
Chapter 307 - Grandparents and Mr. Grey

Chapter 307 - Grandparents and Mr. Grey

The next day morning Jean and Scott had their breakfast in bed as he cooked for her. Later on they gave their farewell to their family and started their journey to Grey’s mansion.

When Adam got to know about Jean and Scott he was baffled, he couldn’t believe that Jean’s fiancée is Scott....the person who warned him not to provoke Jean. He thought he is in good side of Cyphers, but how could you it happen if Scott is the person who is in head over heels in love with his niece.

From then he is having a high fever and he couldn’t sleep well at all. The companies which are sharing a huge and risky projects are Cyphers, Black corps Herren corps and INA. Recently, he even got a contract with Summer Enterprises.

He knew Black and Herren are overprotective of her...so at least he thought that Cyphers and INA would support him as being the CEO, but now...it is evident that Cyphers and Summer Enterprises are also the same category....the people who dote on his niece.

Now, he only have hopes on INA...

Meanwhile Vanessa is terrified beyond the imagination. Jean is invincible...she is the future daughter in law of Summers. How could she implement her plan now...it would be tough to sabotage Jean.

She failed miserably...her brother lost his hopes on her....she is helpless now. But she should prove herself how.....?

Same like her mother, Cassandra is indeed very sad and depressed. She has been thinking that Jean is nothing but a fool....

She tried to seduce the person who is her sisters fiancée.

When Jean use to live in Country X with Scott... she use to bluff and fantasize how her life would be if she gets married to Scott.

She remember too well.....Jean use to give a small smile and agreed with her. Now she understood the meaning of it....

Cassandra is damn sure that Jean is not a normal person...she remember how she got kidnapped by so called fiancée of Scott Summer’s.

Could that be Jean..?

As they are in their own thoughts...

A Jaguar stopped at the path way of the mansion. At first Scott climbed out of the car then walked up to the passenger side and opened it for her. First came her slender legs and later she descended like a queen with extreme elegance and etiquette.

She is wearing greyish black shirt and knee length pencil skirt. As they will be visiting grave of her parents, she dressed up simple but it gave her a more alluring look like always.

"Baby, see their ashen faces" Scott whispered. They are still at the enough distance from the baffled family so they couldn’t listen anything.

They could see that, Scott is joking with Jean and in turn she chuckle as Scott looked at her with tender love and indulgence.

"Mr. Summers" Adam greeted instantly as they approached the door.

Scott glared at him as Adam shivered involuntarily.

"Mr. Grey, I am sure your eye sight is proper. I am not alone and I have my fiancée just beside me" Scott wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him so that her face rested on his chest.

"Ah.. Haha... Mr. Summers, Jean is our family member. There is no need to specially greet her so.." he awkwardly spoke as he scratched his hair feeling little frightened.

"Is it Mr. Grey. But why am I feeling my fiancée is not treated in that way" Scott asked as he raised his eyebrow looking skeptically at him.

Adam is rendered speechless by how savage Scott is acting. It is too obvious how protective Scott is when it comes to his niece.

Whereas Jean remained stoic and indifferent...if it is someone like Cassandra they would have surely started sobbing to gain more sympathy.

"Hmm.. Baby, come let us meet your grandparents and go ’home’" Scott spoke with Jean as he gently tugged her along with him. His voice is brimmed with love and affection for her...quite opposite to how he responded with Adam.

Even before Adam could say anything, Jean and Scott are already in their way to elder’s room. He got to know that he could never be in good side with Summers family. They are way too protective and doting towards the person whom he is seeing as his rival .

Jean pursed her lips and controlled her laughter. Scott is really too savage and petty as she expected him to be... secretly she liked him this way.

As Elder Grey insisted them to stay for lunch they reluctantly agreed. After eating they decided to visit the grave of her parents.

Adam is fuming with anger as Scott and Elder Grey are going along well with each other. He is calling them ’grandparents’ while he was called as Mr. Grey.

It is too evident that he is treating him as outsider but not as Jean’s family. It hurt him, secretly he hoped Scott would call him ’uncle’ some or other time.

Jean is sitting beside her grandmother as they chatted quite happily. It is about their marriage arrangements....this hurt Adam again. Their marriage and engagement are fixed but why isn’t he notified about it, not even his own parents had talked about it with him.

While they are eating lunch, Scott continued adding food into Jean’s plate like a caring husband...his actions are fluid and subconscious. As if he always do it.

Cassandra stared at them with complex feelings. Jean became little fat...but it made her look more luscious. His hand is on her thigh skimming the tip of her fingers...their every action is too intimate.

All in sudden Jean’s personal phone started ringing...it is a private number.

Jean furrowed her eyebrows and confusingly accepted the call.

"Jean, Madam Black is admitted in hospital. Her heart stopped for a very brief seconds....but we are able to retrieve her back"

As Jean listened to it, her face paled and her eyes welled up with tears instantly. Scott became stiff and his face clearly showed his concern as he looked at Jean...

"What’s wrong" he asked and stood up before sitting on the hand of the chair. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders while other one caressed her hair...giving her comfort.

Adam and his family looked at them with complex feelings...why is Jean so lucky to get a extremely rich, unusually handsome and over caring person like him as her husband.

"Grandma Black got admitted in Valdez’s hospital once again. Her heart stopped for a brief second..." Jean choked up.

"Hush.. Everything will be fine. I will ask my pilot to prepare our private jet...we will go Okay. She will be fine.. Please don’t tense up" Scott comforted her. His heart ache is clearly written on his face..

"First talk to the doctor " Scott gestured towards her phone which is still in call.

Jean nodded her head and smiled sadly before talking again.

"Jeff, will she be fine. Can you text me her prognosis...I am worried Jeff" Jean spoke sadly.

Others are stunned to their core...Is she talking to the young master of Valdez’s...how even in the earth she is acquainted with such a powerful family and person. They couldn’t believe she has such a solid connections.

They are very shocked how casually she talked with him... as if they he is her best friend. Only if they knew that he is Jean’s twin brother.

Jeff passed the call to Enrick who just came out of the operation theatre.

"Jean" he whispered afraid if she is crying. He couldn’t bear to see her like this

"Oh.. Enrick. How’s my grandma...Is she doing good? What happened to her...Rick...this is all sudden, she was fine yesterday. When we meet tomorrow can you bring her files and medical data" Jean asked suspiciously...Lillian is fine yesterday right...

Adam and his family are again dumbfounded...if they are true, she is talking to Young master of Richards family...who have worldwide connections and decades of legacy in military...they surely underestimated her.

First it is Nathan and David...the powerful persons in their country A.

Next it is Scott and Raymond ... the powerful persons in both country A and Country D and many other

Now it is Jeff Valdez and Enrick Richards....how on the world can they even believe what they have witnessed in this whole six months.

Vanessa at last decided to implement her last Backup...it might be deadly to Adam, but she doesn’t care....she is selfish and only thinks about her own profit.

It is when her brother would give her At least ten percent of their family wealth.

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