
Chapter 309 - High-Dimensional Life

Chapter 309: High-Dimensional Life

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lu Zhiyu noticed something different the moment he arrived at the center of the spaceship. When the cabin door opened, a brain monster with a giant head rushed out of the cabin.

Numerous eyeballs were packed on its head, and there were a large amount of tentacles under its chin. Powerful vibrations rushed out of the tentacles, reaching out toward Lu Zhiyu.

The vibration waves seemed to carry a stream of power that could affect someone’s consciousness and mind. Yet, the second that Lu Zhiyu stepped in, the light that was coming from him immediately permeated the entire space.

It was as if a sun had just walked into that cabin. All of the brain monsters were melted under that intense light.

Countless horrendous and terrifying brain monsters flooded out from the deep and filled the entire portal. However, they were immediately killed before they could even put up a fight!

Lu Zhiyu could finally see what those alien creatures looked like now, as on the other end of the cabin door, numerous alien creatures were intertwined with those twits. He could only see their appearances through the parts where they had assimilated with the twits.

Then, all of a sudden, Lu Zhiyu felt a bit bewildered. This was because all of those creatures looked exactly like human beings! In fact, Lu Zhiyu couldn’t see any difference between the two!

According to the information that I have on the spaceship, it landed on earth hundreds of thousands of years ago! Lu Zhiyu thought. The genetic information of humans dates back millions of years ago, and I traced the historical record of the humans myself. When they landed on earth, it was during the homo sapiens era.

Lu Zhiyu thought about another possibility... Is it possible that these guys used the gene-editing technology to artificially improve their ancestors, just like I did when I gave the humans in Maria’s World the power of bloodline and life templates to the dragon race?

He then immediately shook his head as he thought... But, that doesn’t make sense either. After all, the remains of Homo heidelbergensis, Javanese, and Beijing monks all proved it. So... Maybe it’s the elder race?

He then shook his head again and thought... However, it was exactly hundreds of thousands of years ago when the human ancestors started to gain intelligence and turned into homo sapiens. This matches the same time when these aliens arrived on earth. Perhaps they chose to create creatures similar to the ones they saw! Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain why these alien creatures and humans evolved to look exactly the same.

As he pondered over these things, Lu Zhiyu walked through the portal and arrived at the center of the spaceship. The moment he walked through the portal, he saw the light outside that was shining upon the center, as well as the sky and the sun outside. They looked the same as the sky and the sun that Lu Zhiyu had simulated in the Floating-space City.

Lu Zhiyu then discovered that he was at the bottom of a skyscraper, and below his feet was an enormous city at the center of the spaceship. It was a spacious city of technology, and each building had the city farm that was envisioned by the human beings. These buildings stood tall and had quite a few transparent tubes connecting them.

Lu Zhiyu could see vehicles travelling in the tubes. They were flying through the air and were covered by layers of black branches.

All of the broken and assimilated robots were scattered around the vehicles, and the entire city was surrounded by the terrifying tree branches. As these tree branches filled the city, they intertwined with each other, forming a pillar and extending toward the sky.

Lu Zhiyu could imagine the sharp changes and complete state of catastrophe that this city was experiencing. He wondered if all of the living creatures inside the spaceship were in despair, as all of the public transportation and portals had been destroyed.

Lu Zhiyu wasn’t in a rush at the moment, so he walked down the stairs slowly. He then walked through the tubes that were connecting the buildings and headed toward the center of the city.

Many brain monsters crawled out from everywhere in the city. Those creatures, which looked like demons, were the living creatures that were born in the city. It could be inferred from the looks of their bodies that they had assimilated with the branches.

This entire city felt like an extensive tomb and a collection of graves, as the only thing left in the area seemed to be death and desolation. After hundreds of thousands of years, Lu Zhiyu was the first tourist to have ever visited this place.

As Lu Zhiyu walked through the city, he saw a large number of creatures that had assimilated into mythical creatures. There were human-shaped creatures, and there were even all kinds of pets as well. There were also special plants and a large number of living samples in the botanical garden.

After seeing all of this, he wondered... If the assimilation power of the mythical creature is so powerful, why would it get interrupted?

He could see how that giant tree trunk had grown and swallowed the city. Everything from buildings to aliens, creatures, public transport vehicles, plants and animals were all assimilating into that mythical creature!

Lu Zhiyu believed that such a terrific creature could have easily made the spaceship assimilate into it already, so he couldn’t figure out why the assimilation had stopped halfway through completion.

Lu Zhiyu arrived at the zone that seemed to be the center of the entire city, where assimilation seemed to be the most complete. All of the tree branches had intertwined with each other, and he could see the roots hanging down from the sky. It was like a horrendous dark forest.

