
Chapter 634 - An Ambush!

Chapter 634 An Ambush!

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo and the others in the control room were made as witnesses for the little match agreed between Veronica and the all-female group against Oman and the all-male group. In such a way, no one would dare to back out when they lose. 

As much as they don\'t want to agree, thinking that it might just accidentally cause some feud to form between their alliance, they were left with no other choice since this concerns all sides\' pride, dignity, and honor. 

"Remember, this is just a friendly match between Oman and his all-male group, so there is no need to take this competition seriously," Leo didn\'t forget to remind Veronica and the others from the all-female group. 

"I know. I promise you that I will not bring you any sort of trouble," Veronica said in assurance. 

Heaving a sigh of relief, Leo said, "Okay, then be careful,"

"Yes, Guild Leader Loki," Veronica acknowledged. 

Nodding her head at Oman and the all-male group, Veronica then quickly left towards the south, along with Vannessa, Jessica, Elreen, and Erika. 

Not wanting to be left behind, Oman, Ofin, Olok, and Egot swiftly followed. 

Meanwhile, the five people in the control room were consequently separated themselves into three groups in order to equally manage the two groups, specifically Leo and Selina commanded the all-female group, while Orcborg and Bagley commanded the all-male group, and last but not the least, Luke being left alone as the meditator. 

Back to the map of the miniature replica of the Mountain Wall range; Veronica and her all-female team could soon be seen traversing the difficult terrain of the southern region. 

Unlike the northern region of the miniature replica of the Mountain Wall range, the southern region was where plenty of mountains could be found. It was exactly this region that had gotten this entire place the title of Mountain Wall range. 

Fortunately, despite having plenty of mountains, all of them were only considered as hill in size at most in this miniature replica of the Mountain Wall range. After all, it would be extremely difficult to really create a lot of tall and big mountains with only a hundred kilometers wide space to use. Albeit, this still doesn\'t change the fact that it was very difficult to move around the southern region. 

Traversing the southern region requires not only a lot of carefulness but also caution and wariness from both the terrain and the Hiders hiding in this place. It was long already mentioned previously that the alliance hiding here is the participants from the top 11 to top 20, a lot more stronger compared to their previous targets before. 

Although it doesn\'t necessarily mean that these teams from the top 11 to top 20 are really strong when being compared to Veronica and the others, but they still shouldn\'t underestimate any of them. If they make a mistake, then it might just cause them to get eliminated.

Veronica and the all-female group were given a separate target from Oman and the all-male group. The former\'s target was two Hiders from the team of the top 19, while the latter\'s target was a single Hider from the top 13. 

The Hiders from the top 19 were located at the southern-most part, thus it took a considerable amount of time before Veronica and the all-female group finally arrived at the place. 

Over this place, they need to watch out for two other teams, specifically from the top 18 and top 17. 

This time, there were no longer any Seeker groups indirectly assisting them, therefore, everything was left for them to handle. 

"The team from the top 18 are in your 9 o\'clock, while the team from the top 17 are in your 3 o\'clock. Continue proceeding for roughly around 100 to 150 meters to your 6 o\'clock in order to make contact with the targets," Leo said through the communicators. 

Nodding their heads, Veronica and the all-female group started moving towards 6 o\'clock. 

After tens or so of minutes of walking, they finally spotted the base of the team from the top 19. However, they haven\'t found any of the three people yet, probably hiding inside? 

In front of them, there is a small and inconspicuous camp hidden using the dense trees as a roof and dozens of tall rock formations surrounding all of its sides. 

Such a hiding spot was almost considered as close to perfect. In fact, if only there wasn\'t any bird\'s eye view provided by Elmont, Tifa, and Tila, and the two Magic Technologies, Mirror Map Table and light screen helping Leo and Selina, then it would no doubt be extremely difficult to locate their hiding spot right now. 

"The area is clear from the other two Hiders teams and from any Seeker groups. So you are all good to execute your attack," Elmont informed. 

"Roger!" Veronica nodded her head in response. She then motioned her hand to both left and right as she sent Vannessa and Jessica, and Elreen and Erika, respectively, to those two locations to surround the camp at the center. 

