. The sooner we organize the more efficient we will become. I don\'t feel like going two days without food. I usually can just survive on energy around but this is not the kind of energy I need. Not enough emotion in the air, sorry, ghost stuff." Asher had almost forgotten that James was a ghostly super power. 

"Remind me never to ask about ghosts and stuff. Your super power might drive science up a wall." The shaking of Ashjers\' head was enough to make James chuckle a little. 

"Trust me, I have been funding my family with the money the scientists give me for helping with the experiments. So far it seems that ghosts might actually be science we don\'t yet understand. Do you know that new cellphone coming out next year for heroes? They use the same electrical waves that they find when I shift through a wall. Not exactly super natural, just not studied yet." 

"That actually makes me feel better...so much more to learn." Asher mindlessly wandered away toward where Art and Billy had headed. He wanted to check out the on board computer first before they met up later. 

On the other hand, it seemed that those who had stayed with their groups were doing very well. Jane was being a very loud voice of encouragement. She also had Cara with her repeating things louder and guiding those who needed help. Jackson was working with people to get a fire started before anything got too dark. One of the students that had glasses had offered them up so that a lens could be used to allow sunlight through. Jackson was in the middle of teaching the others how to use this trick to properly start a fire during the daytime. 

"Art, come and take a break so we can chat about stuff." Art had been dragging logs from the trees that Billy had pushed aside. Cara had been watching them both out of the corner of her eye. Billy was a timid person and they had become friends easily since Cara had wanted to train against someone p[owerful. Art on the other hand had won his own place through training and being best friends with Asher. Not to mention his constant cooking. She wouldn\'t just let two people she cared about out of her sight. Asher made a mental note to learn how to better keep track of everyone. It might be a good trick to keep tabs on Laura one day. 

"What\'s up? Did something happen?" The slight worry in Arts\' voice stemmed from the fact that he thought there was another challenge on the way. 

"Not yet. But there are cards that have people investigating why we crashed. So, we should check the on board computer." Art did not hesitate and pulled the small black box from his pocket. It was not very large but when Asher pulled the side he found that it had a small display screen. 

"Alright, and this should be the on button. I remember seeing these in history books and they used to be the size of a cinderblock. Now they are smaller than a cellphone." It was still unbelievable as it started to power on and glow in bright green lettering. 

"It says power on, reading, incident report…"  Asher was watching the rows and rows of letters appearing while Art was behind him. 

"Wait, large electrical burst? Does that mean we were in a plane struck by lightning then? That\'s a pretty big scenario, but doesn\'t that happen all the time, and planes are made to handle it?" Both of them knew that this was a red flag. Since they had been given all their jobs, the survival ones would end and those that had the job to investigate would take over. Finding what had taken them down in this situation would be the key to their success and most likely the rescue. 

"Alright, so this is just a shot in the dark but… I bet there is someone with a card that says sabotage or attacker or something. Maybe even villain." Art was making a lot of sense but when he was about to elaborate Laura popped up. 

"That is a good idea, but I just saw like ten people burn their cards to help start the fires. The issue will be finding proof that they are the villain." She had listened in to enough to know what was going on. " At least no one in our group has a bad car. We shared them with each other." Laura just shrugged. "By the way, there are a lot of cameras around watching us. My bet is that the rescue will come when we discover the bad guy in action. Two days might just be when they send someone to punish us with more training or to guide us to the solution." 

Laura was making a lot of sense. It was proving to be very valuable that they had shown each other their cards. There was also the additional fact that the entirety of Asjer\'s group had been able to share their cards. The only two in the one third of the people that had not, were two students who had wandered off somewhere and most likely found their own place to rest or even been taken out due to their failure in survival. It was unknown. 

"I guess we can slowly get people together. Laura, go tell Billy and keep it quiet. He probably wouldn\'t be involved and his card was sticking out of his back pocket so he should be clean. Then move and get the rest of our hero group. The other students can stay in the dark for now." Laura was gon in a flash toward Billy who was nearby. 

Billy handed over his card to Laura easily enough and he was walking toward Asher and Srty the next moment while Laura headed away. "Laura spoke to me. I will keep up with wood while you guys do your thing. I am more of a rescue muscle person now than anything investigative. But if you need me call for me." It was refreshing having someone show that they knew their limits. Both Asher and Art had respect for Billy because of this. 

Asher pul;led Art with him and soon found James helping Jackson. It was clear that James had survival knowledge but a limited amount. Compared to Jackson who was a walkign survival manual, he had a lot to learn. "Hey, the fors are going and a shelter frame is built over there. Not everyone will be able to sleep but I told people that we would do a night watch for safety. There might be wild animals brought in to make things more real. We all know there might even be robot dogs again." 

Thai made Asher wonder what training had happened in the past year but it was not the focus right now. "Here, this is the on board computer. We have just looked at it and drew some conclusions. But, give me your card first." 

James was skeptical but handed over the card from his pocket while watching Ashers\' face. As James had said, the card read leader on it. "So, you told the truth. Good. Now check the computer. I am sure you will reach the same conclusion as we did. It seems there was only one leader card but multiple investigative cards. This could be good or bad. There were also some blank cards."

The blank cards were most likely to add to the confusion that would grow as they investigated. Those with blank cards could do anything and did not have a task unless a leader assigned it. "I see what you mean. I believe you are already on the hunt? Is your group good?" ASsher and Art nodded. 

"Billy is good too. You said you checked all of your people right? That leaves the main students of Billy\'s group that didn\'t listen and split off, two that split from us, and whoever left yours. They could be all against us as a villain role in this.." Asher whispered to James and the three began to plan out their next move. 

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