However, everything just stopped here. There seemed to be something at the center that blocked everything from going any further.

Lu Zhiyu walked through the main hall, while tearing apart all of the tree trunks that had a diameter of at least ten feet. When he arrived at the center, the intrusion abruptly stopped at that point, andLu Zhiyu was thrilled by what he felt in that moment.

Lu Zhiyu felt an immense amount of willpower, which he converted to 100,000 units of mind power. The immense amount of mind power that was coming out from the center hindered and suppressed the assimilation of the spaceship into the black tree trunks, thus lowering the speed of the spaceship as it was assimilating into the black tree trunks.

A super computer? Lu Zhiyu wondered as he saw a gigantic light ball at the center. As he looked around at the characters, the decrypted character file of Atlantis immediately started to translate the information that these characters had just provided to Lu Zhiyu.

It was a gigantic light ball, and there were traces of light shuttling back and forth inside of it. He could also see oceans of information spinning inside the light ball.

Lu Zhiyu discerned that at least one million consciousnesses were packed in that light ball, and they had gathered together and were emanating that immense stream of power of consciousness. However, these consciousnesses didn’t know how to extract matter from the zero-dimensional space, so they could only stay as consciousnesses instead of being transformed into mind power that could interfere with reality, and they certainly could not be transformed into mythical living shapes!

Just as Lu Zhiyu was approaching the giant glass ball, light screens emerged from the ground around him. Traces of light and data were shuttling to and fro, while an exquisite and beautiful female figure appeared in front of Lu Zhiyu.

She was wearing a custom outfit that was so tight that her private parts were showing. She looked incredibly seductive.

“Welcome to the playground!” she said. “We have everything you want in this playground, and you can experience all kinds of lives. This playground will fulfill every one of your desires.”

As she spoke, Lu Zhiyu asked the linguists that he had with him to help him translate the language of Atlantis. Those linguists kept translating the language and explained to Lu Zhiyu what the female figure was talking about.

Is it a virtual-reality world? Lu Zhiyu wondered.

He immediately knew what happened here before. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, something drastic had happened to the interior part of this spaceship, and at the end, everyone in the spaceship gave up their own bodies and entered the virtual world, which was this super computer that was now in front of Lu Zhiyu.

Even though the consciousnesses couldn’t store memories, the super computer was able to help them do so. Hence, even though this civilization wasn’t able to detect the existence of mind power, the virtual-reality technology they created, which was an immortality technology to some extent, had transferred their consciousnesses to the super computer that was in front of Lu Zhiyu.

The super computer then gathered the consciousnesses of more than one million people and stored them within it. This super computer was also supposed to hold all of the people in this spaceship.

Lu Zhiyu was standing in front of the light ball of the super computer, and as he pointed at the light ball with his finger, a control panel popped out immediately. It then told Lu Zhiyu that he didn’t have the access authority to operate it.

After hearing this, Lu Zhiyu penetrated the computer with his mind power, which unlocked it immediately. Layers of tips and character alerts kept immediately flashed across the screen, while Lu Zhiyu extracted all of this information.

Lu Zhiyu immediately found what he was looking for, which was the journal of the captain! Just as Lu Zhiyu expected, they did come from the large nebula in Orion, but that wasn’t their real hometown.

Instead, there was a reconstructed colonial star named Yach in Orion, which was owned by the Atlantis people. They were observing the young nebular at the edge of the nebula.

The discovery and reconstruction of Yach was a trial and scientific advancement of the Atlantis civilization. Thus, it was more of a scientific research center than a colonial star.

This piece of information solved many of the puzzles in Lu Zhiyu’s mind, as there was no way that such a developed civilization would choose to inhabit the large nebula of Orion, where the living conditions were so harsh. So, although this spaceship had indeed taken off from the large nebula in Orion, it wasn’t made there.

Only the captain of this spaceship had come from the mother star. As for the other residents in this spaceship, they were born on that colonial star called Yach. In fact, they had been living on that colonial star for generations.

Moreover, this wasn’t an exploration spaceship, but a fleeing spaceship. They had apparently encountered a catastrophe that had almost wiped out their entire civilization, which is why they had to flee to a mysterious and unknown universe. The translation of the name of their civilization was Atlantis, and this spaceship was named “Hope,” and the title of the last captain meant the word blue.

In year 5868 in the Star Calendar, a mysterious and superior creature suddenly approached our galaxy. We couldn’t observe where it came from and where it was headed. All of a sudden, it showed up in our galaxy, without any warning... The journal recorded.