After doing that, Veronica then sneaked at the one and only entrance of the camp located right at the very middle while using the dense lush plants around her as a cover. 

All of a sudden, Leo\'s worried voice exclaimed loudly through the communicators, "Veronica, wait! Don\'t move! Keep your heads low and don\'t make any noticeable movements!"

"Is there something wrong?" Veronica asked curiously. 

"Just wait for a few seconds, we are locating one of the targets," Selina replied as she tapped on the red dot located surprisingly right above Veronica. Seeing the scene on the light screen, she was completely unable to say anything, "This..."

The instant he saw the scene, Leo directly ordered, "Dodge!"


Swiftly, Veronica dodged to the right. In the next moment, at her peripheral vision, she saw a fireball landing on her former location. 


Pulling herself together, Veronica warned the others, "Watch your heads, everyone, there are hidden sentry towers around the stems of the trees," 

Vannessa, Jessica, Elreen, and Erika quickly hid themselves to avoid from any surprise attack before quickly beginning to look around the surrounding trees. 

Just like what Veronica had warned them, they soon respectively spotted Magic circles that are near to their completion, targeting towards them.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

The moment the Magic circles were finished forming, the Fireshot spell, specifically a 2-Star level Magic spell, right after began raining towards their location. 

Booom! Booom! Booom! Booom! 

Dozens of explosions soon sounded all around the camp of the team from the top 19. 

A Cloud of dust began rising through the air, obscuring the vision of everyone from both sides. But despite that, the barrage of attack still didn\'t settle down. 

Hearing the continuous explosions from both places, Veronica, who was currently fighting against one of the targets, can\'t help but asked worryingly, "Is everyone okay?"

"We\'re both fine," Vannessa reported their status with Jessica. 

"Same goes for us. All thanks to your early warning," Elreen informed. 

"If you aren\'t confident in finishing them off, then lure them towards either of your locations in order to assist one another," Veronica suggested. 

"We will try our best," Jessica responded. 

"I think we are fine here," Erika also expressed that they can handle their opponent. 

"Then, good luck!" Veronica encourages, before quickly switching all of her focus to her opponent in front.

With a fierce look on her face, Veronica casted, "Vine whip!"

Instantly two vines shoot out from the ground and swiftly lashed towards the sentry tower connected to the tree in front. 

Bang! Bang! 

As the sentry tower was merely made out of thin wood, it was easily destroyed by the lashing of the vines. 

What appeared afterwards was surprisingly no one. Though it didn\'t take that long for Veronica\'s opponent, a male Elf, to reveal himself. 

"Earth spikes!" 

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

Quickly dodging to the side in order to avoid from the two earth spikes shooting towards her direction, Veronica soon after put her hand forward and casted a Magic spell, "Root drill!"

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

Two drilling roots swiftly shoot out towards the location of Veronica\'s target. One targeted the stem the man was walking on, while the other one acted as a distraction and to also interrupt the Magic spell he was currently casting. 

With no other choice left, the man could only stop casting his Magic spell as he jumped towards another stem in front of him. 

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

Bang! Bang!

However, unbeknownst to the man, the moment his body was in a jumping motion mid-air, the vine whip that Veronica had just casted previously lashed towards his back. 


Because of that, the man was unable to control his body\'s motion anymore as he flew towards the stem he was supposedly going to land on, instantly breaking it apart, and he soon after continued to the ground. Realizing the danger of his current situation, he could only put both of his hands over his head to receive the impact of the fall. 


As soon as the man landed on the ground, both hands covering his head broke as if it was a stick because of how high he had fallen from, thus making him cry loudly in pain. But he quickly ignored the pain as he tried to stand up from the ground, hoping to escape this place before that woman could try to kill him. 

However, just when he stood up both of his feet, the man soon coughed out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. He slowly turned to look at his body and soon after saw two wide holes, both from the location of his heart and stomach, with blood continuously oozing out from them. While in front of him, he saw two drilling roots covered with his blood embedded in a tree.

In the next moment, the man slowly dropped down on the ground with a lifeless body.

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