
Chapter 360 - Planning To Leave Silver Kingdom Part 2

Chapter 360 Planning to leave Silver Kingdom part 2

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo left the room alone as the girls discussed with themselves what they should prepare now that they are planning to leave Silver Kingdom, specifically tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Leo went to look for his Master Olivia to tell him about what he was planning to do. He wasn\'t going to leave without informing those people who genuinely care about him, he\'s not that irresponsible.

Moreover, he also wants to bring some people with him. He wasn\'t going to just go on solo; he was planning to create a team, or to be more precise, establish a guild registered to the Mischievous Lion Academy.

The guild would be his starting point in his plan to gather capable people to fight against the Gods, and then slowly build it into an organization similar to the Mischievous Lion organization until it became a top organization like the Sword and Magic, and finally join hands with his Master Olivia to establish a sect.

Once they established a sect, then gathering people from the Foreign races would become a lot easier for them.

In the case of Guilds and Organizations, it would really be hard to attract people from the Foreign races, because the majority of the members of both came from the same race. Unless if a member of a Foreign race is really in need of a group to join or if they bought Foreign races slaves themselves from Slave Merchants. Both cases, however, would have more cons than pros. The former has a high chance of recruiting a traitor, while the latter would end up with having weaker people as slaves are commonly known to have hidden injuries somewhere around their bodies.

Hence, the best choice is to take with him everyone from his Smiling Lion group, Mischievous Lion faction, and a few Hybrids from the Eclipse troops.

Soon, Leo arrived in front of a big tent said to be where Queen Olivia was staying right now.

"Master?" Leo called out first, as he wasn\'t intending to just walk inside the tent without any permission. Aside from that, in front of him right now, he also saw another Fate String aside from his Master Olivia. It was a Fate String for a family, specifically color white, so this person should be his older brother Reinhart.

He really can\'t believe his older brother Reinhart would now know how to play favorites. He didn\'t even bother visiting his own younger brother first before going to his own woman. And what\'s even more disappointing here is, he already knows that he\'s alive.

After waiting for a minute and a half, there was still no response. But in his eyes right now, he could see the Fate Strings moving from one place to another from its former location before which was beside each other, or was it on top of each other, hmmm...

Basing on the Fate Strings a while ago, it seems like he had come at the wrong time...

"Okay, I would be leaving you both with each other. Just continue on having fun and just call me when you both are done. And I almost forgot, older brother, please don\'t show your face to me ever again." Leo said before pretending to walk away.

But before he could even pretend to step back, Queen Olivia\'s voice sounded loudly behind him, "LEO, GET INSIDE HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Leo smiled mischievously before getting inside the tent. Unfortunately, right now there was only one Fate String remaining inside, implying that his older brother Reinhart has left. "Tch, that guy didn\'t even plan to say goodbye to me. What an irresponsible older brother, can\'t believe I used to believe and trust him when I was still a kid."

Arriving inside, Leo immediately saw Queen Olivia shooting him a murderous look while crossing her arms together in front of her. But the clothes she\'s wearing right now completely betrayed her. Should he even call it clothes, since it was in fact a bathrobe?

His assumption was indeed correct, she was having \'fun\' with his older brother Reinhart when he just unexpectedly arrived. Now it\'s reasonable why she\'s shooting him a murderous look.

"What did you see?!" Queen Olivia exclaimed while her feet were tapping the floor, expressing her impatience and annoyance.

"I saw nothing." Leo replied with a calm look on his face. He really did see nothing. If not for the Fate Strings that he had seen, then he would definitely not know who was inside, or even assume what was going on.

"Then how did you know that your old... older brother was wi... with me?" Queen Olivia said while feeling flustered.

"Oh, I felt some familiar aura outside the tent, so I immediately assumed that it was him. Aside from that..." Leo said while slowly moving a bit closer to Queen Olivia before whispering, "You both were a bit loud... you know, doing that thing."

Queen Olivia\'s face immediately turned burning red as soon as she realized that it was actually them that causes Leo to find out.

Unbeknownst to Queen Olivia though, Leo was actually just testing the waters to know whether his assumption was indeed true or not. Simply put, he just wants to confirm it even further. And base on her reaction right now, it proves that he\'s indeed one hundred percent correct.

"Wer... were we real... really that lo... loud...?" Queen Olivia can\'t help asking while hiding her blushing face.

Leo just nodded his head in response, planning to continue on teasing his sister-in-law.

"Wer... were there any... anyone nearb... nearby...?" Queen Olivia asked another question.

Leo put his hand on his chin while pretending to think. After tens or so of seconds, he replied, "I think there was, or maybe there wasn\'t... Anyways, we will know about that once rumors about you having \'fun\' inside your tent start to spread around the camp, right?"

Hearing Leo\'s words, Queen Olivia\'s face immediately turned as white as a sheet of paper. In her mind, she began imagining people secretly pointing at her while talking about the topic of her having \'fun\' inside her tent.

"Quickly, go and begin looking for those people. I want you to bring them in front of me as soon as possible! We cannot allow any rumors about me to spread, as it would definitely affect the minds of our army." Queen Olivia said in panic.

"Roger!" Leo said before quickly leaving the tent. There was no need to stay anymore as he finally got his permission to leave. The moment he finally left Silver Kingdom, he will just send his Master Olivia a letter saying that the person who knew about her secret has run off the territory, so he doesn\'t have any choice left but to also follow after that person.

