
Chapter 103 - 103. Crash Course

With the running around done the three were able to grasp the fact that by running through the weeds and bush they had become rather scratched up. The dust that the chicken had kicked up had covered them making the two boys seem like they had been out working all day. Laura was better off but her own running around had caused her to pick up more scratches than she had before, she was still lacking in her evasive maneuvers while moving at high speeds.

"Now first things first. Tell me how to treat her scraped knee." Lapis pointed right at Asher and expected a quick answer.

"Umm, wash it with clean water and use antibiotic ointment and a band aid?" He said this in a questioning tone not wanting to be wrong when suddenly being put on the spot.

"Oh brilliant, and what about the bacteria and dirt you just rubbed all over the bandage by not washing your hands?" She reprimanded Asher without even batting an eye.

"Tell me what you would do about the bruise forming on his back. You don\'t have ice because you\'re in the middle of the forest." Lapis pointed at Laura this time.

"I could move him to the shade so it is cooler and let him rest there without moving too much." She sounded more sure of herself in her answer than Asher had.

"Nope, you are in a forest, it is shady and you should find a way to reduce swelling. Staying still is good, but going to a stream or river and soaking a cloth in cool water is better than just shade." Lapis had the better answer but was not completely denying the answer that Laura had given.

"Tell me what you would do if he was stuck in a rockslide and the scratches he had on his arm would not stop bleeding." Her finger pointed at Jackson who was just as flustered as Asher had been even though he had seen the other two get asked. He had tried to guess what question would be asked of him but he was not expecting the added situation.

"Well, I need to bandage the wound after cleaning it. Then I need to make sure he is safe to be moved. But if he is stuck and the situation is dangerous I should try to make sure he is conscious and talking." His answer had a few good points.

"Yes, you should make sure he is talking and conscious. That could distract from pain and panic, but you should have made a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Then you can move to clean and bandage the wound. It would need to be a quick field dressing using the clothing you or him is wearing. Better you since the patient could easily get could due to blood loss." Lapis listed off steps that none of the three had anticipated. They were all out of their league when it came to this kind of first aid.

With the three stuck in their silent state waiting to figure out what to do they just started at Lapis. "Well pick a bed over there. We are going to go over each injury separately. They may be small but in certain situations, the smallest scratch or bruise can be the most fatal injury to someone in a disaster." Her words made sense.

The class went on with plenty of demonstrations. Lapis made examples of different bacterial infections and how to treat them. This would be important for the search and rescue aspect of first aid. Jackson was listening intently as Asher was used as the first patient. His scratches were easily bandaged but Lapis went further pretending he had burns from a forest fire and showing a treatment. Then she showed a splinting technique. Then she showed a concussion test, and on and on until Asher looked like he had just fallen off a cliff and been treated for every possible injury.

Asher was left to start to undo some of the unnecessary bandages and treatments he had been given. Lapis had already claimed Jackson as the next victim and started to show them how to treat basic injuries revolving around neck and spinal injuries. Jackson was much worse off since he was made to lay on the board made of forest materials to stabilize him. Lapis had gathered these sticks and branches to teach this lesson but it was still odd to see a large person like Jackson tethered down in a still position.

"Now let\'s go over what to do with someone who is on the verge of exhaustion from lack of water and food."Lapis gave a look to Laura making her shudder. It was her turn to be used as an example of how to treat someone. The two boys could just look at her knowing that she would most likely end up as a form of a medically wrapped mummy as well.

Asher struggled to release Jackson from the tight wrapping but after trying for some time was able to fully free him. The problem was that When Jackson finally was able to move he had already had his legs fall asleep. He was walking like they were jelly before the pins and needles feeling over took him.

"Perfect, we can also go over what the numbness might mean." Lapis looked like she had just been given the perfect target and flew in to a lecture on how t trace numbness to the source of injury without causing harm to a patient. By the time Jackson had proper feeling in his legs again, he was already bundled back up like a mummy.

"To finish up the course I will give you three medical journals with the basics to field medicine and first aid. They were created by myself and my parents so that we could pass on the knowledge to many others." Lapis handed out copies of the journals happier than anything. She felt that she had just given them one of the best lectures she had ever put together. This day was a very productive one in her mind.

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