
Chapter 495 - The End Of The Hunt Part 3

Chapter 495 The End of the Hunt part 3

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

With those abandoned 1 Star to 5 Star Savage Foxes joining the camp of the other Three-Tailed Savage Foxes, their forces immediately grew by a considerable amount.

The three Three-Tailed Savage Foxes were immediately delighted with the new addition to their forces. They can\'t help feeling more confident of their chances of escaping this place while still having a lot of their men remaining alive.

"Oh, so it\'s finally time to begin," Chief Lago said before putting the Doombringer in front of him to prepare to catch his prey. To be honest, right now he is actually feeling a bit excited inside. He finally understood the reason why the Savage Foxes always like to reverse the situation from Hunter and Hunted to Hunted and Hunter.

In the next moment, all the Savage Foxes following the command of the three Three-Tailed Savage Foxes immediately charged forward, towards the direction of the only opening in this trap.

With a serious expression on his face, Chief Lago waved the Doombringer on his hand while saying, "Vine spell!"

Whooooosh! Whooooosh! Whooooosh!

Chief Lago wasn\'t yet finished. He gathered another wave of Mana from the Stars inside his consciousness as he casted, "Water Lock!"

Whooooosh! Whooooosh! Whooooosh!

Followed after by,

"Earth Prison!"

Whooooosh! Whooooosh! Whooooosh!

And lastly,

"Green Terrain!"

Five hundred or so of vines immediately charged straight towards the charging Savage Foxes as it then began catching the Savage Foxes and trapping them.

Of course, the Savage Foxes would naturally not just let themselves be caught that easily. They used their sharp claws and mouth to begin tearing the vines apart. As for those that got caught, they would unfortunately just be left behind as they don\'t have a lot of time to waste on helping them escape.

While they were fighting against the vines, the next wave of attack also soon followed after.

Hundreds of a meter or so long object made entirely out of water that looks something like a rope shoot towards the feet of the Savage Foxes.

Every Savage Foxes that gets caught would have all four of their limbs be tied together by the water rope and drop to the ground, unable to continue moving forward any further.

Unlike the Vine spell, the Water Lock spell wasn\'t something easy to defend against as they are not physical objects that can just be destroyed by sharp bites or claws. Even hitting them doesn\'t destroy them, instead, it would only allow the water rope to catch them easily.

Nevertheless, the Savage Foxes were still able to think of a way to fight back against the Water Lock spell. They sent out those weak cannon fodder to the very front to block those attacks. And from time to time, strong cannon fodder was also ordered to go in front to block multiple attacks.

As heartless as it may sound, those Savage Foxes that were treated as cannon fodder couldn\'t do anything about it. This was their Fate after getting abandoned by the strong Savage Foxes of their pack that had already escaped away. They couldn\'t blame anyone aside from themselves due to their powerlessness. If only they were strong like those 6 Star to 7 Star Savage Foxes that had already escaped with their Leaders, specifically the two Three-Tailed Savage Foxes, then they wouldn\'t have not experienced what they are experiencing right now.

It wasn\'t yet over with the appearance of the Vine spell and Water Lock spell, because while those two Magic spells were continuously causing a lot of problems to the charging Savage Foxes, the third round of attack soon after arrived.

Hundreds of cages made out of earth began falling from the sky and trapping the unfortunate Savage Foxes that it had landed on. Some were even really unfortunate that they got squashed and die. Can\'t be avoided though because there were just so many earth cages for Chief Lago to control and avoid killing any Savage Foxes.

Fortunately, this time, the earth cages could be easily destroyed by using enough force. Hence, the Savage Foxes were able to eventually escape from the trap after attacking the earth cages a few times, or even by just one attack only whenever a strong Savage Fox was caught, unlike those that got trapped by the Vine spell and Water Lock spell,

Unbeknownst to the Savage Foxes though, the Earth Prison spell was actually only meant to delay them, to create a window of opportunity for the Vine spell and Water Lock spell to trap them, and most importantly, to make a gap in between those that successfully escaped the earth cages and those that were still continuing to charge at the very front.

With the delay and gap created, the last Magic spell that Chief Lago had casted, specifically the Green Terrain spell, was then given the perfect moment to appear.

