
Chapter 173 - Lu Ming’s Story

Chapter 173 Lu Ming\'s Story 

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Teacher Lee, teacher Marvin, and teacher Smith\'s face immediately turned ugly as they looked at the numerous Fiends in front of them.

These Fiends were Magical Entities that were once a living being\'s soul who has an unfulfilled desire back when they were still alive. Because of how much they want to fulfill their desires, they started roaming the Celestial World. However, because spirits or anything like that is forbidden to exist in the mortal world, they paid a price to the Gods in order to exist, and this price has turned them into an evil being.

The moment the Fiends appeared, they quickly turned to look at teacher Lee, teacher Marvin, and teacher Smith\'s direction, coldness shrouded in their red eyes.

Suddenly, different kinds of shadow weapons appeared in each of the hands of the Fiends as they right after charged towards teacher Lee, teacher Marvin, and teacher Smith\'s direction.

"Aren\'t these Magical Entities only found in places with powerful Ghost Element Mana? How the h*ck did Lu Ming summoned them here!" Teacher Smith exclaimed in disbelief.

"He has actually become an Apostle of the Dark God!" Teacher Lee said as he finally realized where Lu Ming got all of his Magic power.

When teacher Lee was still an adventurer along with teacher Marvin, the Second Prince, and a few others who already died, they have encountered many members of the Black organization. And one of them was the so-called Apostles of the Dark God. These Apostles of the Dark God were more commonly called as the Dark Apostles, and they are the people who have gained the right to accept the blessing of the Dark God.

These Dark Apostles were only given such rights after inviting tens of thousands of people into the Black organization, killing tens of thousands of innocent lives, and offering the greatest sacrifice of all, the person that loves them the most.

Only by doing all of those requirements would a member of the Black organization be granted such a powerful blessing.

Teacher Lee had witnessed the power of Dark Apostles before. They were Mages that can use a strand of the Dark God\'s power, hence granting them more Magic power than the Mages with the same level as them.

Aside from that, Dark Apostles also received the unique Magic ability that allows them to summon one of the soldiers of the Dark God called Fiends.

"You..." Teacher Marvin became stunned. If Lu Ming is really a Dark Apostle, then that only means, "You killed the woman who loved you!"

Right after hearing teacher Marvin\'s words, Lu Ming can\'t help letting out a short chuckle as he said, "It wasn\'t me that killed her, it was people like you! Because of your weakness, Gweynet needed to sacrifice her very own life in order to save such weak people. What I did was only to end her suffering, to end the misery she suffered inside her heart. Those feelings, it was caused by people such as you!"

Lu Ming\'s eyes turned cold, his body bulked up, killing intent surrounds his entire body and also spreading further towards his surrounding, "And the moment I finally have this Leviathan as my Beast Companion, I will begin slaughtering all of the weak people in the Celestial World! Everyone would pay the price for causing the death of my beloved woman!"

Lu Ming turned towards the Leviathan as he asked, "How much time remaining?"

"Less than an hour."


"You\'re insane!" Teacher Lee reprimanded, "Why would you even think of dragging a lot of people\'s lives if the ones who should pay are only those people who abandoned your wife!"

"Them? I\'ve already killed all of them!" Lu Ming replied as he suddenly dragged a few people\'s puppets in front of him.

Seeing those puppets, teacher Lee and teacher Marvin\'s immediately stared in shock.

"Astrid..." Teacher Lee voice out with hesitation and longing apparent in his voice.

"Wh... why..." Teacher Marvin asked with a cracked voice. The puppets that Lu Ming showed to them were specifically Astrid, Steven, Grian, and Lucy, the 4 people who used to be a part of their adventurer guild lead by the Second Prince.

"You both and the Second Prince weren\'t part of their adventurer guild yet when that time happened... These people, especially Astrid, were the ones who had caused the death of my beloved wife. They abandoned her, leaving her to fight against thousands of Magical Beast, and after doing such an unforgivable act, they actually dared to live such a peaceful life instead! This girl..." Lu Ming suddenly pulled Astrid\'s body close to him, "This girl even dared to fall in love with you, Lee Song, after causing the death of the woman I loved the most in my life!"

"They should have stayed! Or best, they should have dedicated their entire lives to killing Magical Beast, instead of living such a peaceful life. But they didn\'t!" Lu Ming suddenly paused, "Do you know what\'s even funnier? The moment I asked them why they were living a peaceful life after causing the death of my wife, they only replied that they choose to stay out of dangerous situations so that they wouldn\'t cause another person to sacrifice their own life for the sake of other people\'s survival..."


Astrid\'s body was suddenly thrown into the ground.

"My wife sacrifices her life for the sake of these people\'s survival, and instead of repaying it, they instead became fearful!"


Astrid\'s head was immediately crashed into pieces with Lu Ming\'s powerful stamp before it quickly began regenerating.

"Nooooo!" Teacher Lee yelled out at the top of his lungs as he went to charge towards Lu Ming.

Fortunately, teacher Marvin and teacher Smith were fast enough to stop teacher, Lee.

"Why are you stopping me?! Release me, I need to save Astrid!" Teacher Lee exclaimed towards teacher Marvin and teacher Smith.

"That\'s no longer Astrid, Lee!" Teacher Marvin said.

"Open your eyes, Lee, that\'s only a puppet!" Teacher Smith said.

