
Chapter 45 - 45. Counting Sheep

"How is that kid alive?"

"Do you think that fan fell on him?\'

"Look even that window fell out of the wall."

"Who could be sleeping through that?"

The crowd of students constantly resounded with these phrases of curiosity as the scene became clear to Asher. There was a skinny boy wearing a large fluffy grey coat. His eyes were tightly closed and a slight bit of drool dripped from his lip. The only proof that he lived was his small snores.

"Is this kid sleeping underneath the fan like it\'s a blanket?" he was dumbfounded by how someone was able to lift it so easily let along keep breathing with the heavy metal fan on their chest.

"Bro, I think I have seen this kid somewhere before…" Art was scratching his head trying to force the memory to surface.

"Well you should know him. I am pretty sure he sits behind you in class." Jane\'s voice dripped with disappointment.

"Aha! Yeah he sits behind me. I think I saw him write his name down as Lester!" Art seemed to sure of this but when Jane started to speak the triumphant smile fell from his face.

"Stanley...His name is Stanley , Art you really should try to improve your reading…" She was shaking her head feeling that Art might just be an academic lost cause.

Asher stepped toward the sleeping Stanley now that he knew his name. "Hey umm Stanley. You alright there? Can you get up?" His voice was unsure but he was stunned to see the reaction from Stanley.

The second he stopped talking white fluffy sheep started to crawl from his jacket and grow to the side of normal sheep. There were numbers written on their wool. The crowd that had grown took many steps back in surprise. Even more surprising the sheep started to move the fan off Stanley and then even sat him up. One slapped him a few times with it\'s hoof.

The result was the slow awakening of Stanley. His eye started to crack open causing the sheep to start to dissolve in to white smoke. By the time he had opened his eyes fully there was just the onlooking crowd and Louis. "Good morning...am I late for school?"

"Umm, no man. School is over for the day." Not a single person was able to figure out what was going on in this situation. It was like something out of a bad comedy.

"Hey man, I\'m Art. We are desk neighbors." Art extended his hand outward.

Stanley yawned and stretched his body trying to stand up. Eventually with a tired glance he grabbed Art\'s hand and stood up. His wobbling made him seem drunk but it was obvious that he was nearly sleeping on his feet.

"Thanks for that...I just couldn\'t keep walking so stopped for a quick nap. I got cold and wanted a blanket so the sheep got one for me. I only managed to count to five before I was asleep though." His words were slow but definitely not easy to understand what so ever.

"Yeeaahhh about that, Where did the sheep come from? Also why did they use that fan as a blanket for you?" Art was trying to find these answers but it looked like it would be tough.

Stanley looked like he was too tired to even answer back but after what seemed like an eternity he spoke again. "My super power is sleeping sheep...When I start to fall asleep I can count sheep and when i fall asleep the number i end on will be summoned from dream land. They take care of me….I can\'t really control them but they are really nice…"

"Wait, so is there no limit to them? You can have an army of sheep with you?" Jane picked up on this possibility immediately. \'This has to be the reason he is in our class. He can\'t control the sheep and if he counts too high when he goes to sleep then there could be thousands of sheep roaming around for his unconscious needs.\'

"Hmm I need to count so go to sleep...I once counted to ninety six and got hungry. When I woke up...there was a whole grocery store of snacks in my room...the sheep went out and somehow made money to buy it all…" This was even harder to understand than before.

Asher couldn\'t help but start to catch on that with his power Stanley didn\'t end up getting much sleep. "Sounds pretty rough, do you ever get a full night\'s rest?"

"Well….once….twice a month." Stanley had just spoken of something terrible. The curse of not being able to sleep well but for once or twice a month finally broke the crowd of students. They all decided to be on their way and keep moving for fear that this wild somehow pass to them. They could not risk their precious sleep!

"I\'m gonna head home...see you guys in class after the weekend…" Stanley started to wobble off. Every other step he was stumbling from one side to the other.

"I don\'t think he will be alright." Art played the part of captain obvious here.

"Do you think we should follow him, just in case?" The worry in Jane\'s voice was the same worry all three of them felt.

"Ummm, naaaa. I think he should be fine." Asher was trying to laugh it off but was having a hard time being convincing. \'Is meeting another classmate why madam Weaver wanted us to leave the fan there?\' Asher was still stuck on why he had been told to leave it there for now.

After watching Stanley get far out of sight the three started their own wall home. Asher hesitated before leaving the fan, \'Is this wool from those sheep?\' He picked up a small white fluff ball that was as soft as a cloud. He stuck it in his pocket figuring that it was something weird to figure out when he was bored.

"Hey so Asher, do you want to meet up on our day off tomorrow?" Jane broke the silence while they all walked.

"Actually that sounds perfect! I told Art he could come gift shopping with me for Cara\'s birthday." Jane felt that she had been robbed of an opportunity to spend alone time with Asher but since he had already made the plans it was unavoidable.

"Well if we are all going out we should stop by the hero corp design shop. We have those vouchers and it would be best to get something made sooner than later." Jane had been dedicated to making something herself but until she improved her sewing skills.

"Yes! We can all choose something super cool and tough looking!" Art was already designing his gear again. He didn\'t have much control of his power but he was thinking of the future when he would have the control.

"You know, I a, still not sure if I should use the voucher. I could really only use a little body armor maybe? But I can just use some saving." Asher was still shaken that he had money in his savings in this world compared to his previous where he had rarely even held money at all.

"We need to protect our good luck charm. Let\'s just buy you a suit of armor instead." Art was trying to think of the best defense he could and had taken it on himself to mentally build it.

"No no, we can just put him in one of those giant bubbles." Jane did not miss the chance to tease Asher a little.

"And that settles it, I am not getting any gear at all." Asher dropped this bomb on them making both of them feel bad. \'Maybe I will get some padded gloves and combat boots. But i won\'t tell them that.\' Asher laughed at his own sneakiness.

The conversation continued with their wild ideas on what things the hero corp designers could make for them that would go with their powers. All of Art\'s decisions were based on carrying more lead. Now matter how much he was told he was not strong enough to carry so much, he kept insisting.

Jane\'s ideas were at least practical since she didn\'t need much. She was naturally fast so she wanted something light that would not slow her down. The mask would need to be easy to put on and take off so she could safely use her power. The sharper nails she grew when she got her evo shot would be part of her combat prowess so she didn\'t want anything to inhibit that. The most surprising part was that she wanted to cover the scales that grew on her arms. She thought they were creepy. \'

"I like you the way you are, you should show off the parts of your power that are nique like that." Asher didn\'t like the idea of her hiding her powers at all.

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