Thousands of more than 50 meters tall grasses began growing from the ground, blocking the view of the Savage Foxes around their surroundings, especially in the front, and at the same time causing their movements to slow down.

The Vine spell had still allowed the Savage Foxes to fight back, thus only a few were successfully trapped.

The Water Lock spell had still allowed the Savage Foxes to use their cannon fodder to block the attack for them, thus although a considerable amount of Savage Foxes were indeed successfully caught, it didn\'t necessarily deal a fatal blow to those Savage Fox tribes that remained inside the trap.

And lastly, the Earth Prison spell had still allowed the Savage Foxes to destroy and escape from the earth cages, thus it didn\'t minimize the numbers of the Savage Foxes that much as some of them were still able to escape.

The reason for all of those to happen though was simply because the Savage Foxes were still able to cooperate with each other to lend a hand in fighting against the Magic spells that Chief Lago had casted.

However, this time, with the appearance of the Green Terrain spell, the majority, or even worst, all of the Savage Foxes, are now put into a situation where they only have themselves to rely on.

Although it\'s actually still possible for the Savage Foxes to cooperate with each other, but with the thousands of vines blocking their vision of their entire surroundings, doing so would be extremely difficult.

Not to mention, with the Savage Foxes separated into three different packs right now and with a few others who were a bit behind of their main group, it would be difficult to tell whether the Savage Fox that appeared around them is actually their ally or enemy, making it even more difficult to cooperate.

To add even more difficulty to that problem as it already has, those Savage Foxes that were treated as mere cannon fodder a while ago are also now given a huge opportunity to change their situation. This means that they don\'t need to needlessly sacrifice themselves for others.

Because of all of that, cooperating with one another has almost become next to impossible to happen, and it\'s safe to say that the Savage Foxes are now in fact on their own.

Still, no matter how bad their situation has become, the Savage Foxes still continued to try their best to move forward and escape from this place.

It\'s just that, there\'s a one really huge problem...

"Now that your vision is limited, it\'s now time for the final show," Chief Lago said with a mischievous smile on his face. He quickly waved the Doombringer on his hand and casted, "Misty Cloud!"


A thick white-colored fog appeared as it then began covering the entire huge trap that Chief Lago had meticulously set up. And soon, the entire inside of the trap is now covered by fog.

With this new addition of fog, it made the situation of the Savage Foxes even more difficult. In fact, it\'s even almost impossible for them to determine where they are going towards.


From one of the thick clouds up above the sky, a few 50 meters tall rock pillars that Chief Lago had secretly hidden before has fallen straight down and right after landed on the only open path remaining to exit in the trap. And because of that, there\'s now only one remaining route to escape from the trap, that is to jump up.

The question though, would Chief Lago even allow the Savage Foxes to do that now that his trap is near to successfully trapping all the Savage Foxes inside?

Honestly speaking, that\'s not even considered as a question, because obviously, from the start until now, the goal of Chief Lago has always remained to be capturing the Savage Foxes.

Now, with the exit secretly closed, the Savage Foxes kept on finding themselves on a dead-end, quickly making them choose another direction to look and hopefully find that exit.

The three Three-Tailed Savage Foxes were also not an exception to that kind of problem as they also found themselves lost and unable to find the exit.

Unfortunately, never could any of the Savage Foxes expect that right now the exit they were looking for was long already gone.

As the Vine spell, Water Lock spell, and Earth Prison spell continuously trapping more and more Savage Foxes, their numbers slowly and slowly dwindle down without any of them noticing. Or even if they indeed noticed, they didn\'t care about it as they only cared about themselves.

After enough time passes, all the Savage Foxes inside the trap have now been successfully captured, thus marking Chief Lago\'s plan successful.

This also marks the end of the battle, as the defeat of the Savage Foxes meant that Leo and the Mischievous Lion Guild have successfully defeated all the Magical Beasts.

Seeing that there were no longer any movements from the Savage Foxes inside the trap, the Magical Beasts soon began retreating back to their respective bases.

Not a single Magical Beasts chooses to remain on the battlefield as they all understood clearly that right now, they have lost this battle.

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