
Chapter 253 - Majestic Imposing Manner, Who is Number One

Chapter 253: Majestic Imposing Manner, Who is Number One

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Wonderful! No words could better describe the last battle.

That battle not only displayed gunmanship but also the martial strength of a recruit.

An excellent gunman could never compete with a gunman who practiced martial arts. This had already become a benchmark in the army.

This shooting competition was designed this way for a breakthrough shot, it was made precisely to test the combination of the gunman martial strength and gunmanship.

Instead of looking for stairs, other methods were used for pathfinding. It didn’t violate the Recruit Tournament’s Shooting Competition rules.

On the huge electronic integrator, the score of the East Asia Military District showed a shining five points. It showed that the East Asia military region had achieved first place in a competition, as well as second place.

First place was three points, and second was two points, and third was one point.

The score of the Europe Military Region showed only one point.

In the army, there was no such thing as a tie for the first place, and the same goes to not having a tie for second place.

In rankings, there could only be one!

Stackhouse was very clear on the fact that if he were to compete with Lin Ling again to grab second place, it would not only be defeat, it would also be extremely miserable. It might even crumble every European recruits’ morale.

Those who suit their actions to the time are wise. This saying was not only known among the Chinese but also among the Europeans and Americans.

A forfeit could maintain third place and morale. Stackhouse had made a wise decision.

Stackhouse didn’t strive for a temporary advantage. There were still other competitions later on that provided plenty of opportunities.

Andy looked at the scoreboard of the American Military Region on the big screen and it was the same as Africa West Asia: zero points.

He shook his head weakly. In the past, the Americans could have scored at least some points in this event. Sometimes even taking second and third place, a score that could be equal to the first place.

The East Asian recruits completely dominated the competition this season. If it wasn’t for Du Zhanpeng’s accidental death, the Europe Military Region would have gotten zero points.

In the past, after the games, the audience would leave while in discussion among themselves.

Today, almost none of the audience left. Everyone got up and applauded. Today’s game not only made them feel that the price was worthwhile, it also made them feel that the Recruit Tournament’s Shooting Competitions in the future would most likely be boring and plain.

“What? It ended?” A spectator who had just returned from the washroom asked curiously, “Did that East Asia woman win? Or was it the European man who won?”

“The East Asian man won.”


“When you were in the washroom just now, the last East Asian recruit who took the stage took more or less two hundred and seventy seconds to end the battle.”

“About two hundred and seventy seconds? So fast?”

“It was all too wonderful... I tell you, just now...”

“No way!?” The man who came back from the washroom said a painful sorrow, “I urinated and flushed away the best game?”

“It wasn’t the best. It was the most interesting. You missed the competition that made everyone fire up.”

In the thunderous applause, the man who went to the washroom let out a painful moan.

In any Recruit Tournament, once you miss it, it was really missed. There were no recordings as recording wasn’t allowed, so it would not appear on the Internet.

The applause continued. Du Peng left with a swift step, like the golden-winged Dapeng, lept high among the crowd and jumped into the arena.

Qin Fen opened his arms and the two bear hugged tightly. They patted each other’s back.

Xue Tian and the others also stepped off the viewing platform. The new recruits from East Asia began to gather in the arena.

This moment was the time of the new recruits from East Asia.

Gathering around Qin Fen were not only friends like Xue Tian, but also a group of East Asia recruits whom Qin Fen had never met before. They were all here to participate in other competitions.

Although it wasn’t their event that had won the first place, they had their share on this joy.

Andy got up weakly and sighed heavily. This atmosphere was not suitable for the Americans that received no points.

Stackhouse was unable to clap hands alongside his companions. As the hegemon of the shooting event, he was finally defeated.

“Cheh, didn’t they only get the champion for the shooting competition? Why are they so happy? For those who don’t know, they would have thought that they won the championship in terms of the total score, or the championship of the Recruit King of Martial Combat and the championship of the squad coordination. The East Asian recruits really are a group of people who have no ambitions.”

On the viewing platform, the recruits from America, “Zeus” Mark Jumino crossed his arms in the back row. He had his two thick black legs resting on the back of the seat in front, chewing gum in his mouth.


“Oh? Little Dragon King, what’s the matter?” Mark Jumino turned his head and looked at Little Dragon King, Wang Yang Lie, whose eyebrows were furrowed. “Don’t be so nervous, just relax and keep calm.”

“Zeus.” Yang Lie slowly stood up, turned and walked toward the exit of the opening, “Look up the information on that Eastern recruit. He could be the biggest obstacle for us American recruits winning the martial arts championship.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Mark Jumino gave a provocative look to Qin Fen from the crowds.

