
Chapter 295 - 295. Strangely Colored

"So...you are always in your shifted form huh? That makes me feel a little better about mine." The man standing in front of Jane was shifting already and was clearly embarrassed by the form he took. However, the man was still confident to come and battle in a tournament so Jane knew that he was dangerous to a degree. 

As the man shifted he received sharper teeth, a tail, and a strangely colored, "Butt? Your a baboon typer shifter?" Jane had seen these on television programs. They were always in the jungle and had amazing mobility. But they were also known for the vibrant blue colorations on their bodies. Not to mention their ability to be extremely brutal when faced with a threat. 

The man let loose a slight growl as he spoke now. "I canaan\'t help thissss stupid form. It riiipps my clothesss." He started to scratch at the ground and become more agitated. Jane began to wonder if the man was going to tear her apart. The sharp teeth the baboon shifter had were only one of the terrifying facts. 

"I wanted to keep this under wraps but I will need to be careful here." Jane closed her eyes and removed her sunglasses. With her eyes closed, she put them in her pocket and waited. 

The referee was a little nervous about this match. The baboon shifter was timid before shifting but showed the ferocity that came with baboons in the jungle as soon as he shifted. If this match went like the last this new opponent would be sent to the medic just as fast as the first. The baboon shifter was dangerous. 

"Are you ready?" The referee was a little hesitant but saw Jane nod. This was his last chance to let her forfeit but it appeared she was going to lose. Mumbling under his breath as he brought the whistle to his lips, "This poor lizard shifter." He blew the whistle while still believing Jane was a lizard type shifter. 

"You know, they haven\'t said my nickname yet. It\'s Medusa." Jane opened her eyes as she spoke and the baboon shifter froze in place. The audience watched in awe as they saw Jane take slow and terrifying steps towards the baboon shifter. 

When Jane got near she spoke softly, "You were too dangerous and made me show off my power too early. But don\'t worry. I never shifted so it\'s alright. I will just let you get a good nap in." Jane was understandably annoyed but she knew that the baboon shifter would not just go down unless she knocked him out. 

Without breaking eye contact she brought a leg up and used her full forced to push her heel down. The crack that echoed for a second through the arena was followed by the colla[psing body of the baboon shifter. The referee blew his whistle and Jane put her sunglasses back on to leave. 

The audience was lost. They couldn\'t understand what Janes super power was in the least. "Hello hello! My friends all look lost. Well, we just witnessed a very strange match. But I promise, to any that know Greek mythology, you will see things clearly. The nickname of our winner in this round is, Medusa!!!" The announcer decided that it was best to let the audience figure it out. The assumption was correct as the audience started to pass around the information and even the blogs online took up the strange shifter super power of Medusa. 

"Dang Jane! That was intense!" Art had nothing to do but jump up as he saw on the television that Jane had just crushed her opponent by using her power. It was just too much for anyone to watch and not shout out even though Art had seen her practice this move. 

Art looked up and saw a blinking light and heard a bell. It was the signal for the next match and he rushed from the room. He had caught a glimpse of the winner from a nearby match and was interested to see if he would actually be fighting who he thought. 

When he entered the ring he saw the person he had expected. It was a very shapely woman wearing skin tight clothing. However, what made her stand out was the fact that the last time he had seen her she was choking out her opponent with a very strong hold. One that only someone who trained their flexibility to the max could use. 

"You\'re last match was interesting. I never thought someone could bend in that way and choke someone out with their legs. I bet you are pretty good at dodging." Art had done his best to slowly walk to the waiting room so he would gather as much information as possible. It was his best chance to get a step ahead of his opponent while also making sure his friends were doing alright. 

"Why thank you. I am very flexible. I think going against someone who is very straightforward like you is a bad match though. You will have a hard time of it." The woman looked genuinely concerned. Yet, Art had the feeling it was because she would win too easily and not because she would lose at all. 

"I might surprise you, you know." Art was bouncing in place waiting. He was mimicking what he had been doing and what the other opponents had definitely taken as his style.

The woman looked like she would speak again but held her tongue and watched the referee blow the whistle. Her motions were swift and she cartwheeled in to a kick at Art. 

Art attempted to deflect and punch but the woman bent under his arm and was already behind him. He felt her attempt to wrap an arm around him but he changed level and gained some space. "Quicker than I thought you would be. But I can deal with that." The woman licked her lips and moved in again at an even faster rate. 

Art was still bouncing and waiting for his chance. It came when she kicked and tried to warp her arm around Art. She expected him to move and avoid it but instead, Art just stood there. When she successfully wrapped around his arm and began to pull it out of its socket she thought she had broken him already. 

"My muscle training is harder than this." Art flexed and used brute force to slam the woman on the ground. He repeated this three times before she managed to release herself and stagger back. "Wow, I thought you would have been knocked out. But I doubt you can dodge me now. Your head is bleeding." 

Art rushed in copying some of Janes\' moves. He had been able t somewhat copy her burst forward in to a kick. It was less elegant and flexible but still powerful. The woman tried to bend back and dodge but Art wasn\'t side kicking. He was coming from the top. 

His heel kick mirrored Janes, and the woman felt the full force of his kick on her shoulder. The hit did exactly what she had tried to do to him. It dislocated her shoulder. Unlike Janes\' opponent, the woman was still conscious. However, she was on the ground writhing in pain and the referee was shouting for the medics. It was clear the was down for the count. 

"Do you need a medic as well? That arm of yours is turning purple." The referee noticed that the top of Art\'s shoulder was slightly exposed and showed a quickly changing bruise. 

"Yes please, but first let me do something." Art pointed two fingers at the judges\' platform, "Like what you see big brother? Or should I just call you, former family head?!" The reaction was instant and Art saw the metal parts of the platform shiver. He had let a pretty hard hit at his brother and there was still more to come. The second that the judges came down to drop the winning medal on his neck he would show off his real super power and make sure his brother was put in his place. 

While Art showed off, Asher had already entered the ring again. He knew that Art was fighting too and didn\'t want to lose. He believed that Art would come out on top no matter what and he could only do the same. A glance up at the stands showed his parents and Cara had made it to the stands for his match. He saw the medal around Caras\' neck and waved to show his congratulations. Unfortunately, his family was wearing reactions of fear and terror. 

When Asher looked to where his opponent was entering the ring he knew why. The man entering was massive. Not only that but he had four arms. A head that was more of a rounded dome. And muscles that bulged in unusual ways around his body. The only thing more terrifying was that when the man took a step the ground cracked slightly from the weight and force. The man was tough, very tough, and strong. Asher wasn\'t sure if he had gotten lucky last match or if he had used all his luck.

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