"Even if that\'s only a puppet, Astrid\'s soul is still inside!" Teacher Lee pushed away teacher Marvin and teacher Smith to the side as he quickly flew toward Lu Ming, hoping to snatch away Astrid\'s body and ask teacher Marvin to burn her using his Nether Flame spell to finally end her suffering.

The moment teacher Lee appeared a few meters away from Lu Ming, though, a Magical Barrier actually appeared to block his path forward.

"Open this thing, Lu Ming!"

*Boom! *Boom!

"Watch me closely on how I will repeatedly kill your beloved woman in front of you! Feel the pain I felt at that time! And blame yourself for being weak!" Lu Ming hysterically laughed as he soon after crashed Astrid\'s head again as soon as her head finished regenerating.

Astrid\'s head regenerated once again, and Lu Ming just repeated the same action over and over again.

Teacher Lee outside of the Magical Barrier could only keep on screaming in pain as he watches Astrid being killed over and over again right in front of him. Although he knows clearly that she was just a mere puppet now and no longer the Astrid he knows, it still doesn\'t remove the fact that Astrid\'s soul is inside this puppet\'s body.

With Lu Ming\'s repeatedly destroying Astrid\'s head, teacher Lee could also feel the pain Astrid\'s soul suffer every time.

Astrid\'s soul was repeatedly screaming for help, begging for teacher Lee to stop the pain through her eyes, and also saying to him that please destroy her before she becomes something similar to those Fiends.

"I..." Teacher Lee punched the Magical Barrier with his bare hands one last time. He was too tired to use any Magic spell at this moment. His energy, mind, and spirit only have a few ounces of strength remaining. In fact, it\'s only his will that allows him to keep on fighting.

"Stop!" Teacher Smith pulled teacher Lee close to him as he turned to look at teacher Marvin currently busy killing the Fiends behind them.

"Let\'s get out of here!" Teacher Smith said.



"Let\'s go!" Teacher Marvin leads the way as he keeps on killing the Fiends that dares to block their path to escape.

On the other hand, teacher Lee keeps on trying to escape away from teacher Smith in order for him to return back to Astrid.

"Stop, Lee! With your remaining strength, you will never be able to save her! You will just die, and no one obviously wants that!" Teacher Smith could only speak honestly in order for teacher Lee to realize that no matter what he does, he can\'t save Astrid.

"Exactly!" Lu Ming laughed in mockery, "With your meager strength, you will never be able to save your beloved woman. And you will also watch your friends die!"


Suddenly, numerous Fiends and puppets appeared to block teacher Marvin\'s path of retreat.

Teacher Marvin quickly tried to make a way using his Crimson Sword. Unfortunately, there were just too many that no matter what he does he can\'t make any hole to escape. The blockage just keeps on regenerating every time he slashes his Crimson Sword.

"Let\'s go this way!" Teacher Smith called out as he pointed towards another exit.


Unfortunately, the same as the former exit, it was soon after blocked by numerous Fiends and puppets once again.

Not only that, all the paths to exit the cave were now completely blocked by Fiends and puppets, causing teacher Lee, teacher Marvin, and teacher Smith to have no path of retreat anymore.

Suddenly, the Fiends and puppets began slowly approaching closer, causing space to slowly close down.

Their space was getting smaller and smaller until finally they only have 10 meters or so diameter remaining.

"Now that you know about my story, then it\'s time for you to burry it along with your lives!" Lu Ming said as he soon after motioned his hand to the Fiends and puppets to kill the three teachers. He plans to kill teacher Marvin and teacher Smith first, and just let teacher Lee witness their deaths with his own eyes in helplessness before he would finally kill him. After that, he would turn the 3 of them into his puppets, and teacher Lee would then naturally become a much more powerful puppet due to such a powerful unfulfilled desire for revenge.


One of the Fiends quickly slashed with its sword, making teacher Marvin block in front to defend teacher Lee and teacher Smith.


However, another sword quickly came down the moment teacher Marvin blocked the first attack, hence his body could only receive the attack.

Fortunately, teacher Marvin has his Defensive Magical Equipment equipped, so the damage was greatly reduced.

*Whoosh! *Whoosh!

Dozens more of attacks came raining down, and teacher Marvin received all of it with his body or block a few with his Crimson Sword, not letting a single attack on land on either teacher Lee and teacher Smith.

"Marvin, stop!" Teacher Lee begged as tears finally fell from his eyes, "What are you doing, Smith, save him!"

Hearing teacher Lee\'s words, teacher Smith could only helplessly shake his head as he was able to quickly understood what teachers Marvin\'s action was supposed to mean. He then showed a weak smile on his face, put his hand on teacher Lee\'s shoulder, and he said, "Sorry, Lee, but I guess you will also be shouldering our legacy now..."

"What do you mean?!"

Teacher Smith suddenly pushed the only remaining unused Blue Shield they have left towards teacher Lee and activated it soon after.


"Farewell, my dear friend! Let\'s see each other in the next life!" Teacher Smith weakly smiled.

"Earth Avalanche!"



The ceiling on top was suddenly cleared by the Earth Avalanche spell, causing them to see the light of the sun. And with the Tornado spell, teacher Lee inside a ball created by the Blue Shield was quickly thrown outside.

"Yes, run! Leave your comrades behind and survive! That\'s exactly what a coward such as you should do!" Lu Min laughed out loud.

Lu Ming put his hand up in front as he said, "And now, it\'s time for you both to di-���

However, Lu Ming wasn\'t able to finish his words, since numerous explosions suddenly sounded nearby around him.

*Booom! *Booom! *Booom! *Booom!

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