
Chapter 93 - 93. Asher, Meet Trees

Asher was alrieady rolling to the side as Garnet made the threat. She refused to let up in the hopes she could draw inspiration from Asher\'s self made rag doll style.

The roll was enough to give Asher the momentum to get on to his feet. His hand was already up as a kick grazed him. Garnet was flawlessly tying her moves together to keep the pressure on Asher. However, the momentum he gained from the kick that grazed him went in to his own wheel kick.

The kick stood no chance of coming in to contact with Garbet, but it was enough to make her back away for a moment. She bounced a few steps back looking for her next opening. Her boxers bounce had long ago become her resting moving stance between attacking and defending.

Asher could feel the pressure that Garnet exuded, from her experience and skills were intense and did not let up. \'I need a way to even the odds. I\'m too sore to give it my best.\' Asher was wracking his brain for a solution to his predicament.

Asher\'s face showed the creation of an idea, he started to run in a slight circle getting closer to the edge of the sparring field. Garnet did not fully take the bat but did follow him wondering what he had planned.

When Asher had lured her as close as he could he realized he would need to get a little more extreme to get her where he wanted her to be. Asher let down his guard a little and faked starting to wind up for an attack. Garnet was quick to see this opening and move in to teach Asher the lesson of letting his guard down.

Her fist came in to contact with Asher\'s arms as he locked them in front of him after luring her in. He had done this on purpose so that he could using the rolling momentum to get back toward the trees of the forest around the training field.

The idea worked like a cham and when Garnet hit Asher he rolled backwards and was able to get right next to the first tree. Garet was already rushing in gain since Asher was vulnerable, however, she did not know that this was part of Asher\'s strategy.

Asher saw her coming and knew that with her speed she wouldn\'t be able to easily change direction. He stepped back and let the tree he was next to take up the left side as his guard. When he sidestepped he used the tree as a shield and Garnet\'s fist landed full force on the tree bark.

The cracking of tree bark made Asher\'s skin crawl since that punch was meant for him. "Smart move, but I have lived here a long time. The trees can\'t get in my way for too long." Garnet\'s words were terrifying to Asher who was starting to weave through the trees to avoid her.

Asher was making sure to keep one between them every time Garet advanced. The problem was that he could not easily attack either and his kicks were missing their target more easily than before. His brilliant idea had come with an added challenge he had not thought about before he executed it.

His smaller stature was to his benefit since he was more easily able to get around a tree and send out the whip kick that the elite home gym system had added to his evil work out. This kick was his fastest yet and he was starting to find the best ways to add it in to his slowly developing combat style.

Garnet easily blocked the whip kicks but she was becoming annoyed since the move would sting a little each time it landed. Eventually, she started to use a little extra force to improve her speed. Asher was not ready for the increased difficulty and was caught off guard.

The attacks from Garnet rained down on him and he could not handle the pressure. Before he knew what had hit him another kick was sending him flying backwards. Unfortunately for him, a tree was right behind him and he had no way to stop his motion.

Sher\'s back met the tree with a loud thud and all the air in his body was pushed out. Garnet realized he excessive use of force the moment her kick made contact, but it had been too late Asher was already on his butt gasping as the smaller tree he had hit was vibrating slightly.

Garnet had never had a moment like this before with a camper, only her siblings could provoke her enough to use more force in a sparring match. She wasn\'t sure if she was impressed or worried she had hurt him.

Asher\'s gasping breaths started to even out while he learned to focus himself back on his surroundings. Asher felt something bunce on to his shoulder as the tree started to return to its still state. "Come on, I know you hit me hard, but do you really need to throw something at me to make sure I\'m alive?"

Asher could only think that Garnet was trying to see if he had been unhurt and able to move after being hit in to the tree. He looked down where he felt whatever had been thrown roll to and found that she had not thrown a single thing.

Sitting on the ground next to him was a familiar golden egg. With his breath returning to him Asher grabbed the egg to Garnet\'s distaste and held it up. "Do I get fifty more points for finding it two days in a row?" His smug tone made her want to have hit him harder, but she did not act on the thought.

"This is what I get for humoring your strategy. I thought you had started to grow a brain since you were using the terrain to your advantage. Unfortunately you someone managed to lead me all the way to Lapis\'s jogging trail." Garnet just looked at Asher with a mix of frustration and general awe. She could not believe how lucky this kid was.

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