年轻的朋友3 免费观看

Chapter 112 - Hospital Is Getting Hotter

It’s been almost an hour since Xu Mey and Ye Jie came to the hospital. After he revealed everything, they had been silently accompanying each other.

"Yes... It really doesn’t matter." Xu Mey pinched Ye Jie’s chin and turned his face towards herself. As her black clear eyes looked into his charming brown ones, she added, "Because I know that just as My Jie, you’ll still be the most competent person. I didn’t only marry you because of you being a Ye, I accepted you because you accepted me even after knowing my reason for this marriage."

Ye Jie’s lips hooked upwards slightly as he listened to her soft but very clear voice. He just stared into her eyes losing himself again in their depth. Xu Mey frowned as a thought came to her mind. "What about her family? Her cell phone must have their contacts, right?"

Ye Jie sighed. "I told you that I’m not ready to deal with that baggage until Azalea wakes up herself. I’ve been sending them texts, pretending to be her. I don’t think I have the courage to tell her parents that their precious daughter might never wake up again because of me." Ye Jie felt a bit queasy talking about this topic and Xu Mey noticed it with her discerning senses.

"If you want, I can ask Shen-Ge to look into her case?" She suggested trying to ease his burden. He must have been extremely tired from keeping everything inside himself for such a long time. And the guilt must have been enhancing with each passing day. "More the experts, more her chances for recovery." Ye Jie looked at her with gratitude in his eyes and nodded, giving her the consent.

Ye Jie abruptly stood up and said, "You must be tired, let’s go back." He stretched his hand towards Xu Mey and she took it without hesitation.

"Are we going back home? It will be a long drive and you’re already tired." Xu Mey said as they were passing through the empty corridor.

"Don’t worry... We’re not going back home..." Xu Mey was puzzled. "My friend’s apartment is close by. We’ll stay there for the night."

"Ohhh!" Xu Mey dragged the words unnecessarily and in this process, she didn’t see the bench in her way and her foot bumped into it making her wince loudly. She took a sharp intake of breath and closed her eyes as the impact made her already stitched ankle hurt even more.

This simple action was not concealed from Ye Jie. A crease appeared between his brows as he knelt down in front of her and made her place her one hand on his shoulder for support while he picked her right foot off the ground and placed it on his knee. Xu Mey tried to retract her foot but Ye Jie’s grip was like iron claws. Steadfast...

Ye Jie held the hem of her bell-bottom jeans and lifted it up a bit. As his eyes fell on the rectangular bandage on her ankle, he closed his eyes briefly and sighed. He raised his head to look at her face. Xu Mey was avoiding his eyes trying to hide her guilty look. "How did this happen?" His jaw was clenched it took a lot of effort to say the words.

Xu Mey pursed her lips and smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of her head like an idiot. "I... Erm... I fell. Yes yes, I fell." She replied.

"You’re not as good at lying as you think," he said through gritted teeth. "Let’s leave how you get injured. But when did it happen? Can you say that?" He carefully placed her foot back on the ground and asked.

Xu Mey lowered her head and grumbled, "The day you went to Tokyo."

"Are you kidding me?" Ye Jie’s voice was sharp and loud making Xu Mey cower back a bit. Ye Jie took deep breaths to calm himself. "Why didn’t you tell me?" His voice got softer than before but he could hide the feeling of hurt and anger.

"I thought you’d be worried for no reason. It wasn’t that big of a deal but your work was rather important. It wasn’t a good idea to disturb you for such a tiny matter." Xu Mey replied honestly. She really didn’t want him to be worried for no reason.

Ye Jie rubbed his forehead and held her shoulders making her raise her head to look at him. "Why are you not getting it? I would have left everything to come back to you." He was quite exasperated.

"I knew you’d do it. Didn’t I just say that I didn’t want you to skip your work just for such an unimp-" Before she could say ’unimportant matter’, he interrupted her.

"This might be an unimportant matter to you but not to me. Didn’t you just say that you’re my family?" Xu Mey nodded looking into his eyes. "Then I have the right to know. Work can never be more important than you. You’re my wife, Baby. And I want to be there for you whenever you need me. Even if it is just a small needle prick, you need to tell me." Ye Jie coaxed her in his softer tone.

Seeing how Ye Jie looked sad, Xu Mey didn’t like it at all. "Sorry!" She said in a low voice. "I will tell you next time. I promise!" She crossed her heart to promise in an adorable manner making Ye Jie’s mind wander off from the main topic. "I’ll..." Her words were instantly lost as she saw the burning look in Ye Jie’s eyes. Ye Jie dipped his head down and covered her mouth with his fierce kiss.

He wrapped her in his arms. Xu Mey was shocked at the sudden change of events. But her heart was so not in synch with her mind or body. While her body and mind were shocked, her heart was bouncing around accepting his spearmint taste with pleasure. While kissing, he pushed her body against the wall behind her and angled his head to kiss her with savage intensity. The kiss was akin to punishment showing his anger and frustration combined.

Yet his mouth was still firm and moist. He was crushing her into himself while Xu Mey was motionless. It was a good thing that the corridor was empty. He smothered her lips as if to demand something... What was he demanding? Xu Mey couldn’t tell.

He raised his head a bit and said in a raspy and low voice, "Consider it a warning." He dipped his head again to claim her lips.

Her palms were tingling with an urge to touch him, to wrap around his neck... Or to just touch his chest... His hand banded around her hips making their hips collide leaving no space between them. He was being possessive.

Abruptly, his kiss turned gentler and softer as a soft glide of his tongue between her lips made her open up and let him invade her territory. Her mind blurred and enticed her to give in to her urges to touch him. It was indeed a passionate kiss with a demand to possess her. She ran her fingers wildly through his hair liking the touch against her palms. While the slightly rough texture of his hands running all over his body was sending an indescribable pleasure into her.

When he parted away, she felt her head spinning. Her heart was beating so loud that she felt like it was echoing in the empty hallway. Ye Jie’s condition wasn’t any better than her. His brown eyes were still lingering on her slightly swollen lips with a look of desire. He bit his own bottom lip to get back his composure.

He bent down a bit and scooped her up in his arm making her yelp in surprise. "What are you doing?" She was still panting with widened eyes as she stared at him.

"Stay quiet or do you want me to silence you up again?" He suggestively looked at her lips and back at her eyes making her gulp. Although she had the urge to say that he should silence her up. But unfortunately, they were in a hospital. Even though the whole wing was empty because of Ye Jie, that didn’t mean that Xu Mey didn’t feel self-conscious.

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