To be honest, he could have actually just asked for permission in a formal manner to his Master Olivia. In fact, he was literally going to do that. But now that he knows that his \'overprotective\' older brother Reinhart has come to \'visit\' her, then he could already expect that she would one hundred percent not allow him to leave. She\'ll either use the excuse that they are currently rebuilding the Silver Kingdom or that she needs all the 12 Zodiacs to manage the people. No matter what excuse it would turn out to be, all of it would similarly imply that he cannot leave away from her sight.

Therefore, without any choices remaining, he could only choose to use a \'reasonable excuse\'.

As for his plan that he was supposedly going to share with his Master Olivia, he\'ll just move that to a later date. Right now was unfortunately not the good time for him to tell her that yet.

After leaving Queen Olivia\'s tent, Leo quickly began looking for Ethan and Crown Prince... No, just Edward, as he wanted to invite the two of them to join him as well. Anyways, the both of them were long been desiring to go on an adventure outside of Silver Kingdom, so maybe they\'ll not refuse his invitation... maybe, since fighting against the Gods is really not something that anyone would just be able to accept. Even he would have second thoughts if only he didn\'t become the owner of the Fate Cube.

Soon, Leo finally found Ethan and Edward inside a temporary clinic, sitting right beside their still unconscious mother, Madam Triana.

"Leo, what brought you here?" Ethan asked the moment he saw Leo walking towards them.

"I want to check on you two. Are you both okay?" Leo chooses to not immediately talk about inviting them to join him to leave Silver Kingdom. Just by basing on their current situation right now, there is a high chance already that both of them wouldn\'t want to leave Silver Kingdom yet until their mother wakes up and recovers.

"Oh, we\'re okay, but my mother..." Ethan shook his head helplessly, "The Healer said that although her body is now okay, her mind has experienced a great shock, causing her consciousness to shut down as a way to protect her."

Leo patted Ethan\'s shoulder to express his sympathy before he asked, "So, when would she wake up?"

At the opposite side of the bed, Leo immediately saw Edward shaking his head before replying, "The chances of my mother waking up are almost close to none. The healer said that the only way for her to wake up is if she herself chooses to wake up."

"If it\'s as easy as that, then why are the chances as slim as what you\'ve just mentioned?" Leo doubtfully asked.

"We asked Queen Olivia about that yesterday, and she said that it might be because mother doesn\'t want to accept the reality that father is gone, so she decided to stay inside her consciousness so as to keep on living an illusionary life where father was still alive..." Edward replied while wiping the tears from his eyes.

Leo was stunned hearing that. He can\'t help but think, "Just how much love did Madam Triana have with King Erskine for her to choose to be in a half-death state just to be with him again?"

"Is there really no other way...?"

"Actually, there is..." Edward replied, but was quickly interrupted by Ethan.

"Leo, can I ask for you to rebuke the contract we have signed before? No, even if you don\'t do that, just please allow me to have a few years of leave. I can\'t stay with you yet because I need to leave Silver Kingdom and look for a Magical plant called Dreamland Fruit. It is only through this Magical plant would I be able to enter mother\'s consciousness and persuade her to wake up." Ethan begged Leo while tightly pulling his hand.

Hearing Ethan\'s words, Leo can\'t help himself from smiling inwardly. It seems like he was mistaken in his thoughts before that Ethan and Edward won\'t be leaving Silver Kingdom.

What a perfect coincidence... or was it really?

Blinking his eyes, Leo immediately saw in front of him two green-colored Fate Strings connected to him. They were both from Ethan and Edward.

"It seems like both of them are now my ally and their Fates are even connected to me. Since it\'s like that, then I definitely need to help them." Leo thought to himself.

Seeing that Leo was not replying, Ethan can\'t help slowly losing his grip as he thought in his mind, "Indeed, it\'s impossible..."

Ethan assumed in his mind that Leo\'s silence is his way of telling him \'No\' without hurting his feelings.

How badly mistaken Ethan was...

After a few moments, Leo shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I can\'t. A deal is a deal, and from the moment you signed that contract, you already know that a day like this would come."

"I know..." Ethan unwillingly resigned to his Fate after Leo finished speaking. He can\'t help regretting his rash decision in the past. If only he knew that their mother would be like this, then even if he signed a contract with Leo, he would have chosen a less restricted one, like for example he will be loyal to Leo and can\'t betray him, but it\'s up to him to decide whether he would accept his orders or not. Sadly, it was already too late since the contract was already signed.

Ethan weakly turned to look at his older brother Edward and said, "I\'m sorry, older brother, but it seems like you will be going-"

Leo quickly interrupted Ethan before saying, "Fortunately, I\'m also planning on leaving Silver Kingdom soon, so why don\'t you both just join me? I\'ll help you look for that Dreamland Fruit. In the meantime, just keep on working for me, okay?"

Ethan was immediately stunned in shock the moment he heard Leo\'s words. He can\'t help himself slowly turning to look at him, and soon after saw a mischievous smile on his face. He knows clearly that Leo\'s mischievous smile means he is plotting something against him, but despite that, he felt joy inside his heart. The feeling he got the first time he saw Leo before was indeed not a mistake, this person was really someone that can help him achieve his dreams.

"Thank you...."

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