
Chapter 98 Strange Villas

Chapter 98 Strange Villas

Chapter 98 Strange Villas

Zhou Yu was very glad that he built a fortress early, which could block many people out. If he did not hide in the amusement park, he would’ve been like uncle Fu, who was surrounded by people whenever he walked out of the gate. It would be a disaster for him.

But there was also one thing that didn’t make his life easy. It was the troublemaker Firefly. After moving into a new home, Firefly was filled with all kinds of excitement. Every day, she either rode Diandian to chase rabbits, or rode Sir Black to fly around in the air to “sneak attack” the staff of the amusement park.

Because all the staff knew that that was the pet of the little boss, so they all just laughed and ignored their little pranks. But this boosted Firefly’s mischievous spirit greatly. Perhaps because of having watched Fruit Pirates, Firefly liked to play pirates these two days. She even asked Zhou Fu to build a double-decker ship-of-the-line warship, and then Zhou Yu had to help to push it around in the wave pool.

With a valiant and heroic little pirate girl standing at the bow of the boat, it was quite a view. The only pity thing was that there were too few villagers in the ACG world. It was not enough to assemble a crew for a sea ship, so the only person she could command was her Dad.

Fortunately, the summer heat had not faded away, so they could still enjoy the water.

Liu Gongcai and Gao Shu had seen Master Zhou Yu playing alone in the wave pool many times. Pushing a big model ship around and around in the pool, he seemed to have great fun. They could only shake their heads and sigh that Master Zhou Yu was truly an eccentric person. They also knew Zhou Yu’s strange temperament of disliking to talk about business matters. Therefore, they just took the rest of the days as a short two-day vacation. Otherwise, it would be truly a waste for them to come to the amusement park.

It was fun inside, but it was totally different outside. Many people were still waiting anxiously.

Only until now, did Liu Gongcai find that although the amusement park was not finished and it was full of unfinished or unconstructed planning sites, it still gave people a strange feeling that this was not an ordinary amusement park. Take the residential area as an example, each villa had its own characteristics, although there was no luxury furniture, it could still give people a sense of a high-end, elegant and classy posh.

For instance, the villa where he lived, was called Tai Chi Villa, the whole villa’s layout was like a Tai Chi symbol. The interior decoration was simple and unadorned. Hanging a lot of tranquil, calm and peaceful styled paintings on the walls, the place looked like where monks lived. The main color tone was black and white. Even the flowers planted around the villa were either black or white, which was very interesting.

On the other hand, his competitor Gao Shu was not very lucky. He was arranged to stay in Hell Villa. Its main color was dark red, the decoration was with a bit of rock and roll style. At first glance, it was suitable for young people with the passion to seek extreme excitement. But Gao Shu, who was already a middle-aged man, had been stressed the hell out by all kinds of strange decoration in the villa in the past few days.

There were some more weird villas like this, and none of them had repetitive themes. It was said that all the designs were made by Master Zhou Yu. He truly deserved to be called the master of the art. Even the amusement park, which was supposed to be full of commercial flavor, was now full of artistic flavor and could no longer smell the stink or money.

It was also the same in many other places. Small fish ponds, small farms, small pastures, and small woods were distributed everywhere in the amusement park. Although it was relatively smaller than those big amusement parks, it had everything a rural amusement park needed to have.

However, strangely enough, there seemed to be only three projects that were really used for recreation. One water park, which had been temporarily closed, and the other two were the “Colosseum” and the “Little Kingdom”, which were currently under construction and not open yet. It meant that the park was not actually making any money at the moment.

Thinking about Master Zhou Yu’s strange personality, Liu Gongcai could guess that the purpose of this amusement park was probably not to make money, but to make him enjoy his life better. Perhaps, when the construction of the amusement park completed, those mysterious teams standing behind master Zhou Yu would also move here? Otherwise, it was impossible to explain why there were so many weird villas in the amusement park.

Liu Gongcai’s imagination began to run wild. He immediately thought of another confusing place. It was that why did those mysterious teams all give their money to master Zhou Yu, which no matter how he thought, it still didn’t make any sense. Could it be that these funds were the construction funds for building this weird amusement park?

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to be possible and scary.

Think about it, having all the top teams in the ACG three industries in such an amusement park, it would make this place like Hollywood, which would have a great influence on the global entertainment industry. Journalists and company workers, that were still lurking outside the park, might likely to become normal daily scenes because this park would become a holy place.

After shaking his head, Liu Gongcai stopped thinking this scary idea and told himself that it was just him thinking too much. Maybe it was because he had been heavily influenced by Zhou Yu this Otaku in the past few days living here. It resulted in the Chuunibyou, that were hidden deep inside him, suddenly broke out? How could anyone really do such a thing?


After a week of “closed training”, the closed gate of the amusement park finally opened, and the representatives of the two companies, the Otaku gaming portal, and the penguin, finally came out. As the only two who could go in, they didn’t know how many times they had been cursed by people outside, but nobody mentioned this matter at this time. Because they all wanted to know, that the Fruit Pirates this big cake, how much of it had been eaten by those two bastards and how much of it would be left to them.

Now that the “Fruit Pirates” was so popular on the Internet, even fools would know that if they wanted a piece of the cake, they needed to show them their strength. So this time, only the representatives of the companies were invited in, and the reporters were blocked outside.

Then negotiations continued.

Zhou Yu didn’t know what kind of process and profit distribution an animated movie had to go through before it could be shown in cinemas. But he was not interested in understanding it. Anyway, Liu Gongcai and Gao Shu had been entrusted with the task of handling everything. With the Otaku gaming portal and the penguin company those two big companies there, those small companies didn’t dare to play any dirty tricks.

For those small companies, getting some share of the profit was one thing, there was also another thing, which was to build a relationship with Zhou Yu, so they would have higher chances of getting the distribution right of the next movie. Liu Gongcai and Gao Shu, who were well aware of this, warned many times, “Kindly tell you, master Zhou Yu hates discussing business the most. It is fine that you want to get close to him, but don’t talk anything relating to business. If he felt annoyed, it will not be good for everyone here.”

Over the past few days, Zhou Yu inexplicably received many gifts from many companies. They all wanted to establish a relationship with him. Zhou Yu felt bad for refusing the gifts from those people, however, even if he tried his best to talk to them, he still didn’t know what to talk about, let alone remembering them in the future. At this time, Uncle Fu came to help. After all, he was the manager of the amusement park.

Zhou Fu, who was originally a rich man in a small town, was thus pushed onto a big stage.

Zhou Fu almost couldn’t get his head around these days. Originally, Little paradise was just a rural amusement park, right? It was just a project to give the young people of the village an alternative future career choice. It was also the reason why he wanted to partner up with Zhou Yu in the first place. But look at those people that had come to the amusement park. It was as if the small amusement park suddenly became the luxury club for those rich people.

Originally he thought that Zhou Yu was just a kid who had suddenly gotten rich, but he didn’t expect that this kid would be able to attract so many big companies. It was kind of scary to just think about it.

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