A few seconds later, Mark Jumino watched Yang Lie walked away and shrugged his shoulders, “Little Dragon King seems to have lost his way. If he was a master, he would have reacted to my provocation. Though, the angry Xue Tian beside him is very interesting. My provocation was not for him, but he was aware of it.”

“Mark, the man who looks like Du Zhanpeng is also rather interesting.”

Mark’s eyes showed a surprised look at the sound that seemed to have suddenly appeared out of thin air, yelling, “Hey, Brooks, you finally woke up! I thought that you would only wake up on the day of Yang Lie’s appearance.”

With a big military cap that covered his face, Brooks’s let out a lazy voice, “Since there are fun toys, of course I will wake up. Yang Lie? Hmph! In this contest, I will tell that mixed-race, America’s number one martial dao soldier is me “Kai Tian” Brooks, and not Little Dragon King, Wang Yang Lie.”

“Kai Tian, the number one American recruit will be me, Zeus Mark!”

“Really?” Brooks stood up and stretched. His body was not tall, but he didn’t t look short either.

One meter eighty-five, his shoulders were wide and his waist was thin. His stretching arms were extraordinarily wide and long. There was no way to see the face under the big military cap’s shadow.

“Then, I hope that I will meet you in the last round of the match and no one else.”

“I will be on the final stage of the finals. As for the opponent, I don’t care.” Mark smacked the dust off his trousers and left the venue.

On the other location of the ring...

“Check and see if the recruit who won the shooting competition will be participating in the fighting contest. If he is, we need to look up his information.”

“Caesar, don’t tell me...”

“Yes, he could be one of the biggest obstacles for us European recruits to capture the Recruit King of Martial Combat. Probably even more troublesome than those we pay extra attention to like Little Dragon King, Kai Tian, Zeus, and the others.”

In another corner of the ring, a pair of hateful eyes stared at Qin Fen in the field.

“Qin Fen!!”

“Tschick, this person is the one you wanted defeat by yourself?” The West Asian recruits who were watching the game, with a little shock, looked at the Mourad Tschick who led the team.

THe Three Heroes of West Asia had once faced the mock battle with the accidental loss of two people. They only sent Mourad Tschick alone this time.

“Yes! It is him!”

Mourad Tschick, who had shaved his thick beard, revealed the face of a handsome man from the Arabic world.

In the arena, Xue Tian’s arm wrapped around the shoulder of Qin Fen, “Old Qin, you have displayed your strength and it has attracted a lot of eyes from the dark. ”

“No matter how bad my luck may be, it is impossible for me to encounter everyone.” Qin Fen put his hand on Xue Tian’s shoulder, “Maybe your luck is worse than me. When you draw lots, you will keep stepping on landmines while I’m lucky that my opponents are all weak.”

“Old Qin...” Xue Tian got out of Qin Fen’s shoulder and put on a stern face that was smiling at first, “Don’t curse me with your inauspicious remark. It is very unethical behavior.”

Everyone heard and burst into laughter. The laughter of the heroic spirit showed no hint of being afraid of encountering a tyrannical opponent.

Among the participants, who wouldn’t aim for first place? When it comes to it, just knock down the opponent and turn them into a stepping stone towards achieving the title of Recruit King of Martial Combat!

Scared? If everyone was scared then no one would come to take part in this game of life and death!

When martial art users fight, where is the stopping point? Unless the difference in strength between both sides was too great, no one would dare say who will win until the last moment!

Therefore, the military’s recruit martial battle contest did not state that an opponent couldn’t be killed.

“Qin Fen, congratulations to you.”

Lin Jiaxuan also squeezed into the crowd. Today’s opponent, the European aerial combat team had forfeited, so the East Asian Aerial combat team won by default. Therefore, she also had time to come to watch the game.

As a new recruit from East Asia, there were some intersections. Lin Jiaxuan felt it was necessary that she should come by and watch.

“Thank you...”

Qin Fen nodded, but his eyes were fixed behind Lin Jiaxuan.

His baffled look naturally caught the attention of Lin Jiaxuan, who looked back at the direction of Qin Fen’s eyes.

In a corner outside of the crowd stood a man and a woman. The man was very good looking and handsome was the only word to describe him.

The woman was dressed in a suit, her perfect beauty had a natural air of beauty.

Beautiful! It was the only adjective that could be used to describe and only this word beauty could express the overall feel of the woman.

At this point, the beauty that could make men lose their breaths and women jealous, showed Qin Fen the most brilliant smile. Her hands secretly waved as a greeting, just like a shy little girl, yet also like a seductive woman.

The flamboyant man pointed his finger at a passage not far away and drew a huge eight in the sky. Then, he pointed to the woman’s black suit as he turned and left along with the woman.

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