
Chapter 415 - Mystery Ability

He simply pulled the trigger while the “white bullet” was in the firing position.

Countless light beams emerged from the barrel, which quickly shrank into one single bullet trail that looked like a comet and sank into the undead presence.

The soul screamed and collapsed on the dirt.

Angor stepped back a bit to observe the outcome.

The soul was trembling madly; her long messy hair had covered her head so Angor could not see her face.

A moment later, the soul became still.

“It... didn’t disappear? So the bullet isn’t for killing the undead?” Angor muttered, “Don’t tell me it’s the opposite?”

He knew that there were all kinds of really strange Mystery abilities. Prome once mentioned an item called “Whelk of The Dreaming Coast” which, according to Prome, was used for “putting non-lifeform items to sleep, regardless of their level”. Till today, no one had figured out the point of the item.

It wasn’t surprising at all if his “white bullet” turned out to be something beneficial to undead beings.

Angor regretted a little when thinking about this possibility. Carefully, he moved back further and fully activated Infinite Reticence to conceal his body.

The female soul was not moving, but Angor saw something white shining around her.

She suddenly lifted her head.

And her appearance shocked Angor because he knew her face—she was the dying woman in Venees’ bathroom who tried to use Angor’s help to become a powerful undead creature.

Angor remembered her identity to be the 13th daughter of Goman King. She never mentioned her real name though. Maybe because she didn’t care anymore.

She had been staring at Dark Castle probably because of her unyielding hatred toward that place.

As Angor went over his thoughts, the female soul suddenly screamed again as the “white glow” began to gather at her head.

Under the light, Angor noticed that the woman was slowly taking on her former look, which was a decent-looking woman with silk-like hair and adorable eyebrows.

Angor grew even more confused about the nature of the “white bullet”.

Whatever did this thing do?

The glow around the woman died down, leaving the female soul in a really strange condition. Her face now had two completely different looks. Half of her was a gruesome wraith with sharp fangs and bulging blood veins, while the other half looked like a lady from a well-educated family.

“Does this thing revert them to normal souls?” Angor pondered in awe. According to books, there were no known methods for reverting fallen souls; yet the strange sight in front of his eyes had punched a giant hole in that theory.

“Who are you?” Angor decided to ask.

The woman’s “split” face immediately changed expressions. One half of her seemed scared, while the other was full of resentment like any other wraiths.

The spirit looked around without finding who was talking and slowly moved away from Angor’s position.

Does she know fear?

Angor continued ti ask, “Hey, can you understand me? Do you remember your name? Do you remember Goman King?”

The soul was backing away faster. The “normal half” of her face frowned in confusion.

“You’re the 13th daughter of Goman King. The elder princess put you in this situation. Do you recall that?”

With an “ARGHH!”, the female soul quickly left the ground and floated into Black Forest.

Angor shook his head. He couldn’t possibly chase after her without a PROPER flying skill.

“So... I wasted that bullet.”

He felt like crying. Still, the test did give him some information to go by. The female soul managed to regain some of her consciousness, and her “normal half” showed many emotions that didn’t belong to fallen undead, such as calm, confusion, and fear.

“Is she actually under both states?”

He wasn’t sure. He needed to do more testing later.

He planned to choose his next target more carefully. At least, he should make sure that the soul couldn’t escape; otherwise, he would only be wasting his ammunition.

It would be pretty difficult to run into soul swarms outside Dark Castle, so Angor intended to collect more “white bullets” while he was here.

He spent more time sweeping through Black Forest.

Of course, the drastic decrease in the number of souls was easily noticed by Dark Castle.

Felicia watched Angor’s moves using her crystal ball and frowned. “What’s he doing?”

“Trying out his new weapon?” Greya moved closer. “Told you, the boy got potential. When I first met him a year ago, he was just another mortal that everyone could bully, like a stray dog. Look at him now... He’s strong enough to face the undead army. I don’t know many wizards who are willing to confront filthy undead like this. Oh, look at his moves...”

Greya smiled gently at Angor’s image.

Felicia would agree with Greya, for she already witnessed how Angor almost became a “Mystery Alchemist”.

But she was still puzzled about what she saw. “That thing is pretty handy when killing the undead in a large area... An effective magic array, perhaps, which means he possesses the legacy of a great alchemist. But does he really need to kill that many souls to test a weapon?”

“Well, it did absorb one half of a ‘Mystery soul’. Maybe he’s trying to find its secret power. Speaking of Mystery Items... Some are completely useless, while some can display amazing power even though it isn’t whole, like that Soul Orb dish thing in Soul Genesis Garden. I don’t know what Angor has created, but I do hope he gets something nice.”

Inside Spirit Realm located on floor B2, Isabelle slowly opened her eyes when she heard Greya’s words.

“Heh... There is no such thing as a useless Mystery Item. You just need someone to find the right way to use it.”

She then glanced toward Angor’s direction, where the boy was still slaughtering fallen souls in the forest.

“Now, that’s actually helpful to Dark Castle. I’ve always wanted to get rid of all the lingering spirits... But it’s just hopeless when those inside Dark Castle do not change their way.”

She closed her eyes and resumed meditating.


Angor spent three days outside during which he eliminated countless fallen souls. He finally gained six bullets in the cylinder; all ready to be used.

He nearly traveled to every part around Dark Castle. After making sure that no more “white dots” could enter his gun, he put away the revolver and headed back. As a result of his “hard work”, there was not another fallen soul in sight.

When passing through the graveyard, he changed his direction to visit Flowey.

And what he saw under the well surprised him a bit.

Flowey was quietly reading a book in front of a desk. The little girl seemed fine. What shocked Angor was that Flowey’s room had changed completely. She had deconstructed her bed and placed all the wooden planks aside, probably because she wanted to make something with them.

She now had a hanging hammock in the middle of the room as her new bed.

Also, Flower was wearing something different too. Her ordinary yellow overall dress had some flower-shaped decorations on it. Angor quickly realized where they came from when he saw the scissors and cut-out bedsheet on the desk.

It seemed Flowey grew bored and decided to do some handicrafts.

With a flicker of mind, Angor created a second illusion that was full of illusionary materials, such as wood, paper, sewing threads, and fabrics. He placed the “storage illusion” beside the window and hid it there. Flowey should easily notice it.

Without interrupting Flowey, Angor silently left the cave.

He felt happy after seeing Flowey’s interesting crafting attempt. He never expected the little girl to “play” with his illusion in such a way.

Once he learned how to bestow more detailed properties to illusionary objects, he could even try practicing magic array drawing and alchemy in his illusion without having to waste any materials. He wouldn’t do that now because he couldn’t guarantee absolutely correct logics that would be required for delicate works. Still, doing ordinary arts in his illusion should be no problem.

Angor returned to Dark Castle and saw both Greya and Felicia on the first floor.

He was still a little worried that Felicia might question him about the incident the other day or the nature of the “stitch woman”. Therefore, he was pretty surprised when Felicia only welcomed him with a smile.

“Angor dear! Come here.” Greya waved a hand at him.

Angor saw Greya’s expression to be that of a charming woman this time instead of the childishness carried by a small girl.

“Lady Greya?” he tried to call her by her name.

Greya chuckled at Angor’s careful call. “The one and only. The little girl is sleeping right now.”

“The little girl?” Angor somewhat felt as if something clicked in his mind. Still, he complied and sat on the sofa across Greya.

Greya smiled brightly.

“By the way, I found a single special feather on Toby’s body...”

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