
Chapter 120

Chapter 120: New Journey

「Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh!」 (Reni)

When Mile told Reni about the long-term expedition, Reni shouted loudly as expected.

「...Was that so」 (Reni)

However right after that, she was unexpectedly calm accepting it. Everyone thought that Reni was going to make a fuss and crying.

「What with your attitude, I can’t believe you!」 (Reni)

Reni-chan is sulking.

「When we are running an inn, I know there will be a time we need to part. It often occurs.

Still, it’s far better than going hunting and never return again, or become a chunky meat lump.

It’s far more better, because you just go on a journey for learning. This is just a simple farewell.

Also, won’t you come back again someday? It’s not like we can’t meet each other again」 (Reni)

「Red oath」girls are agape as they admire Reni that is more adult than they thought.

And the unfortunate guests who had eaten steak, stopped moving their forks around 「a chunky meat lump」part.

「But then, you can’t have 「no restriction for using hot water」 in all bathrooms, I mean, it will be difficult, isn’t it?

Even if you decide to use it sparely, the cost to hire a hunter to make hot water is much higher than we do. You won’t get much profit for the effort, do you?

That’s why you can’t make much profit while we are away, the bath survice is almost for attracting and advertising purposes. Isn’t that right?」 (Mile)

Reni-chan is bombarded with Mile’s words. (T.N: mean Mile asking one after another and doesn’t allow Reni has a chance to reply)

Yes, while the girls were absent, Reni had filled water by hired orphans. Heating water with kettles was cheaper and faster than hire a magician with free meals.

What Mile said was true.

After all, when counting the water tanks for all the blocks, we would need 3 meters tall, 4 meters wide and 50 centimeters depth for the required water volume, it’s about 6 tons.

Besides, considering the amount of hot water we need to add to the tank supply for shower.

We have to pump up hundreds buckets of water from a well with a certain distance and heat it up and carry it to the tank. Each bucket is as much as 10 liters water. So much labor.

Even if we ask fire magicians to heat up the tank, we need at least more than 2 magicians and of course that many fire magicians never convenient stay at the inn every night.

However, if we limit the amount of shower room to one, we only need to fill 1 meter multiply 1.5 meters multiply 50 centimeters.

That’s right, without Mile’s magic, it takes considerable time and expense to prepare the bath and hot water.

When the inn limit the amount of hot water using, the amount of guests can use it are also limit.

Only when the 「Red oath」stayed, the inn can earn money with 「no restriction for using hot water」 in all bathrooms.


「When we are gone, it will be painful to manage the bath.

Without raising the price, you can’t make profits. The time and effort requirement are too big, it will be just a burden for Reni.

It might be better to break down the bath ... 」 (Mile)

「No good!」 (Reni)

Reni-chan is obstructing Mile’s worrying words.

「Actually, the management was going well. And ... because it’s family-run, no labor costs are required.

Beside, if we break the bath, our inn will be just one of the common ordinary inn in the capital.

Now that our name is selling well, thanks to the bath survice and sisters’s attracting customers.

So we can’t afford to lose the bath survice here at the same time you are going on a journey... 」 (Reni)

Reni-chan keeps speaking.

「We are an inn, the visitors who stay at the inn have no homes in this town.

Most of them are travelers, this I were prepared for sisters to travel someday as well. But I already decided before.

At that time, I want keep the bath even if we can’t get any profit from it. No matter how painful it is ...」 (Reni)

Reni has a determined eye as she says that.

「Reni will not give up, no matter what happens!」 (Reni)


「Mile, what are you doing?」 (Rena)

In the inn’s room Mile wears a cloak over her underwear (下着).

She is practicing something bashfully, The other girls watching her with a shocking face.

「Ah..., no, It’s just a Nake Mante (エトウランゼ), in preparation for the ending ...」 (Mile)

「Don’t tell me something that we don’t understand!」 (Rena)

And late at night.

Mile came out of her bed and left the room quietly.

Three other girls quietly followed after.

This time, Pauline was also properly included.

Actually, they don’t think that Mile will run away. Unlike last time, Mile is in her underwear.

And Rena thought.

(What are you planning to do if you come across someone?) (Rena)

Actually a lady was never allowed to go out like this.

Rena and other girls are safe because they wore cloak over their sleepwear.

This time Mile doesn’t use detection magic. But It was because it’s troublesome, but it was because she can’t enjoy the thrill when she know everything. Of course, when necessary, Mile will use it without hesitation.

That’s why the sneaking Mile didn’t notice the existence of the other girls. And where she headed is...

(......bath?) (Rena + Pauline + Maevis)

Yes, Mile was heading to the bath.

(Are you going to take a bath one last time?) (Rena)

Rena thought so, but Mile stopped at the wall without entering the bathroom.

And she use soil magic without chanting.

Then a hole opens on the ground, the soil began to form a wall of a tall well. And then the soil become hardened like rock.

After that, Mile make a small fireball with fire magic and drop into the well.

After checking the inside the well, Mile looked satisfied and was about to return to the room ...

「Huh..., everyone!」 (Mile)

「Stop sneaking out by yourselves! Everyone is your friends!

No matter good or bad thing, you need to consult us before doing.

Everyone will be doing it, and everyone takes responsibility!」 (Rena)

Maevis and Pauline nods to Rena’s words.

「............I’m sorry」 (Mile)

Mile was scolded by Rena, but she was a little happy for some reason instead of depressing.


「Thank you for taking care of us for a long time!」 (Rena)

「No, no, we were taken care of in various ways, like souvenir on the way home from work, a bath, ...

Thanks to that, the occupancy rate of the guest room rose and the net profit rose. We are really appreciate it」 (Reni’s mother)

The girls were slightly shy when being told so by Reni’s mother.