We named it “Dark Mother Tree.” Dark Mother Tree approached us and swallowed our entire mother planet. Everyone on the planet, even including the planet itself, then became a part of it. It kept emanating a special force field, infecting everything around it and forcing everything to assimilate into it. All the living creatures, even those lifeless objects, were penetrated by its power. Its enormous tree trunk found its root on our planet, and the entire planet became its nutrients. We can’t figure out where it comes from or where it is heading toward. Also, no matter what we try, we can’t injure it in the slightest...

The journal continued... Researchers concluded that it is a higher-dimensional creature that’s beyond our imagination. It was able to travel through time, which is how it arrived at our galaxy. We can’t be sure whether it comes from the ancient past or the distant future.

Also, it is a higher-dimensional creature. As such, time should only be a conceptual noun that describes the changes in its material. It is immortal, making it a creature that is way beyond our imaginations and knowledge. We don’t know why it came to our era or what it is looking for...

No matter how we tried to communicate with it, it was useless. It seemed that it just refused to communicate with us. To it, we’re just like bugs, worthless and inferior creatures not worth conversing with. Even the war between us and them was stupid and laughable. We tried to fight it, yet it didn’t even move its body at all! It just took a glimpse at us and we lost the war!

The journal continued... Our mother planet was totally destroyed. The enormous number of monsters bred by the Dark Mother Tree kept attacking and infecting us. Everyone became its sidekicks, under its power, and the entire civilization of Atlantis became an enslaved civilization.

Then, the monsters that were coming from the Dark Mother Tree kept attacking us, and even some of our own turned against us. Not only did we lose our mother star, but we also lost several colonial stars. We then had to flee to the most distant colonial star, Yach.

Then... Da*n it! Those b*stards chased us down here too, and Yach was also conquered! A large number of monsters have now completely occupied Yach. I have to take the surviving people of Atlantis to flee, but I don’t know we to go. We have already lost all of our territories. Now, Hope is like a lone island in the universe, not knowing where to fly!

The journal recorded... There is a seed of Dark Mother Trees outside our cabin, and it has reached the interior part of the cabin. We’ve lost all hope already. We might even be the last group of people from Atlantis, as our civilization was totally destroyed!

Lu Zhiyu kept reading through the captain’s journal. He was only skimming through the journal, but he could still feel the desperation of this captain named “Blue.”

The journal recorded... It is now inevitable that many of the monsters and our companions have been infected and have assimilated into the creature. I have received an order for all of the surviving ones to enter the playground so that we can save our civilization. Fortunately, the second everyone entered the playground, the infection and transformation stopped!

However, we have now been transformed into data. Hopefully, the spaceship “Hope” can find a planet that is inhabitable. Perhaps that’s where we can reignite our hopes and carry on our civilization. At this moment, the spaceship has changed to automatic flying mode, and the “Hope plan” has been enacted. The civilization of Atlantis will never die!

Lu Zhiyu clicked into the so-called Hope plan and perused its section of journals. He immediately saw a large number of photos of the earth, which had captions regarding reconstructing intelligent lives. All of those plans were carried out by the intelligent robots, and the super computer at the center was in charge of this entire plan!

Lu Zhiyu then clicked into the information section about the virtual world of the playground, and he immediately found out that the virtual world had been closed for 400,000 years! When Lu Zhiyu clicked into the final journal, he read that the playground was closed with everyone’s consent after 2,000 years of operation.

They had then deleted all of their memories and wiped away all of the data, yet they didn’t state the reasons behind these actions. They only found the solar system after hundreds of years of fleeing, and it took the spaceship around 2,000 years to find the earth and land on it.

After reading this, Lu Zhiyu stayed silent for a long time as he thought... Perhaps they were completely in despair and had lost all hope, making them not want to live any longer..

As he looked at this spacious spaceship and that giant city in ruins, Lu Zhiyu felt that it wasn’t a spaceship, but was more like a gigantic tomb! As Lu Zhiyu looked at the giant super computer inside it, he gazed at the floating consciousnesses of the final surviving people of the Atlantis.

At this moment, they had lost their memories, thus making their consciousnesses no longer viable. However, because of spaceship had assimilated into the Dark Mother Tree, the powerful force field was enveloping it. Hence, their consciousnesses couldn’t wither away, but were trapped inside forever.

Lu Zhiyu finally figured out where that spaceship had come from, as well as the distant secret dating back to when the human beings were born. However, the thing that actually piqued Lu Zhiyu’s interests was the existence mentioned in the journal of Captain Blue, which was the existence that had destroyed their civilization.

The Dark Mother Tree! Lu Zhiyu thought. A higher-dimensional creature? Not a high-dimensional creature space-wise, but a creature that has traveled through time?

He then wondered... How can a creature that can shuttle back and forth through time exist? This doesn’t make any sense!

Even Lu Zhiyu found this too difficult to comprehend, not to mention the people from Atlantis!

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