And Red Oath were sent off by Reni’s family and other guests who currently stay at the inn.

「They already left」 (Reni’s parents)

「Yes, they left ...」 (Other guests, maybe)

When hearing everyone said so, Reni who still smiled until then began to cry

「U~eee...」 (Reni)

Reni clung to her mother and cried.

Her mother pats her head, but Reni never stop crying.


A few hours later.

Reni comes to the yard and realize the existence of a well that suddenly appeared next to the tanks of the bathroom.

If we think about it, there’s a well a few dozens meters away. That means there was the water line running in the basement around here.

If we are digging arround here, we may make another well.

Of course, everyone knew it but they didn’t have the money to do such a construction.

And with this, the labor of drawing water drastically decreases.

No, the effort to pump up is unchanged, but the distance to carry is almost zero.

If this is the case, the wages paid to the orphans will decrease ...

No, because we need less labor now, should we expand the bath and aim for an increase in revenues alone with the bath fee?

「Ahahahahaha ... 」 (Reni)

And Rennie was thinking.

(Onee-chan, It would have been nice if you made a roof too...) (Reni)

As expected of Mile, she didn’t think so far ahead.


While walking with everyone, Mile was thinking.

[ I should have attached some useful mechanism to pump water from the well.

However, such a mechanism tends to break down.

Once it breaks down, it can not be repaired, and it makes no sense when it happen.

Besides, if Reni’s inn has is such a thing, they much watch out for merchants and authorities.

Then, how about the something that can’t be copied?

Make an upper half golem body that works with only one funtion「pull out water」

Yes, but should I call it a Robot instead ?

Because it’s this world’s first robot, of course, the name is 「Lobby」 (ロビー Ro bi Ichi)

But everyone in this world doesn’t have a concept of a robot, so if I don’t do it well, it will be treated as a monster.

Because it is placed next to a well, it will be called as 「」

But there’s no one in this world can understand the meta that I thought of ] (Mile’s inner thought)

Mile cried in her heart about the cruel of this world.

「What are you thinking, why are you look like irritated or frustrated about something.

Well, finally, a new journey for「Red oath」

We will spread our name and I’m aiming for B rank!」 (Rena)

「After that, I will be aiming for A rank and become a knight!」 (Maevis)

「Make money and start a business on my own!」 (Pauline)

「... Uhm, I’d like to get the happiness as an ordinary, mediocre girl ...」 (Mile)

「Let’s do it, everyone!」 (Rena)

「Oooh !! 」 (Pauline + Maevis)

「That...」 (Mile)

Nobody has heard Mile ‘s words.


A few days later.

「Excuse me, I heard that the female hunter party, 「red oath 」 is staying here ...」 (Kulereia)

The one who appeared in the inn was Dr. Kulereia.

「Eh? Who are you, what do you want from sisters?」 (Reni)

It isn’t uncommon for someone wanting to meet the 「red oath」and try to do it at the inn.

Reni thinks that this girl also wants to join the party and replies the same as usual.

In other words, return to them with a salt correspondence- like reply.

「Oh, I’m sorry, please tell them that Kulereia came」 (Kulereia)

As expected, even though the other party is a child. But she is having a conversation on the job, Dr. Kulereia is still using polite word with Reni.

But the answer was salty and cold.

「Big sisters of 「Red oath 」already left」 (Reni)

「Huh...?」 (Kulereia)

It is still only 1 day after the previous request. So Red Oath should be a rest vacations for a while. The doctor who thought so was surprised.

「So, what kind of request were they received and where did they go?」 (Kulereia)

「I don’t know, and even if I know it, I will not spread Big sisters’s private information, which is our pride as an inn’s keeper」 (Reni)

Because it is a conversation on the job, Dr. Kulereia was using proper and polite words even for a child.

Even so, she was surprised at how Reni having a working adult attitude.

「Ah ... I’m sorry, then, when will they come back ...」 (Kulereia)

「I don’t know」 (Reni)

「That’s...」 (Kulereia)

Reni decided to tell only the things that don’t really effect that much to Dr. Kulereia.

「Big sisters of 「Red oath 」had already left, not were going out.

In other words, it means that they left this inn, and won’t go back anymore」 (Reni)

「Huh...?」 (Kulereia)

Heard the shockig news, Doctor silently got out of the inn and ran to the Hunter Guild. With full force.

「Where did the「Red oath 」go? 」

Dr. Kulereia yelled so as she diving into the guild.

Even this is also coversation for job, but she forgot to use polite word.

「A few days ago, they already departed, but ...」 (Receptionist)

Because being loud in the guild is troublesome for other customers, the receptionist who was talking to the a hunter party, was answering it from the counter.

「Where, where! Where did they go?」 (Kulereia)

Dr. Kulereia is no longer care about anything like surroundings.

「I don’t know,

I mean, they didn’t decide where to go,

I’ve heard of a wandering trip for training, but ...」(Receptionist)

「Well, that kind of ... 」 (Kulereia)

Dr. Kulereia heard the news and was kneeing on the ground (orz)

「That child’s secret! The mystery of that power!

Even though I have found an mysterious girl, that I won’t get bored for a long time!」 (Kulereia)

But the doctor stood up right away.

「I will not let go ... Absolutely, Do you think you can escape from me?」 (Kulereia)


And 「Red oath」goes on a journey.

Seeking a new city, a new adventure, and a new gold coin saving.

... In addition, an「ordinary happiness」as well.

FUNA sensei’s note:

Let’s rest once, with good cutting!

There is no writing schedule and I’m a little fatigue ... ....

(^ ^ゞ I’m sorry, please let me rest properly for 3 consecutive holidays.

The next update is scheduled in Friday, October 23. (^ ^) /

Translator’s Note: Golden time that FUNA sensei release dailies. Now is weekly.

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